Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1832 Enemies of Life and Death

The classic truth that a dead Taoist friend will never die but a poor Taoist friend is once again fulfilled at this moment.

The SS infantry deployed in the rear, which was already unable to save itself when the Ni Bodhisattva crossed the river, had no chance, let alone the possibility, of rescuing the comrades in front of them and pulling them out of the dire straits.

It's not that these Skeleton Division infantry who retreated first don't want to, but anyone with a discerning eye can see the current situation clearly. The Russians' sausage-like tactics were obviously aimed at their skeleton division, knowing that they had no defensive positions available and lacked heavy anti-tank weapons and armored support.

In addition, from the preparation of artillery fire and the beginning of the attack by the Russians on the opposite side, almost all the performances so far have been spot-on, and the various tactics have been coordinated well.

The overall offensive was fierce and fierce, as fast as lightning, and with such good equipment, this was definitely not a group of Russian troops that could just be pulled out on the roadside and kept pace with each other, but an elite unit with extremely rich combat experience.

If there is strong armored support, and a counterattack is immediately organized to fight back, there may still be a small chance of rescuing the friendly forces.

But if you want to use a group of infantry to rescue another group of infantry surrounded by armored troops, I'm sorry, I won't let you play like this even if you want to. Moreover, this is a bare grassland without any complex terrain for the infantry to rely on, and it is the most favorable home ground for the armored forces.

If he still dares to fight back to save others, then he is really looking for death.

Rather than throwing all the troops in and letting everyone die together, it would be better to let those who have a chance to escape escape quickly. It is better to preserve as much troop strength as possible and do our best than to lose all the infantry scattered around the north and northeastern perimeter of the station.

For Hermann, who holds the power of command and is responsible for overseeing the overall situation, this is indeed the case at the moment.

Standing at a hidden observation point in the station with binoculars in hand, he looked at the battlefield scene that was not too far away. Herman never expected that he would encounter such a group of Russians who looked "ridiculously strong" in such a weird and out-of-reach place.

If nothing else, the combat power shown by the Russians on the opposite side in just a few minutes has almost refreshed Herman's past knowledge.

"There's something wrong with these Russian guys. Where did they come from? Why do they always feel so familiar?"

In the battles that the Skeleton Division has participated in on the Eastern Front so far, it has fought countless elite Guards units of the Soviet Army and has rarely suffered a defeat. There were quite a few Soviet Guards troops that were defeated by the Skull Division on its own. Logically speaking, no matter how hard the Soviet Guards troops were defeated, they would not cause Herman to have the unexplainable feeling he had now. weird feeling.

Holding the telescope in his hand, Herman spent several seconds trying to clear his head. He couldn't find a possibility or result that satisfied him. He shook his head slowly and could only attribute the greatest possibility to his own. On "Battlefield Intuition".

As for whether this battlefield intuition was correct, Herman himself couldn't tell, but he subconsciously raised the telescope in his hand to take a closer look.

But it doesn't matter if you don't see it. He raised the telescope and took a look at what he saw with the naked eye, but it almost made Herman's jaw drop in shock on the spot.

"That, that's it!?"

The huge red five-pointed star was painted as the background color, and a white bear head mark opened its fangs and ferocious mouth, biting the Iron Cross medal that was already in the mouth to pieces.

This kind of Soviet army logo seemed familiar. Herman was sure that he had seen it before, and he had seen it more than once, which left a deep impression that he would never forget in his life.

If you want to ask when he first saw this Soviet army logo, Herman can answer it immediately.

That was when he received the order from Berlin to the front line in 1943, and as the new division commander took over the Skeleton Division, which had just experienced the defeat of Prokhorovka and was suffering from low morale, he first saw such a Soviet army logo in its correct form. It was in the Skeleton Division's post-war summary report.

"It's them, there's no mistake! The Russian Guards Tank Division that held on to the end in Prokhorov and refused to surrender!"

There are very few Soviet troops that can defeat the Skeleton Division alone in a frontal battle, or defeat the Skeleton Division. The serial numbers of every Soviet army unit that could achieve this were all cherished and memorized by successive division commanders of the Skeleton Division, and they would never be forgotten until they were transferred from the post of division commander and passed on this "Revenge List". Give it to the next person who takes over your class.

The honor lost on the battlefield must be recovered on the battlefield. Those Russian troops who failed to let the Skeleton Division win must take revenge whenever they have the opportunity to encounter them in the future. Only doing so is the best way to boost the morale of the troops. A shot in the arm.

No matter what the previous division commanders thought, at least Herman himself had this idea.

However, when the number one, most powerful and most terrifying opponent on the "Revenge List" appeared in front of us in such a completely unexpected and unexpected way, we were relieved from the huge shock of the truth. Herman, who had come to his senses, was a little dazed.

The current Skeleton Division only has at most 60% of its combat strength when fully equipped. This is the situation before being attacked by these Russians who have no moral ethics and carry out sneak attacks. As for the current situation, it can only be said to be worse. .

The continuous fierce battles in the past few days have greatly weakened the Skeleton Master's spirit, technical equipment, and vitality. This is like a swordsman with superb swordsmanship who is already exhausted and exhausted after several rounds of battles with his opponent, but suddenly... It was as if he found that his old opponent who had once defeated him suddenly appeared with his sword unsheathed and came towards him.

Now Herman has absolutely no thoughts of revenge in his heart. There is no need to even think about the current strength and state of the Skeleton Master. Such a powerful opponent is definitely not something he can face now. On the contrary, how can he survive this group of the most powerful opponents? Survival under the ferocious attack of the terrible Russian madman became the most critical problem.

The unbearable third-rate lieutenant colonel of the National Defense Forces just said that there are no field troops or reserves of the National Defense Forces nearby that can be mobilized for reinforcements. As far as I know, the only organized armed SS field force in the area is the Skeleton Division. In other words, even my colleagues cannot come to help my brothers.

There are fierce enemies in front and no reinforcements behind.

What the hell should I do? Could it be possible that all that is left is to wait for death? ?

With his hands behind his back and a telescope hanging on his chest, Hermann walked around the room like a headless fly. The adjutant on standby looked confused but did not dare to interrupt.

Suddenly, Herman stopped as if the string of a kite had been cut off, and the answer seemed to be in his eyes that flashed fiercely but could not be easily noticed.

"I figured out a way!"

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