Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1815 I heard you got rich?

Malashenko couldn't remember how many times he had persuaded Vatutin to stop running around on the front line. Similarly, Vatutin couldn't remember how many times Malashenko had been nagging him. read

However, this does not mean that Vatutin will feel impatient, and even criticize and scold Comrade Ma on the spot with good intentions.

Comrade Lao Wa might be really unhappy when others point fingers at Vatuking. After all, "Who the hell are you? You work under me and you dare to make irresponsible remarks about me? Teach me how to do things." ?”, that’s probably what it means.

But Malashenko is completely different from this. This is the "benefactor" who saved his life at the most critical moment.

Although Vatugin didn't say some words and things explicitly, he knew them clearly in his heart. Old men often express their feelings not through words, but through actions.

Malashenko is such a popular person, and Vatutin happens to be too. This is one of the concrete commonalities between the superiors and subordinates who have similar personalities and can urinate into the same pot.

Malashenko could read a sense of warmth rather than blame in Vatutin's eyes, and the words that followed gave people a similar feeling.

"Don't get me wrong, I just happened to pass by your place, and I heard that you won a big victory here, so I came to stop by and take a look.

"I would be worried about going to a war zone where others are in charge, but it is different in a war zone where you are in charge. Is there any reason that makes me think that our Comrade Malashenko can't handle the enemy in front of him, so that he will let the commander Are you in danger?"

With his hands spread out, Vatugin held out his slightly fat pot belly and said half-jokingly to the entourage around him. You can read the taste and meaning just from the smiling expression on his face. It's not hard to guess what he's going to say next.

"The answer is of course no. As one of the best soldiers of the motherland, Comrade Malashenko is always worthy of your trust."

Almost without exception, everyone around me laughed, including Comrade Ma himself.

"Comrade Commander, I"

Malashenko, who was smiling and scratching the back of his head sheepishly, had no time to finish his words, but Vatutin, who had never thought that the words had reached his lips, interrupted him directly.

"Don't worry yet, I have something to ask you."

"Malashenko, I heard some news on the way here. I heard that you just made a fortune?"


? ? ?

First speechless and then followed by black questions, Malashenko obviously realized what Vatutin was referring to. In fact, there was only one thing that could correspond to the "getting rich" that Vatutin said. superior.

However, he didn't have time to spread the news, so how did Vatuking find out so quickly? And he sounded very convinced from this tone. He must have something in mind before he said this. What's going on?

No, you have to ask, brother, otherwise you will die of curiosity if you hold it in your heart?

But before Malashenko could even speak, he caught a glimpse of Vatutin's expectant expression, waiting for an answer.

After thinking about it carefully, I really feel that some things are not suitable to be asked right away. Let’s deal with the important issues first.

After confirming this idea, Malashenko, who knew that Vatutin was waiting for the answer from his mouth, spoke slowly.

"It's true, Comrade Commander."

"The whole process is very complicated and unexpected. If you are interested, I can compile a summary report for you to review. However, the result is certain. Our division completely captured the enemy's independent 218th Assault Artillery Battalion of the Wehrmacht during the battle. The vast majority of its personnel and all 45 assault guns are now in our hands."

"It should be noted that these 45 assault guns are all the latest weapons and equipment. They are the latest assault guns modified based on the chassis of the Panzer IV tank, equipped with upgraded thickened armor and a 150mm large-caliber howitzer. The Germans Call this thing a "Grizzly Bear."

"After a rough understanding of the situation, we can see that this is a modified heavy weapon with mature technology and reliable performance that integrates multiple types of existing equipment. Comparing the latest equipment of the Germans that are unreliable, full of faults and technical problems, This grizzly bear can be regarded as an item with excellent overall performance and combat effectiveness, and it can be regarded as a powerful piece of equipment.”

While inspecting and walking on the battlefield that was full of bomb craters and still smoking, while listening to the patient and detailed explanation of Malashenko who accompanied him with his hands and mouth, talking and gesticulating, Vatutin roughly understood the basic situation. nodded.

"So our enemy has finally figured it out? He knows that it is correct to use existing mature shelf products to develop new equipment. This is a noteworthy and vigilant signal."

He just said it roughly and casually, but Vatutin instantly grasped the key point and blurted it out. Malashenko couldn't help but silently give Vatutin a thumbs up to express his admiration.

"I don't think that's the case, Comrade Commander, at least based on the current situation, it's not the case."

"The Grizzly Bear is not the latest equipment, in terms of the time of development and delivery. Our troops had sighting records as early as last year during the Battle of Kursk, but the output of this thing was too small at that time, and the Germans Don’t worry, the strategic victory in Kursk did not allow us to capture even one Grizzly for study, but it did exist and participated in the war early.”

"Almost a year has passed since the Grizzly Bear was mass-produced and delivered to the war. During this year, the Germans have developed many newer weapons and equipment than the Grizzly Bear and put them into actual combat, but there are almost none as good as the Grizzly Bear. , a new integrated weapon that fully utilizes mature shelf products. Almost every weapon newly launched into combat has a lot of new technology and design, to varying degrees.”

"As a result, we all know that the ultimate victim is the German front-line troops themselves. These unreliable new equipment are difficult to use normally, let alone the performance of being used in war."

"Previously, our division's logistics support force took the captured German Tiger King heavy tanks and delivered them to the rear for research, and specially selected the one that seemed to be the most reliable and in the best condition."

"As a result, during the less than 30 and a half kilometers of cross-country driving from the station to the rear, where the driving ability was tested, the King Tiger had problems with its running gear, broken gearbox gears, and even the road wheels were broken due to a broken connecting structure. , two ran away. Many parts were damaged and could not be repaired at all, and could only be replaced on site with parts previously removed from other Tiger Kings.”

"I had to stop and go for eight repairs along the way before I managed to get to my destination. One trip and one trip was delayed for a whole day. The crew responsible for delivering the Tiger King and a maintenance team that accompanied it complained and even cursed the driver. The German designer of this thing might be an international communist fighter, because he definitely wants to trick Hitler and the German frontline soldiers to death.”

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