Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1835 Savage Power

Da da da da——


"Covering fire! Hold those Germans down and follow me!"

"Machine gun! Get the machine gun, quickly!"

"Get on the Iron Fist and blast away that machine gun fire point!"


Completely different from the one-sided carnage of steel and flesh just outside the station, the Red Army soldiers who quickly attacked the outside of the station under the cover of their own heavy tanks and armored guns are now facing a battle situation that is completely different from the battle just now. A bloody fight. read

The forward position that the heavy tanks can advance to is limited to the outer wall of the station. If you want to advance further, you must obtain the personal authorization of the division commander Malashenko. Without the order of the division commander, even the regiment commander's car will be destroyed. It was absolutely impossible to cross the barrier and advance rashly, let alone use heavy firepower to shoot directly into the station. This kind of thing was completely unthinkable.

"We can only go so far. You have to rely on yourself to go forward! We cannot destroy the most precious treasure of our motherland!"

"Just send the signal after it is confirmed that it is safe, and we will rush in immediately to support you! Kill a few more Germans for me, comrade!"

On a battlefield filled with flying bullets and explosions, there is no chance for you to lean out of the turret and speak directly. All battlefield calls have to be made through a vehicle-mounted wired phone box hung on the butt of the tank. This is already the case in This is the best that can be done under the conditions of war.

"Got it, use the machine guns to cover us! We'll start charging now!"

He put the phone in his hand back into the phone box on the butt of the car and put it away. The comrade captain with the bayonet AK in his hand was named Alsim, and the well-known positive figure, Paul's brother There is only one word difference between "Artyom" and "Artyom".

Among the three combat company commanders under the Combat Engineer Battalion, Alsim is the oldest, oldest, and most experienced in combat.

As early as the Soviet-Finnish War, Alsim was already the squad leader of a Red Army infantry squad. The task he was responsible for was still recognized as the most dangerous task: leading people to hunt those who dared to get close to sneak attacks in the cold and snowy weather. Finnish scout on skis and wearing a white cape.

The Red Army infantry units responsible for such combat missions often suffer heavy casualties. However, in order to prevent the main force from suffering greater casualties, necessary and smaller casualties must be paid. This is an easy to understand truth.

Someone has to do something like this, and Alsim is undoubtedly a very suitable one among the many grassroots commanders and fighters of the Red Army, and he is also an elite among the right people.

"Those Finns are wearing white cloaks, wearing skis, and holding submachine guns to sneak up on us, so the method is very simple! Let's learn from them, use their methods to retaliate, and then see what those Finnish donkeys do against us."

Alsim is a person with a strong sense of self-independence and subjective thinking initiative. He has his own independent and uninterrupted ideas and opinions on how to command battles and lay out tactical plans.

In Alsim's view, since you don't have special tactics to counter the Finns' insidious and pervasive sneak attack, then just apply the Finns' tactics and retaliate in kind.

If the Finns have a better way to deal with it, that would be great. The Red Army will continue to copy the ready-made answer.

If the Finns have no better way, they can only create trouble without knowing how to solve it, and they are like the Red Army who feel troubled and helpless about this insidious sneak attack tactic.

So at least this will keep the Finns in trouble and distracted, and they will not be able to continue to devote themselves wholeheartedly to the sneak attack on the Red Army. Future operations will be greatly restricted and must be cautious.

From another perspective, this certainly achieved the predetermined tactical goal. As long as it can interfere with and destroy the Finns' insidious sneak attack, it will be considered a success.

After hearing this, the young company commander who graduated from the military academy thought it made sense. The young company commander, who was overwhelmed by the heavy casualties caused by the insidious sneak attacks from time to time, immediately agreed to Alsim's suggestions and tactics and decided to let the family live in Siberia. , a "reckless man" who has been hunting wolves and herding herds since he was a child, never went to school, and can't read a word of Chinese characters, leads a team to try it out.

Yes, you read that right, it’s the adjective “reckless man”.

When the young company commander who graduated from an orthodox military academy first took office, he completely looked down on his subordinate, a Siberian barbarian with a poor family background who even had to have others read his family letters for help.

People who come from a barbaric and barren land are simply incompatible with the country. The young company commander even once arrogantly believed that such uneducated people should be removed from the Red Army in order to improve the Red Army's strength. Overall quality.

But soon, Alsim, who was born into a family of Siberian hunters and herders, was usually taciturn and didn't like making new friends, used his powerful strength to completely conquer the arrogant company commander who was prejudiced against him. The company commander had no choice but to greatly agree with Alsim's change of past views and prejudices, and even took the initiative to report to his superiors and request that he be promoted to platoon leader immediately.

What did Alsim do to make such a miracle happen?

Actually, it’s nothing. I just took an infantry squad of my fellow Siberians out for two or three days. After I figured out the Finnish routines and became familiar with the enemy’s tactics, I used the same tactics in Finland. The person himself has found the best time to strike with a killer move, a fatal blow.

The final result was that Alsimti slipped the head of a Finnish battalion commander, led a large number of his men back to the company station, and lifted the Finnish battalion commander's head with a "bang" sound. On the company commander's desk.

"There is a tradition in our hometown that if a hunter kills the Wolf King, he must cut off his head and bring it back as evidence. Only in this way can he be recognized by other old hunters. The old hunters all remember the color of the Wolf King's coat and know it by heart. "Encountering it in the wild is definitely the most dangerous thing. If you don't want to die, you must remember it."


The Red Army had no tradition of decapitating their enemies, beheading them in public, or bringing them back as evidence of killing enemy chiefs.

But the young company commander did recognize the appearance of the head on the table. About a week ago, a group photo was unexpectedly found on a Finnish prisoner of war who was captured.

After strict interrogation and torture, the Finn, who was tough at first, finally betrayed his comrades and identified all the people in the photos. The most senior person among them is his battalion commander, a major of the Finnish Army's Snow Troops. In the past month, this bastard, with his lackeys, has caused his regiment to be in a state of chaos and chaos every day. There are losses and casualties, which is really a headache.

The company commander still remembered that he showed this guy Alsim this photo before he set off, a professional one, and told him purely jokingly that as long as he killed this Finnish guy and took away his headquarters, he would at least be able to Ensure that the company station is safe and worry-free for a week.

It's just that the young company commander never expected that Alsim would present evidence in such a way and throw a good man's head on his desk with a "bang".

However, what Alsim brought back was more than that. What he said after presenting the evidence made the company commander even more stunned.

"I led people to blow up his headquarters. It was a poorly guarded place. It was just a ghost place disguised with tree trunks, dead grass and snow. I even rushed in and found this. I couldn't read the words, and I didn't understand the ghost language of the Finns. , I found something in this guy’s bag. I guessed it was important information, so I brought back all the papers and maps in the bag.”

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