Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1840 Everyone, lie down!

"Those Russian guys are crazy! They dare to use flamethrowers indoors, and this place will soon become a fire scene!"

"We can't defend here anymore. If we lose the first floor, the commanding heights on the second floor are meaningless! Our losses are too great, we have to withdraw quickly!"

"Evacuate? Where to retreat? There is a platform behind you. Do you plan to go to the platform and fight with the Russians? There isn't even a bullshit defensive bunker there! There are only trains on the tracks!"

"Why can't the train work!? Don't we still have it?"

call out--


The panicked SS soldiers on the second floor didn't have much time to talk nonsense, because the iron fists in the hands of the Red Army soldiers on the first floor couldn't wait to greet them.

"The Russians! The Russians are coming! They are attacking the stairwell, I can't hit them!"

If you walk normally from the waiting hall on the first floor to the waiting stands on the second floor, you can complete it in less than half a minute.

Even if a temporary bunker and machine guns were set up in the stairwell, judging from the ferocity of the firepower of these Russians, the delay effect it could have was only a minute or two at most, and maybe even No, who knows which idiot-like friendly army gave those Russians so many iron fists to them!

There was not much time left, and most of the soldiers of the Skeleton Division, who felt that continuing to fight was meaningless, did not want to die in this place.

Although this does not mean that they have decided to surrender, just that they want to continue fighting in a more meaningful and effective place. But there is no doubt that how to escape has become a top priority that must be solved as soon as possible.

"The stairwell is unreachable! It must be crowded with Russians rushing up! Let's jump off the second floor, jump to the platform and think of a solution?"

"What? Jump off the building!?"

The method given by the battalion commander of the Skeleton Division in the lead is really shocking. Logically speaking, the height of the second floor is not very high. Professional soldiers who have received military training will basically not be in great danger if they jump from the second floor. Problems, you can even say that you are unscathed.

But the crux of the matter is that the ghost place we are in now is not an ordinary second floor. This is the second floor of the stands in the waiting hall of the Russian train station.

These Russians, who don’t know what they are thinking, built the second-floor grandstand with a height difference of seven or eight meters from the ground of the first-floor hall, which is almost as high as the third floor of an ordinary residential building.

What's even worse is that jumping out of the back window of the second-floor stand is not a flat ground, but a staircase that is well above the ground and leads to the platform. The entire waiting hall is like a building built on a foundation two or three meters above the ground. No one knows why the Russians designed it like this. Is it to prevent water from flowing back during the rainy season or for other reasons? Nothing fucking matters anymore.

The important thing is that jumping from a total height of eight, nine or almost ten meters to the masonry stairs that are full of hard edges and uneven heights might really put people in danger. If you fall to death, even if you don't fall to death, it won't be a problem at all if you are lame and have your arm broken.

The SS soldiers who looked at each other were completely dumbfounded. They probably didn't want to do this, but they couldn't think of a second method even inferior to this one. I really wanted to jump off the building, but it was difficult to make up my mind for a while. Time passed by inadvertently, until the dazzling fire and the roar of a slaughtering pig came from the stairwell not far away. .

"Ahhh!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!"

"There's no time, the Russians are attacking with flamethrowers! Jump with me!"

In fact, the battalion commander, who was also a little scared and even more hesitant in his heart, gritted his teeth and stamped his feet first, and took off with a brief sprint of three steps and two steps, then jumped out of the window. The wooden window frame, broken glass, and the entire person flew out, leaving only the bewildered and stunned Skeleton Division soldiers behind them.

If there is no other way, then we can only jump.

Soon, one after another SS soldiers began to jump from the second floor bleacher window like dumplings, and then lost stability in the air and fell to the ground in all kinds of strange and outrageous postures, lame and staggered. There are a lot of people who chew shit.

Although he was thrown and rolled continuously on the stairs, there were countless bruises, fractures and bruises all over his body.

But those SS soldiers who at least didn't break their legs still struggled to get up from the ground, gasping for air and gritting their teeth to pick up the weapons and guns that had fallen to their hands. You helped me, and I held my hand. You start to move in groups of two to the further end of the platform.

Jumping off the building does not mean safety, and the terrible crisis that the Russians will burst out of the waiting hall at any time lingers in everyone's mind, like a nightmare that cannot be shaken off.

"Hold on! We'll be safe at the other end, let's go!"

Due to the restriction of the blind area of ​​vision from the first floor to the second floor, if the Germans had not taken the initiative to poke their heads in, draw their guns and fight, the people on the first floor would not have been able to see what the hidden Germans on the second floor were doing now. All I know is that the extremely fierce resistance of these Germans on the second floor suddenly stopped moving. This must be something wrong.

"Up, up, up! The German gunfire has stopped, they must want to run away!"

Taking advantage of the enemy's break in firepower to change bullets, use a flamethrower to attack the German machine gunner and deputy shooter who were hiding behind a wooden furniture bunker at the corner of the stairwell, holding an MG42 and shooting wildly. They all turned into a fierce fire on the spot. BBQ.

Regardless of admiring the sizzling corpses under his feet and the lingering fire, Comrade Alsim, who was responsible for leading the attack, just shouted to his soldiers to rush up quickly and never let the enemy escape.

The soldiers of the Combat Engineer Battalion, holding the steel guns in their hands, wore heavy plate armor body armor one by one, and rushed straight up along the messy and hot stairwell. Alsim, who led the attack, also rushed out. Follow the pace of the leading soldiers and follow closely behind.

"Comrade Company Commander! The Germans are gone, they have run away!!!"

The stands on the second floor were empty, filled with empty machine gun ammunition boxes and shell casings on the ground. To be precise, there were also those who had been killed or not yet dead, lying on the ground groaning and losing their combat effectiveness. Corpses and wounded SS soldiers.

The waiting stand on the second floor has no access except the left and right stair corridors on the first floor. One of these two stairwells is led by himself, and the other is blocked by another platoon leader leading another team. The purpose of the strong attack was to completely cut off the Germans' escape routes and prevent any of them from escaping. They had already made an appointment to meet in victory in the stands on the second floor.

In that case, how the hell did these German scumbags on the second floor escape? He must have disappeared from the world, right?

Angry and annoyed but still maintaining a calm sense, his two sharp eyes like falcons scanned the stands on the second floor, and then focused his gaze on the shattered glass. There were only a few pieces of broken glass left. Hanging from the window frame above the broken window.

"Damn it, these fascist bastards actually jumped off the building!"

Cursing in a low voice, he quickly stepped forward, rushed to the edge of the window sill, and looked down.

Alsim did see the SS scumbags on the platform who were supporting each other or using the broken guns in their hands as crutches, limping before they had time to escape, but he did not immediately give the order to the soldiers. They fired at him from the vantage point on the second floor with a good view.

To say why, it was just because the steel behemoth that was already trembling slightly and had great visual impact lying under the platform and on the railway track was too scary and frightening. The two eyes widened and were deeply shocked. Alsim's immediate response was followed by a loud roar.

"Everyone, get down!"

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