Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1830 Steel and Flesh

Malashenko, who was in high spirits and full of adrenaline, had no idea what the German leader at the station was muttering about at this time.

Malashenko, who was commanding the troops to rush forward, fight fiercely, and advance furiously, was in a veritable crazed bull state at this moment, with only the last step left to break into the door of the china shop.

A total of 72 available medium and heavy tanks in the whole regiment were all put into battle, leaving no one behind. Malashenko sent all the troops of the second regiment out at the beginning of the battle, in order to be able to attack them in one go. The SS scumbags on the opposite side were lying down, and they could hardly get up.

Judging from the current actual results, Malashenko can be said to have achieved his goal, indeed.

The pace of the attack was faster than a steamroller falling from the sky. The infantry of the Skeleton Division, who originally came to the station to receive supplies and equipment but had no time and no need to build any defensive positions, were in big trouble.

The Russian machine gun bullets and large-caliber high-explosive grenades came like a heavy rain, and the poor Skeleton Division soldiers didn't even have a place that could be called a bunker. There was almost no place to hide. The only place you can hide is the crater that the Russians are about to blast with their heavy artillery fire just now. I really want to find a crack in the ground to get in without giving you a chance.

"Tanks, where are our tanks!? We need tanks to fight the Russians back!"

"Stop talking nonsense. The tanks are deployed in the south to guard against the Russians' pursuit! Nearly half of the infantry has also stayed in the south. Have you forgotten?"

"Damn it! Iron Fist, go find Iron Fist! The Russian tanks are coming over!"

A very cruel fact is that the Skeleton Division, which has just withdrawn from the dire straits and nearly collapsed front lines, not only lacks the infantry heavy weapons that have been severely damaged, but even some of the most basic consumables are at a low level. In the insufficient state, for example, there should be an unlimited supply of Iron Fist on weekdays, and it can be hit with an open mouth.

The soldiers of the Skeleton Division, who were almost driven crazy by the suffocating pressure of the oncoming attack, jumped anxiously. They looked around for anti-tank weapons but found that there were very few weapons.

A few boxes of iron fists were quickly lifted up and placed in a relatively low-lying area where direct fire from the Russians could not penetrate. This is one of the few favorable terrains in the entire garrison area where the infantry of the Skeleton Division can take cover. There are nearly two companies of infantry of the Skeleton Division, and they are all crowded in this place, which is logically too large for even one platoon. Seek cover.

"Why are there only three boxes? There are so many of us sharing three boxes of Iron Fist? Are you kidding? This is not enough at all!"

The three boxes of iron fists that were urgently carried up by a team of two were medium-sized weapon boxes. There were six in each box, making a total of eighteen.

Nearly two companies of men were divided into 18 iron fists? When did my great skeleton master become so shabby? damn it.

They kept mumbling and cursing in a polite and easy-going manner, but the actual situation was that these SS elites of the Skeleton Division moved their hands and feet simultaneously, without any slowness at all.

All the iron fists in the box were swarmed up. It was not the first time for them to use this thing, let alone the first time to use it to destroy Russian tanks. The experienced shooters were ready. The only 18 Iron Fists were all given to experienced shooters who had a record of Iron Fist destroying tanks to ensure that the opportunity would not be wasted.

Even among the skeleton divisions with many elites and many perverts, those who can defeat Russian tanks with iron fists and still escape unharmed and come back with all the parts are rare and few. The opportunity was given to them to ensure their victory over the Russians. Tank's one hit kill.

"Damn it, it's those Stalin VI! The Russian prisoners told me that this is their latest heavy tank, which is usually rare in a battalion. How come there are so many here!? I have never seen so many in my dreams!"

Although the mass production of IS6 has been started as early as last year, for the Red Army tank force with massive scale and huge establishment. It is impossible to complete the replacement of IS6 in a short time. Not only the IS2 produced in advance must be used, but also the Red Army heavy tank troops are using the IS1 of the previous generation or the KV that is two generations behind. This is also the heavy tank of the Red Army. One of the derivative results caused by the speed of upgrading is too fast.

The most unlucky heavy tank unit did not even have a heavy tank, so it had to make up for it with T34s first, and then wait until other elite units were refitted and the old Stalin tanks were eliminated.

In addition, the process of IS6 is more complex, the construction cost is higher, and the actual output per unit time is lower. This has resulted in the vast majority of German troops on the front line actually not knowing much about the IS6 heavy tank. Some of the second- and third-line German troops fighting in non-main combat areas have not even seen what IS6 looks like so far.

That is to say, the SS ace elites like the Skeleton Division, who are always wallowing in pools of blood, know more about this powerful heavy tank that they have encountered in Prokhorovka. But it is only relatively large. To say that I have encountered a large group of IS6s rushing towards me in groups like a vast ocean, this is the first time in history. It is enough to be called " Shock the Skeleton Division for a whole year.”

Before the group of cats in the low-lying area waited for the target to enter the shooting range of the Skeleton Division infantry, the other Skeleton Division infantry who were in a more forward position and had no reliable bunkers were already out of luck.

The roaring and roaring IS6 heavy tank coming towards you brought an extremely strong visual impact with its huge body, which was extremely shocking.

The infantrymen of the Skeleton Division, who lacked usable anti-tank weapons, watched helplessly as these Russian steel monsters rushed from far to near, growing larger and larger within the sight of the naked eye until they could feel it. There was anxiety and shock in the air, but they could only use their light weapons in vain to shoot at the Russian infantry who were following the monsters.

The small-caliber warheads with relatively intensive firepower hit the armor plate that was so strong that even the company commander 88 could do nothing. Sparks suddenly flew everywhere and all bounced away. The steel tracks that were roaring and rolling like a meat grinder were not hindered in any way. They stepped on the accelerator and used maximum horsepower to run straight into the face of the enemy who was stubbornly resisting in front of them.



After a heart-rending scream, there was a sound like a balloon filled with water being placed under the tires of a dump truck and being crushed ruthlessly.

The human flesh, which accounts for 70% of the body's water content, suddenly exploded under the steel tracks. The high-pressure sputtering blood instantly covered the entire lower part of the steeply inclined car body, with strands of flesh and blood stuck to it as it continued to roll. on the track pads.

The Red Army soldiers marching forward one after another trampled on this "pile of meat pies" that could not even be called corpses. They would not take a second look at the stinky remains of these fascist lackeys at their feet. They had already reached the stage of close infantry combat. At the moment of assault, the commander resolutely aimed the steel gun in his hand and pulled the trigger towards the enemy.

The real life-and-death battle has only just begun.

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