Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1817 What do you think of this deal?

Before Malashenko finished speaking, Vatutin, who had already thought about how to answer, smiled again and spoke. He was waiting for Malashenko's words.

"Just like when Marshal Zhukov promoted you? Is that what you mean?"


The fact that he did not expect such words in advance did not prevent Malashenko from reacting and thinking immediately.

Vatutin's words indeed brought back a lot of memories for Comrade Lao Ma. Looking back on his journey up to this day, Comrade Lao Zhu's help and guidance have indeed contributed a lot to his achievements today.

Although there were not many days when he took orders from Zhukov and went directly into battle, Zhukov, who became a marshal, no longer held the specific frontline commander position as before, and no longer had the opportunity to command Malashenko in the northern and southern campaigns.

However, Comrade Lao Zhu has never forgotten Malashenko. Basically, he is in the state of "I always think about my buddy no matter what good things happen." This is what Malashenko is most grateful for.

To be precise, Zhukov can indeed be regarded as his Bole, and the help he has provided him along the way is unmatched by other big guys.

Therefore, even though Malashenko has many big bosses who have good relationships with him, and there are not a few who have good relationships and close personal relationships, only the existence of Comrade Lao Zhu is the most special.

If Comrade Lao Zhu hadn't helped me with his "smart eye for recognizing talents", I guess even if I were still alive now, he would probably be a company commander or battalion commander, right?

It doesn’t matter, it’s true that you can climb up by relying on your own abilities, but Malashenko doesn’t think that you can climb to such a high level and at such a fast speed just by relying on your own abilities. Having connections makes things easier in any era. Even the Soviet Union is the same.

Looking back on all that had happened in the past, I was really moved. Malashenko, who felt something in his heart, also followed Vatutin's words and continued to answer.

"It can be said that this is the truth, Comrade Commander. As long as the talents are of great use to the motherland, they should be discovered and reused. The Great Patriotic War relied on countless ordinary people with special skills to unite Working together under the same red flag will lead to victory, and we only played a small role in discovery, are you right?”

Malashenko always speaks impeccably, beautifully and yet truthfully. This is the most direct view that Vatutin came to after talking to Malashenko so many times.

As the commander, Vatutin was of course happy to have such an "all-round general" under his command. The expression on his round smiling face had not changed since just now.

"Yes, you are right. A person's talent can be outstanding, but on the basis of being outstanding, he is an ordinary person first. Starting from an ordinary person doing well can eventually lead to something higher. Just like Gai It’s the same as building a foundation for a house.

As he talked, he began to talk about the philosophy of life. Vatutin suddenly realized that he and Malashenko seemed to have entered the state of talking about everything.

In daily work, some of my subordinates can chat with me so much and so far. One thing I can say is that my subordinates have such a broad view of the world, such strong independent thinking, and are so thoughtful, eloquent, and thoughtful. A truly capable general, Malashenko is the only one like a scorpion.

Vatutin raised his hand and glanced at the time on his watch and realized that he didn't have much time left. After all, coming to Malashenko's side was just a temporary trip because he changed his mind halfway, and it was not a special trip. This is doomed that Vatutin will not be able to stay with Comrade Lao Ma for too long. There are still a lot of things waiting for him to go back and deal with at the front army headquarters.

"Okay, I've seen almost everything. I've walked around this pile of German junk."

"Now I want to hear your thoughts, Malashenko. If I delegate the disposal power to you, what are you going to do with these German assault guns? It's okay to say it boldly. I just want to hear your real thoughts. and opinions.”

Realizing that there was not much time left, Vatutin went straight to the point and asked the last question of his trip. Malashenko, who had already expected that Vatutin would most likely ask this question, was also well prepared. , after thinking for a moment, he quickly answered.

"Actually, I really like these things. I really liked them at first."

"They have high reliability, good performance, and a wide range of battlefield applications. If my division can equip them, this will be a great increase in firepower and will be of great help in future battles."

"However, you can't just look at the bright side of everything. Many problems must be analyzed comprehensively. For example, our division does not have enough time to learn how to use this thing, and there is not so much time to wait for this thing to truly form combat effectiveness. Either in the battle or on the run. On the way to the next battle, our division has no extra time, let alone these things, Comrade Commander."

"So, although it is indeed great, it is not suitable for Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division, at least not now. Rather than spending time and effort to learn and train this new equipment, I would rather get the motherland After all, there is no need to waste time on the new domestically produced weapons. Soldiers will use them when they get them. Time is the most precious thing now. "

Malashenko explained his true thoughts vividly. Like does not mean that you must have it. You have to give up when it’s time to give up. After all, you can’t have your cake and eat it too. It’s really uncomfortable to want everything at a certain moment. In fact, it will become a burden.

Vatutin nodded after understanding what Malashenko meant. After thinking for a moment, his eyes rolled in his eye sockets, and then he proposed to Malashenko with his thoughts in mind.

"It's a good thing that you think this way. It means that you can analyze the essence of the problem through the current status quo. It is very clear and can make correct judgments. This is good."

"I think your analysis and conclusions are feasible, and I basically agree with you. However, I have another suggestion, but I don't know what you think."

Malashenko, who was curious, took the initiative to ask questions, and Vatutin, who had figured out what he was going to say clearly, quickly continued to speak.

"The front army will soon receive a batch of brand-new equipment. This is a brand-new large-caliber tank destroyer. It is not appropriate to call it a tank destroyer, because its design purpose also includes providing direct sight for infantry. Fire support. It can be understood as multi-purpose, just like the ISU-152 you received before."

"The specific details will only be known after the equipment is obtained. In recent days, I have been thinking about which unit should be given this batch of equipment to maximize its combat effectiveness."

"Originally, I wanted to give other troops a chance, but now that they have caught up, I will trade these new tank destroyers with you in exchange for the German Grizzly assault guns in your hand. Quantity Maybe not as many as you have here, but I can barely put together a battalion. It's a little less, but it is the latest sharp and heavy equipment of the motherland, which meets the requirements you just made. "

"Well, what do you think of this deal?"

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