Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1839 Let the flame purify sin

When the fierce tongues of flames shot out from the dark iron pipes, the SS assault rifleman who witnessed this horrific scene screamed in his heart that something was wrong, and subconsciously threw himself to the ground but saved his life. His life, even if only temporarily. ReadМ

"Ah!!! Uhhhhhhhh!!!"

"Fire! I'm on fire! Where's the water? Water!"


The history of human warfare has produced countless war weapons of various types from ancient times to the present, but perhaps there is no weapon as frightening to traditional infantry as the flamethrower.

If you are a theist and believe in those gods, ghosts and snakes, you can even be categorically sure that this is a weapon from hell. Because in terms of actual killing effect, it is indeed worthy of such an "elegant name".

As soon as he broke through the wall, he aimed the flamethrower in his hand at the SS thugs who were close at hand. The surging pressurized tongue of flames rushed around the crowd like a hunting python, licking It licks anything it comes into contact with and applies a merciless grilling of blazing flames, whether it is dead or fire.

The fuel injected under pressure from the nozzle in a viscous semi-liquid state does not burn completely until the flames sweeping across the fan-shaped area in front cover the real target it comes into contact with. Those big lumps wrapped in the flames The thick ointment still failed to burn out.

The result was that a large lump of ointment, like a tarsal maggot, was directly smeared on the unprepared SS soldiers, together with the flames that were enough to purify any carbon-based life they came into contact with. Together.

This kind of severe pain that penetrates into the soul, like knocking bones and sucking marrow, is far beyond what ordinary people can bear. The SS soldiers who were in the scorching flames felt as if there were millions of ants digging into their bones at this moment. It penetrates into the blood vessels and bites randomly, and there is no place in the body that is not painful, as if the pain nerves in the whole body are in overload state.

There were many people who were on fire and lying on the ground rolling around. The futile attempt to extinguish the flames on their bodies seemed so futile.

There were many more SS soldiers who were burned to the point where they lost their ability to stay rational and conscious. One after another, like monsters that escaped from a madhouse after the wall collapsed, they screamed, screamed, and danced on the spot, trying to extinguish the flames on their bodies and reduce some pain.

Just in this posture, if it weren't for the fact that his body was on fire and people could see the reason at a glance, the screaming, yelling, and dancing together with the weird appearance would be no worse than some dark ritual.

It was just a round of sweeping fire by three flamethrowers. The SS soldiers on the first floor of the waiting hall who could still hold their guns and didn't have time to hide completely were basically dancing on the spot. BGM's "Burning Man".

What's worse is that the "enthusiastic movements" of those idiots who were on fire also affected other SS soldiers around them who were not in the flames and were not directly hit by the flamethrower and escaped. .

The unlucky man who caught fire was completely unaware that his useless struggle before death would throw the ointment that was originally only stuck to his body onto his comrades beside him.

The surviving SS soldiers who had the misfortune to be injured suddenly exploded. The feeling of being on fire was really unpleasant and extremely painful. They tried to wipe off the ointment by beating the flames, but they also cursed loudly in a bad tone. He devoured the comrades who were flopping around him alive.

But things have reached this point, and no matter how bad your tone of curse is, it may not have any good effect.

The thumping SS soldiers, whose bodies were covered with fire, only knew it hurt, it really hurt, it hurt so damn much! There was no need to worry about what the comrades beside him were cursing or talking about. Only the hoarse screams and roars continued to get louder and louder.

The sudden fire attack completely disrupted the already chaotic and desperate defense of the SS. The Skeleton Division infantry who started a fire party no longer cared about continuing to fight, even if there were still people who could hold a gun. After all, there are very few people who insist on fighting to the death, and it is completely useless against the group of Maozi on the opposite side whose firepower is simply not the same level.

The fierce battle continued, fighting in a more one-sided manner until blood flowed into rivers.

But if you think that this nightmare has come to an end and ushered in the end, you are completely wrong. The combat engineers who inflicted ruthless flames on the enemy will not give up, at least when all the fascist thugs are You won’t stop until you’ve been roasted as an “acquaintance.”


call out--

The unique pressurized injection sound of semi-liquid fuel of a flamethrower is so powerful, and what is hidden behind this special firing sound is even more endless pain and death.

The first wave of SS soldiers whose bodies were on fire scored twice. The flames from the previous wave were still burning brightly on their bodies and had not yet been extinguished. The second wave of flames, which had not lost any momentum, covered their bodies again.

Those surviving SS soldiers who did not have time to escape will never have a chance again. It is lucky enough to escape the sea of ​​​​fire once. You cannot expect to survive on the cruel battlefield by relying on strong luck to protect your body.

From one or two to dozens or hundreds, after just a few rounds of flamethrowers sweeping across the front, none of the SS soldiers in the waiting hall on the first floor was intact anymore.

Not only the half-dead bastards who were not completely dead were burning, but even the corpses that had been blown up and beaten to death earlier were also burning.

The crackling sound is not the sound of wood exploding in the flames, but the sound of the blood in the human body being evaporated and swallowed by the flames, and the skin, blood vessels, and fat together with the muscles are burned into human oil and explode due to loss of pressure. .

The combat engineers who showed no mercy and launched a surprise attack directly into the battlefield in the waiting hall on the first floor used the most severe punishment methods to torture these cruel, perverted and inhumane Fascist invaders in extreme pain. Sent to hell, he completed his revenge on his comrades, relatives, and countless people of the motherland who died tragically under the iron heel of the invaders.

"Devils should go to hell, that's where you should be!"

It no longer matters which soldier of Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division was the first to say this. What matters is that it really fits the current situation.

A feast-of-fire battle was not over yet. The group of SS scum in the stands on the second floor, who had witnessed the tragedy on the first floor, were still alive and kicking with half their souls scared away.

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