Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1827 It’s not that the SS soldiers were too crotch-struck, why did Mao Zi teleport?

When the overwhelming artillery barrage happened to hit the top of the German guy's head, the Skeleton Division, who was still chatting and resting in the sun outside the station, was completely stunned. This attack without any warning came so suddenly that even the elite SS soldiers like the Skeleton Division could not help but fall into chaos.

"Artillery fire! Russian artillery fire, take cover quickly! Lie down!!!"

Boom boom boom——

The panic-stricken shouts and roars were mercilessly swallowed up by the roar of heavy artillery before they could spread. At this time, even the most nervous SS soldiers already understood that the Russian attack was right in front of them and had already begun. , if you don't rush to escape and escape at this time, I'm afraid you won't even have the chance to escape in the future.

Large-caliber 152 mm high-explosive projectiles kept falling on the Skeleton Division's station like rain. Because they came outside the train station to receive supplies and equipment and take a temporary rest, unfortunately, the Skeleton Division currently had no chance at all. There was nothing available that could be called a position.

It's really no wonder that there is no usable position. No one like the Skeleton Division would go to the trouble of digging bunkers outside a train station where they would not be able to stay for long.

Firstly, this place is not a battlefield, and secondly, this place is not a defensive station that the Skeleton Division needs to be responsible for. Even if there is a need to build a defense line at the train station, it will not be the turn of the Skeleton Division, the noble SS ace "guest army", to escape. Come to repair the earth. That is what the small group of second-rate troops of the National Defense Force stationed in the train station should do.

I, the Skeleton Master, is one of the most elite soldiers under the Führer's command. How could I come all the way to work for you guys who dare to even assassinate the Führer? You can just keep repairing the earth to yourself and do it slowly. After we receive the equipment, we can take a breather and say goodbye. We never want to have any more interactions with you guys, the trash of the National Defense Force.

Thoughts like the above are actually a true reflection of the inner thoughts of most of the soldiers and even senior commanders of the Skeleton Division.

Logically speaking, such an idea shouldn't be a big problem. The Skeleton Master is right to have such an idea.

But the problem is that the current situation is not an ordinary situation. No one would have expected that the Russians would suddenly rush out of the way from a direction that was not expected before and fire wildly. Under this premise, there is no need to talk about anything. Prepare beforehand.

The soldiers of the Skeleton Division, who had no positions or fortifications to use, were blown away like rabbits, running around in a panic, and even saw that the enemy's firepower was too fierce, and even gave up the plan of running away. I found a nearby bomb crater that had fallen and exploded and jumped in with a smack of dog poop. I hid in the crater as a bunker and prayed for the low probability of "two shells falling into the same crater". But don't Happened to oneself.

The huge roar of artillery and the scattered explosions of artillery shells not only made the infantrymen of the Skeleton Division who were attacked by the surprise attack jump, but even General Hermann, who set up the division headquarters in the station, was so shocked that he stood up. Unstable, almost fell down on the spot.

After realizing that this must be a raid launched by the Russians, General Hermann, who knew that the situation was urgent, rushed out of the door without thinking much, rushed out of his office and came to the corridor outside the door.

Just as he was about to shout for someone to come over and ask what was going on, he didn't expect that at this moment, a stumbling figure suddenly appeared from the other end of the corridor, running and holding on to the wall, and rushed over. The funny look looks like he might fall down at any moment.

"General, it's bad! A large number of unknown Russians suddenly appeared north of the station. Not only did they bombard us with heavy artillery, they also mobilized a large number of armored troops to launch a surprise attack. Their tanks are already rushing towards us!"

"What did you say!?"

Admiral Hermann could hardly believe that what he heard with his ears was true. It would be fine if the Russians just used cannons to blow up him. It would be unreasonable to use cannons to blow him up ten or twenty kilometers away without realizing it in advance. Excusable.

But how did the Russian armored forces gather a large number of troops and run to the north in a roundabout way without anyone noticing? That was the weakest point of defense that was "absolutely unavoidable". Because he was worried that the Russians who had fought before would pursue him and attack him, he deliberately deployed all his armored units to the south where pursuers might appear.

It's damn good this time. We didn't see the Russian tanks from the south, but instead, a bunch of Russian iron turtles rushed out from the north with bombs and bombs! For Herman at this moment, this feeling of completely guessing in the wrong direction was more uncomfortable and disgusting than swallowing a fly alive.

"How could this happen? Where did these Russian guys come from? Why did they come from the north!? Could it be, could it be?"

Herman, who muttered with a shocked expression, had actually almost guessed the final result, which was very close to the truth.

It's just that now he can't believe that the Russians can advance so fast. He and his people have been able to move all the way unimpeded, and the friendly forces have given the green light. They have just withdrawn from the front line and settled down in less than half a day. The Russians can actually tear apart one after another without stopping. Launch multiple defenses from friendly forces and attack from behind at about the same speed as your own retreat?

Not to mention Herman who found it unbelievable, most other German commanders would also find it unbelievable.

In short, "It's not that the SS is too stretched, but Mao Zi is teleporting." This is basically the situation.

But no matter how you think about it, among all the possibilities that can be considered at the moment, except for "this group of Russians are another group of troops in the north, not the old enemies who have fought against him before in the south", General Hermann once again I can't think of a possibility that can withstand careful analysis. The most horrifying and terrifying answer is that the objective reality of the truth should not be too scary.

As for why this possibility is scary, it is because General Hermann clearly knew that this possibility means that the friendly forces in the north are now "all stretched out" and must have been rushed to pieces by the crazy Russians. , the defense line was opened, so that such a large Russian armored group rushed over like a mad cow, stabbing themselves in the back and catching them off guard.

This also means that the large Russian troops fighting in the northern direction will come in a steady stream like a flood from a bursting embankment.

Let’s not talk about the casualties in the current surprise battle. If we can’t get out of this damn place as soon as possible, the Skeleton Division may be surrounded to death by the Russians who are more numerous than ants and will continue to kill them here. In the deserted station, thinking of this terrible fact that was very likely to happen, Herman couldn't help but feel a chill.

no! We must not let such a terrible thing happen!

The Führer has already lost the Viking Division, and one of the four recognized aces of the Waffen-SS has been lost. The result of losing the Skeleton Division again is really unbearable! We must find a way to get out of here as soon as possible.

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