Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1834 Two Riddlers

"Retreating on your own initiative? And heading west???"

Malashenko, who was holding a radio transmitter in his hand, immediately had a question mark on his face after hearing this. He expected that the German armored forces would rush north like crazy, but he did not expect that they would stop and retreat so quickly. After withdrawing, he should continue to go west. This is the most real doubt in Malashenko's heart at the moment.

"Retreat to the west, retreat to the west"

Because he continues to command and participate in the front line of the battle, Malashenko, who is still in a state of adrenaline rush, has to calm down immediately and enter a temporary state of thinking, which is necessary at the moment.

No troops were deployed to the west of the station, not even a pretentious feint attack force. Malashenko, who personally formulated the tactical plan, certainly remembered that his deployment was correct.

Could it be that the Germans were aware of this and planned to mobilize highly mobile armored units from the west to attack the flanks, so as to relieve the pressure on the front that was constantly under attack?

Malashenko initially thought that this was a high probability, but after thinking about it carefully, he quickly felt that this possibility was too outrageous.

Apart from anything else, have you ever seen whose armored forces retreated with their intentions clearly stated, allowing the enemy to clearly see the direction in which they were going to move next? Isn't it too much to say that the retreat was for the purpose of moving to the west to launch a surprise attack? Are the Germans' military strength and strength really strong enough for them to reveal their conspiracy? That's obviously not the case.

So, why did the Germans withdraw so hurriedly and suddenly, without fighting, that they were not afraid of being seen by the Red Army and fleeing to the west?

All this seems too unreasonable, unless the Germans have made it clear that by retreating to the west, they want to release some signals that they are not afraid or even hope to be seen by the Red Army. In short, this is intentional Of.

But it’s definitely not because the German guy’s brain is not working well and his IQ is not enough. The Red Army accidentally saw the direction of the next retreat. Malashenko didn’t think that the Skeleton Division, one of the four heroes of the SS, would So stupid.

To the west is the direction of the occupied area that is still in the hands of the Germans. The Germans could not withstand the pressure under the powerful offensive and retreated to the west. This is obviously natural.

Wait, retreat?

Malashenko, who had an inadvertent flash of insight in his mind, quickly grasped the key point. Why was he just trying to imagine the Germans going west, trying to outflank and attack his flank? The worst-case scenario is indeed a possibility that deserves vigilance, but it does not mean that it will definitely be the case.

What if the Germans were not outflanking, but really wanted to retreat in a big way?

Malashenko's mind immediately began to compile all the key information and put it together, and he quickly came up with a possibility that even Malashenko himself found almost unbelievable.

"I'm going to retreat. Let me tell you clearly. The treasure is yours. If you want it, take it as soon as possible. It's best not to force both of you to death."


Could this be true? Is it true that a German whose intestines are pure straight lines can make such twists and turns and use such connotative expressions?

Malashenko was not sure whether the situation was really what he imagined, but there was a way to confirm it, a way to quickly get a "response" from the Germans.

"The three regiments return to the front to prepare for the general attack. There is no need to pursue the enemy or entangle them. Move closer to me immediately!"

"The Second Regiment has deployed the Second and Third Battalions to be prepared to deal with the enemy attacking from the west and be on standby at any time. There is a high probability that it will be the German armored forces. Stay alert."

The Germans clearly expressed their intention to withdraw the armored troops to the west, and Malashenko also tentatively gave some responses to confirm his conjecture.

Soon, Herman, who was still watching the situation ahead from the hidden observation point, saw such a scene.

Although the Russian infantry units have already begun to attack the outermost walls and buildings of the train station under the cover of tank direct fire, the offensive is very fierce and it is expected that it will not be long before they can penetrate deeper and deeper.

But in sharp contrast, the Russian heavy armored forces did not rush into the station at full strength, nor did they mobilize any forces westward to intercept their own armored forces and avoid allowing the enemy to escape. The only sign is that the vast majority of tanks have suspended their offensive and remain on standby.

The extremely rich and saturated heavy armored forces in the hands of the Russians fully support them in doing this, but the current fact is that this does not happen.

In Herman's own opinion, there was only one answer that could explain this seemingly unreasonable situation.

"The Russian commander opposite is a smart man. They understood what we meant and gave a positive answer with practical actions."

The person standing next to Herman at this moment is no longer an adjutant. The young adjutant has already been sent by Herman to convey and supervise the execution of his orders. The person standing next to Herman now is the chief of staff of the Skeleton Division.

As for the words that came out of Hermann's mouth just after he put down the telescope, looking at his partner's chief of staff with a slightly cold smile, he really couldn't believe that Hermann used this way to convey the message. Information, the method of reaching an "equivalent deal" with the Russian guy on the other side can actually work.

"I can't believe this is true! I thought the Russians would immediately send out armored troops to intercept our armored troops in a roundabout direction to the west. Counting the armored troops chasing after us, it would definitely be the end of a pincer attack from both front and rear. . But the Russians sent neither pursuit nor interception troops. This completely corresponds to the assumption you just made, which is incredible. "

The chief of staff's tone was both shocked and full of exclamation. Such a tone sounded like a proper compliment to Herman. The cold smile on his face quickly grew under this stimulation. Become even more so.

"They will not do this. They will never send pursuit troops or interception troops, because their main target from the beginning to the end is not us but the treasures in the station. I guessed it completely!"

"The Russian commander opposite must have understood what I wanted to tell him. He also knows better that the treasure is in our hands, and it can turn into the result he least wants to see at any time."

"So even though these Russian infantry seem to be attacking fiercely now, in fact they have agreed to the exchange terms we proposed. The pretentious attack is just a reminder to us to hurry up and that they will not compromise too much. However, we But they can evacuate smoothly. The premise is that the Russians have to get the treasure they want. Finally, some necessary operations must be added to make the Russians dare not go back on their word. These Russians have no integrity. It’s okay, so it’s necessary.”

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