Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1831 Divide, Surround, Devour

"Hold here, don't retreat! Block Russia here."

call out--



The sharp and sharp sound of the warhead screaming through the air was accompanied by a muffled sound of breaking the flesh and cracking the skull, and finally ended with the corpse of an SS officer with his head half blown off, lying on his back and falling to the ground. This was the end of his sinful life.

The power of the 7mm Deshka machine gun ammunition is indeed astonishing. This large-caliber heavy machine gun ammunition cannot even withstand light armor and can be easily broken. Once it hits a flesh and blood body, the result is simply "unbearable to look at". ".

The upper part of the entire head and the military cap were all blown off. Although the body of the SS officer who fell to the ground was still twitching with nerves as he kicked his legs and shook his hands, most of his head was gone. There was no trace of life left in the body, and only the lower part of the head below the bridge of the nose was still connected to the body, still splattering with blood that had not yet flowed out.

"Enright is dead! The Russians' offensive is too fierce. We can't die in vain here! We can't stay here any longer!"

For most of the three hundred and sixty-five days a year, the skeleton division spends most of the time wallowing in the blood pool where the fighting is fiercest on the front line. It is not uncommon for junior officers to die suddenly and suddenly in battle. Once there is a big and fierce battle, the survival rate of junior officers is not much better than that of ordinary soldiers. It often happens that the senior officer is killed before the veteran is dead. .

And after the company commander was shot off by half of the head from a Russian heavy machine gun bullet that flew from nowhere, the Skeleton Division soldiers hiding in the low-lying areas finally realized that this ghost place was real. Can't hold on any longer.

Even if the armored forces are mobilized to support now, it is impossible. The only strategic buffer has been swallowed up by the Russian steel monsters that are rushing forward just now.

At the moment, there is no choice but to retreat and reorganize defense. At least this is the most militarily valuable and meaningful option.

But where to retreat? Where can we stop retreating, start organizing defenses, and resist the Russian attack? This is another question that most SS soldiers currently have no idea and no time to think about.

"Hey, where are you going to take people to evacuate? Behind us is the station. Do you think that kind of place can withstand the charge of the Russian steel monster? That broken wall can even knock down an armored vehicle, let alone a heavy tank! "

Some things have to be spoken out by someone, and the more critical the moment, the more they must be spoken out, otherwise, in the end, they may not even have the chance to speak out.

When the deputy company commander who was about to lead the men to withdraw heard this, he immediately turned his head and glanced at the platoon leader who was tugging at his sleeve and asking loudly. The irritable and shortness of breath expression on the other party's face did not seem like he was joking.

"No matter where we evacuate, even if we do evacuate to the station, we must not stay here anymore! Are you going to continue talking nonsense with me, or do you want to act quickly before the Russian tanks crush you into a pulp? We are not escaping , Just change to a place where we can keep our lives and continue fighting. We can't defeat the Russians if we die so quickly."


I wanted to say something in rebuttal, but I couldn't think of how to say it for a while.

That is to say, when the platoon leader was hesitating whether to withdraw together with the deputy company commander to temporarily avoid the Russians' aggressive attack like a man-eating beast, a decision was about to be made.

At this moment, a rifleman with a panicked and hurried expression rushed into the low ground and came to the two officers. Before he could fully get up from the unfortunate position where he almost fell into a dog's shit, he took the lead. Di hurriedly said.

"General Hermann has ordered that all peripheral blocking troops retreat immediately! Retreat to the station to reorganize defenses! The frontline troops alternately cover the retreat and execute according to the preliminary plan! Immediately!"


The order to retreat was officially issued and conveyed, just when the deputy company commander and platoon commander, who temporarily took over the command, seemed to be having trouble reaching a consensus.

After hearing this, the two people who had been arguing just now looked at each other and looked at each other, and their expressions seemed to have enough flavor to reach a consensus.

The Russian steel war machine was roaring and roaring not far away, getting closer and closer. The whistling shells and bullets were accompanied by violent explosions. There was no doubt that even if you stayed in this hellish place for a long time, He could have lost his life in the last second.

There is no other way, let alone any other choice. Retreat has become the only feasible way out at the moment, and it must be "immediately".

Being caught off guard by a sudden attack, it was actually difficult for the peripheral infantry units of the Skeleton Division to organize unified and effective command at this moment. So much so that even the "alternative cover and orderly retreat" emphasized in Herman's order has now become a consistent order that is difficult to implement.

The pre-war reconnaissance conducted in advance provided Malashenko with sufficient and reliable information on the enemy's deployment. After knowing that all the German armored forces were abandoned in the south, and that the German infantry stationed in the north had no reliable positions and bunkers, Malashenko's decisive "order to cut and surround the enemy's infantry as much as possible" that he issued at that time finally showed results at this time.

The first ones to start retreating were naturally the infantry troops of the Skeleton Division deployed in the rear and closest to the station behind them. But at the same time, they were also watching their comrades fighting bloody battles in front of them, being swept away by the rolling torrent of Russian steel and weapons. Divided, surrounded, and devoured by infantry.

These two-legged skeleton infantrymen had no chance of escape in front of the steel tracks that were rolling like a meat grinder.

The Russian's steel torrent is like a red-hot machete, which can cut through any infantry unit it comes into contact with as easily as cutting through a cream cake, without any suspense.

Before the infantry of the Skeleton Division, which was cut off in the middle and gathered in lumps, had time to retreat, they would be swallowed up and drowned by the Russian infantry following their own tanks.

Before he could recover from being ridden on his face by a tank, another group of Russian infantrymen swarmed in and roared. Before they could fight the Russian infantry for two rounds, the Russian heavy tank troops rushing from the other side ran into their faces again, followed as usual by a large group of roaring Russian infantry.

Not only the Wehrmacht could not withstand such fast-paced non-stop cutting tactics, but even top SS elite units like the Skeleton Division could not resist it. Just like in the face of absolute strength, no matter how hard you rack your brains, you will never get a good result, and it is equivalent to wasting your efforts.

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