Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1816 Have you heard?

In this way, Vatugin and I walked and chatted and arrived at the final destination: a temporary storage place for the captured equipment of grizzly bears lined up neatly.

The confiscated equipment piled up here is not just grizzly bears. Thousands of broken German guns are piled everywhere here like dry firewood. Among them are those shabby old guns, such as the Mauser P38 and MP40 submachine guns, and of course there are also some newer gadgets, such as the recently installed STG44 assault rifles and tank killers.

"Is this the Germans' new rifle? I heard it is somewhat similar to our AK."

It was probably his first time to play with the STG44 in person. Vatutin, who was holding the latest assault rifle of the Germans and playing with it up and down, seemed very interested. From time to time, I pulled the bolt to listen to the rumble and made a shoulder-to-shoulder aiming posture. From time to time, I pulled out the magazine to check the difference between the ammunition of the German's new gun and the traditional ammunition. After some up and down manipulation, it was finally time to make a speech.

"It's not very well made. Are these reinforcements to strengthen the structure? It seems much worse than our new guns."

While Vatutin was playing with the new gun, Malashenko stood aside and played the role of "study with the prince". 6⃞ 9⃞ s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ c⃞ o⃞ m⃞

But we, Comrade Ma, don't just say that we can just watch. Comrade Commander has expressed some thoughts, and you have to echo them and say something that is appropriate for the moment.

If you don't understand how to get along with your boss, you won't have much trouble getting promoted in the future.

"Yes, Comrade Commander. Although they can be defined as automatic rifles and use intermediate-power rifle bullets, this thing is far inferior to our AK in terms of design concept and actual combat performance. Compared with the two guns, the AK To be more reliable and able to cope with changing and complex battlefield environments, the entire gun has fewer completely disassembled parts than this thing. Even new soldiers can easily get started and learn maintenance, which fully meets our current war needs. "

Malashenko is not a firearms expert, and his knowledge of firearms is limited to a "broad understanding" of firearms. These words told to Vatutin are basically the advantages of AK recognized by later generations. However, even if some of the truths summarized by later generations will be ruined in the future, they are enough to make people shine at the moment.

"Not bad. It seems that our comrade, the division commander, is not only proficient in tanks and armored vehicles, but also has some research on light weapons. He knows the advantages and disadvantages of the enemy's and our new guns so clearly."

Vatutin's "praise" sounded more or less like a joke.

You can also know that Vatutin is making fun of Malashenko, who mostly doesn't care. If the leader makes fun of you, just make fun of him. What's wrong with this? We have a good relationship with you so we can talk and laugh in front of so many people. Most people are not qualified to do so. Comrade Ma, who smiled coquettishly, lifted his tank hat and just scratched his head in embarrassment.

"I studied firearms with Kalashnikov for a period of time when I was recuperating in the rear. I can't say I'm proficient, I can only give a general idea. Compared with real light weapons masters and infantry professionals, my level is still Not even close, Comrade Commander."

As the saying goes, the speaker has no intention but the listener has the intention. Malashenko just mentioned the name Kalashnikov casually, but he never thought that this remark would bring up some new things that Vatutin knew not long ago.

"Speaking of which, you probably haven't heard about this. The young firearms designer you discovered is Kalashnikov. He was personally received by Comrade Stalin a few days ago."

"Kalashnikov? He was received by Comrade Stalin??? Okay, I really don't know about this, Comrade Commander."

An unexpected expression mixed with a hint of joy appeared on Malashenko's face, and of course it was also seen and remembered by Vatutin on the side.

It can be said that the firearms designer discovered by Malashenko who is younger than himself is indeed beyond the expectations of most people, and his ability is deeply surprising.

Even after Vatutin learned about Kalashnikov's deeds in detail, he couldn't help but feel lucky that Malashenko had unearthed him from the crowd. Otherwise, he would have been hidden silently in the crowd. If they are not reused, this is a great loss for the motherland and the Red Army.

So in the final analysis, Malashenko played the role of "Bole" in this matter and made a great contribution. There are some latest situations that it is necessary for Malashenko to know now. Vatutin, who is determined to think so, Then they walked and talked and continued talking.

"Well, you probably don't know that he has been transferred to the small arms design department in Tula for a while, and he has a good master, General Deggarev. The general commented that he has advanced and impressive skills in the field of automatic weapons design. With an unpredictable talent, many of the ideas he came up with were unprecedented, which made many designers older than him admire this little genius with admiration.”

Deggarev is the top automatic weapons designer in the Soviet Union. He is like a king in the field of automatic firearms design. He has the oldest qualifications and the most experience. If I had to describe it, Deggarev's accomplishments in automatic firearms are basically the same as Kotin's accomplishments in heavy tanks, and his subordinates are also in charge of the Red Army's automatic weapons design bureau.

Of course, Malashenko, who knew Deggarev's name, couldn't help but feel sincerely happy for Kalashnikov's bright future. Being able to work with such a master figure, Kalashnikov does not need to worry about many things in his future career. This is what it means to be on the right track ahead of time.

"General Deggarev was very satisfied with this little Kalashnikov and reported the situation to Comrade Stalin. Comrade Stalin must have been interested in this man for a long time, so he simply called him to Moscow. Summoned in person, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.”

"If you have the chance, you can go back and hang out with him. I heard that he almost praised you to the sky in front of Comrade Stalin, as if he would not be where he is today without you. In the end, even Comrade Stalin was impressed by this little The guy made me laugh, could you have guessed that this would happen? "

Vatutin turned into a half-joking tone as he spoke, looking at Malashenko with a slightly expectant and smiling expression, waiting for this answer.

Malashenko, who had never expected this kind of thing, looked at Vatutin's posture and said nothing. Bits and pieces of memories of those days with Kalashnikov emerged in his mind. At this time, I had no choice but to ride a donkey downhill and be humble again.

"In the case of Kalashnikov, I don't think my role is that big, Comrade Commander."

"After all, if he hadn't been capable enough, I wouldn't have dared to block my personal future and help him. From the first time I met him, I realized that he was different, and I chose Believe in him and believe that he will create miracles and bring great help to our Red Army's final victory."

"Now, I am glad that I made the right choice. Kalashnikov's practical actions have proved that I was right. He is indeed an outstanding and excellent firearms designer."

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