Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1800 After the loud noise

The roaring fire and the extremely diffuse shock wave lifted large pieces of broken earth and rotten wood into the air. Needless to say, the devastating power of the countless 122mm high-explosive grenades fired at the same time.

The impact dust scurrying around like an earth dragon rippled in the traffic trench, obscuring the view. The only thing the Red Army soldiers could do, not knowing the outcome of the shelling, was to wait and wait for what would be the result after the explosion dust dissipated. how.

"There seems to be no movement?"

"The machine gun is firing, it's working! It seems like it's been killed!"

The soldiers who could not hear the harsh gunshots like the tearing machine looked excited and speculated on the outcome. The platoon leader who led the team raised his hand to signal everyone not to rush forward and took out a small iron stick from his arms. The mirror of the stick uses the reflection of the field of view to check the results.

The astonishingly powerful direct-aimed artillery bombardment completely destroyed the German machine gun bunker. All that was left behind was the remains of the bunker, which looked like a watermelon with a big mouth open. How did it end up at this point? There is no need to say anything more at this moment.

"Killed! Comrades, follow me and charge!"

The dexterous and fast-footed soldiers quickly began to move forward along the traffic trench under the leadership of the platoon leader. The traffic trench, which was not too long, had already reached the end in a short time and came to the place where a huge gap was blown. The remains of the machine gun bunker.

It was only when they jogged all the way to the wreckage of the machine gun bunker that the platoon leader leading the team and the platoon deputy, squad leader, and soldiers around him realized that this thing was more than just a machine gun bunker. It looked ordinary on the outside. There is nothing surprising or fake about it, but there is a mystery hidden inside.

"It looks like a forward observation post. There seems to be something inside. There may be Germans hiding inside."

The deputy platoon leader squatting at the gap and looking inward gave his opinion, while the platoon leader squatting next to him frowned slightly.

"It's definitely not as simple as it looks. Let's go in and see if there are any big fish. Team Three will stay and guard this place. Everyone else will follow me. If there is any situation, we will send someone in to notify you immediately."


Comrade platoon leader guessed that there should be some high-value things in this observation post that were worth visiting in person. The premonition was very strong. This was the indescribable battlefield intuition of a veteran who had been in battle for a long time. What happened next? The actual situation was as expected.

"Comrade platoon leader, there! The tunnel entrance!"

The ruins of the civil fortifications, which were both machine gun bunkers and forward observation posts, were in a mess. The devastating power of the salvo of countless 122 artillery shells was not a direct hit, but the huge explosion still opened up a big hole in the place. Not to mention, all the objects and objects placed inside were thrown into pieces together with all the people within the killing range.

He looked at the corpses of the German soldiers lying scattered on the ground at his feet, then looked at the remains of weapons destroyed by the explosion and some parts of communication and observation equipment, and finally looked in the direction of the soldier's finger that reminded him of the new discovery. A dark tunnel entrance that leads to nowhere is right in front of you.

Obviously, there must be a bigger secret hidden at the end of this dark tunnel.

"Load the bullets and prepare to fight! Come with me!"

Soldiers armed with a large number of automatic weapons such as AKs and Boboshas poured into the dark tunnel in an orderly manner according to search formations. The soldier holding an AK who was walking at the front even hung a bayonet on the head of the gun to prevent any blind assholes from rushing out to fight with him. The searchlight on his shoulder illuminated the area not too far ahead. Every step along the road was taken with extreme caution.

"It's the end, the exit is ahead."

Seeing the signal from the soldiers in front, the platoon leader walking behind immediately nodded and gave the signal, and an emergency invasion that had been prepared immediately followed.

"Don't move!"

"Drop the gun!"


Broken and rapid German echoed in the small room, accompanied by a rush of footsteps. The soldiers who rushed in and subconsciously shouted out those lame-sounding Germans would not have thought that this didn't seem to be a bad thing. The small civil engineering room was actually empty.

"There are no enemies. This place is empty, comrade platoon leader."

It is true that the room is empty, but it does not mean that there are no objects in the room.

Various observation and communication equipment are placed here in a somewhat messy manner, and there are also binoculars hanging on the wall that I don't know if they are spares or some bastard forgot them here.

There are surveying tools, maps, a telephone and a radio station on a simple wooden table. The microphone casually thrown on the table indicates that the people in this room must have been in a hurry when leaving. I couldn't even put the microphone back in place and hang it up.

The opening on the right side of the room is connected to the outside world, with bright light coming in. There is also an artillery scope and several zoom-adjustable sight telescopes with brackets placed near the observation port.

The platoon leader carrying the AK in his hand suddenly came to the observation port. He tilted his head and took a look outside with his naked eyes. He found that the world outside was still filled with loud killing sounds and thundering wars. Countless Red Army soldiers were vying to escape from his field of vision. Run through the charge and sing the triumphal song.

Judging from the situation before his eyes and the location where he had just attacked the machine gun bunker, the platoon leader estimated that the place he was currently at should be at the front of the position and relatively close to the core of the position. It can be said that "no A place where there is no going back.”

What is this place used for? A Kraut forward command post?

The puzzled platoon leader thought about it carefully and realized that it was not the case. If it was really a forward command post, it wouldn't even have a German commander. From the time he rushed in until now, of all the corpses he had seen, the most senior one was a German sergeant. How could a "poor" place that didn't even have a lieutenant deserve to be called a command post? Just thinking about it makes me realize that this situation is too impossible.

Since it's not a command post, what's the use of this damn place that's built around a lot of twists and turns and has enough light weapons firepower to guard the gate? It can't be a lounge where a bunch of German guys sit here, using binoculars to watch the Western scene of their own people being slaughtered, right? The frowning platoon leader felt as if his mind was confused for a moment, and he really couldn't understand what he was thinking.

It was at this moment that a rapid and jittery call in German suddenly came from the wireless transmitter that was casually left on the table. Just by hearing this tone, you could tell how anxious the German beast calling on the other end of the radio was.

German is worth two knives. He can no longer speak other than a few simple phrases, and he has no idea what the hell this is talking about. When he saw this scene, he immediately turned to the big guys around him. The soldiers who were waiting for orders spoke with their eyes wide open.

"Vinokov, you speak German well, go and fool those Germans, you know what to do."

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