Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1828 Begging

Hermann Priess, deputy national commander of the Waffen-SS, with a military rank equivalent to a general in the Wehrmacht, and the 9th division commander of the 3rd "Totenkopf" Panzer Division of the Waffen-SS. He just took over the command of this ace unit not long after the Battle of Kursk ended last year and the Skeleton Division rested.

Hermann was undoubtedly very proud of being able to command the SS's top ace unit, the Führer's own troops, such as the Totenkopf Division. He believed that this was the Führer's recognition of his strength and his ability to command. With proof of his outstanding military ability, he was able to take on the important task of commanding the Skeleton Division, which was the envy of others.

Hermann, who had taken office less than a year ago, had seriously reorganized the Skeleton Division. The first thing he did after taking office was to focus on repairing those **** bastards who had complained and had low morale after the Battle of Kursk.

No matter how experienced and battle-hardened these guys were, Herman hit them hard and hard without mercy.

Those who can't keep their mouth shut are the ones who are most likely to be demoted or even become privates. Some of those who can't keep their mouth shut are so serious that they are even slapped by Herman. He was ordered to take off his military uniform and rush home to eat himself. If he didn't get enough protection, he would have to be "censored" by the Gestapo when he returned home. Anyway, don't expect to go home so comfortably.

With what seemed like a fool's errand but was actually quite useful, the Skeleton Division's originally sluggish morale after the Battle of Kursk miraculously soared, and was even better than the state before the Battle of Kursk.

It may seem a bit outrageous, but you can actually think about it with your brain.

When all the rational people in a team are silenced or kicked out, the only opportunities and channels to speak out are occupied by fanatics. And as we all know, fanaticism can spread quickly like the plague.

One craze, two crazes, and soon it became a craze among hundreds of people, a craze among thousands of people, and finally a craze among tens of thousands of people.

"You know? Among these seemingly fanatical people, there must be traitors who are disloyal to the Führer. They are always thinking about cheating and even rebelling. They may be some retired Wehrmacht scum who is like infiltrating our SS. Dirty rats within the military.”

"But it doesn't matter. As long as the entire collective is fanatical, we have energy, opportunities, and the power given to us by the head of state! We can rely on this collective to hit any goal and win any victory, and coerce those pretenders who are superficially fanatical. Together, they are not allowed to follow their true wishes, and there are loyal eyes everywhere watching the traitors. "

"The Skeleton Division will be stronger than before, and all the tasks assigned to us by the head of state will be completed faithfully! We will crush the Russian attack, push the front back to the depths of Russia, return to Kursk, return to Stalingrad, Return to Moscow in the end! Victory still belongs to our Germany, I have no doubt about it, and I am willing to give everything I have, just like the Führer expects all of us SS followers to do.”

After seeing what Herman said to his deputy, and then judging it by the standards of a fanatic, Herman is undoubtedly qualified. A bastard who can be so fanatical at his age is considered a member of the party. There are really not many people in the Guards, and this person's biggest characteristic is basically this.

Hermann, who was stunned by the Soviet artillery fire, did not dare to delay any longer. After giving an urgent order to his adjutant, he turned around and rushed back to his office. He took off the The STG44 assault rifle, which is usually more decorated than practical, inserts the magazine, pulls the charging handle, and loads the bullet.

He really liked this latest rifle of the empire, and he did not hesitate to get one of the best quality for his own use as soon as he commissioned the Skeleton Division.

Wearing the uniform of an SS general and holding an STG44 assault rifle in his hand, he just stepped out of the two-story building in the station where he was.

Before Herman could take action to actually do something, a thin man wearing the uniform of a Lieutenant Colonel of the National Defense Forces quickly ran up to him.

"General, I was going to find you."

"I just received a call from my superiors. The superiors are aware of the attack on the station, but there are currently no reinforcements around that can immediately reinforce them. All fronts are in chaos, and there is no reserve team available."

"General Det asked me to tell you that he personally requested that you stay to help us defend. He will report to Marshal Model as soon as possible and do everything possible to send reinforcements. The treasures in the station are really important. This It is the transfer and transportation task that the Imperial Marshal Göring personally presides over, and there must be no mistakes."

"We station garrison troops alone cannot withstand such a powerful Russian offensive. There must be at least hundreds of Russian tanks outside! The Russians must know what is in the station. The news has been leaked. Now they are like Rushing like crazy to get their treasure back."

"I know this is not your original mission, but please stay and help us, please!"

Compared to Hermann, whose military rank was as high as that of a lieutenant colonel of the National Defense Forces, he could only kneel on the ground and kowtow in a pleading tone. He anxiously said all the good things he had not said in the past few years at once.

If the man in front of me is unhappy and doesn't stay to help, then not only will the treasure in this station be ruined, but he and the two battalions of the National Defense Force garrison led by his subordinates will also be in ruins.

Not to mention that there is a huge gap between our own troops and the Russians who are madly besieging them outside. The combat effectiveness of this unit alone is far from being comparable to that of the Russians.

The people under his command were all urgently recruited from the country. The youngest were all thirty years old and were working towards the top. Most of them were second-line garrison troops who had no previous military experience and had never touched a gun. Even I was a dilettante who had been retired for almost ten years and was pulled back into the army to make up for the job.

It sounds nice to say that the second-line defense force is a hodgepodge of things. To put it bluntly, it is the third-line security force. It was only a little better than the security forces in the SS-occupied areas who only drank, played cards, and flirted with women all day long, and used Russian peasants as punching bags, but were occasionally killed by the SS.

The weapons and equipment are also stretched to the extreme, and all kinds of things are unsightly. Not to mention heavy infantry weapons such as anti-tank guns, even grenades and ammunition supplies are distributed according to the minimum standards.

Such a group of people can rely on the train station to deal with the Russian guerrillas who want to fight in the autumn wind, but it will be very difficult if they encounter the Russian regular field infantry troops. Do you want to deal with the sea of ​​iron bastards outside who are rushing toward you in a row? Even if you talk in your sleep before you wake up, you are so nervous!

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