Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1842 The Speeding Death Train (Part 1)

Just as Alsim cursed angrily, things like armored trains are actually divided into strong and weak ones, and have rankings in terms of combat effectiveness. read

If you want to say that under normal circumstances we only require armored trains that can defend against guerrillas, that's obviously not worth mentioning.

This kind of thing only has armor that can withstand light weapons fire and some vehicle-mounted machine guns. It is not possible to install a mortar or a small-caliber high-level dual-purpose machine gun on a few carriages. If you encounter a relatively powerful guerrilla group with heavy infantry weapons on hand, you will suffer a disaster, let alone the regular field troops of the Red Army. Even an infantry unit can handle it in minutes.

But if you encounter those heavy armored trains, then the trouble will not be as big as the general gap, but "very big trouble."

In fact, when it comes to what the heavy armored trains in the hands of the Germans look like, to be honest, even Alsim himself has never seen it with his own eyes, he has only heard others talk about it.

It is said that these "strong" steel dragons are covered with dense firepower, not to mention light weapons, just heavy weapons, ranging from 20mm machine guns to 75mm Panzer IV main guns. It's just direct firepower, not a vehicle-mounted large-caliber mortar capable of direct fire.

With such abnormal firepower, it also has extremely exaggerated protection capabilities. Needless to say, the Panzer IV tank turrets on those heavily protected combat compartments. What kind of armor protection does the Panzer IV have? So does the armor protection of this thing. , a direct copy of the original product without any defensive discounts.

What's even more exaggerated is that the Germans will also install good armor plate protection on the carriages. No one can tell exactly how thick the armor plate is. There is no way to actually measure the armored trains that have never been captured by the Germans. It can only be said that the thickness of this thing's skin is already at a level that even an anti-tank rifle cannot penetrate at conventional combat distances.

Shooting at close range may be able to penetrate it, but in a real battle, it is impossible to get close to such a terrifying monster with thick skin and thick flesh and a body covered with guns. You can even try with one shot. No chance.

And now, judging from the huge noise behind him that kept crackling and the sounds of various firings becoming more and more intensive, it seemed that what he encountered was definitely a German heavy armored train carrying many heavy weapons! It is far from a monster comparable to the light armored trains that guerrillas encounter under normal circumstances.

Alsim really didn't expect that his first encounter with a German heavy armored train in his life would be in such a bloody situation.

Seeing that the stubborn SS scum had been wiped out, all he had to do was lead his men to the platform to grab the victory that was within easy reach. But at this most critical moment, something went wrong in such a big way, and he was about to fail. .

"We must not let the German guy escape! I have to call for support from the large forces outside! The firepower of the infantry alone cannot deal with this guy!"

While he was still running downstairs in the stairwell corridor, Alsim had already firmly thought about this and made a decision. Only the heavy tanks under the command of the division commander, which were also huge and carried large-caliber heavy artillery, could deal with this. Guy.

Moreover, if you can't even break through the obstruction of this thing, then how can you complete the mission? How to attack the platform? All he was left with was the tragic and absolutely unacceptable ending of the German running away with his treasure.

No, we absolutely cannot let this happen!

After rushing out of the stairwell, Alsim felt that he had underestimated the terrifying firepower of this steel monster in the hands of the Germans.

The two huge load-bearing pillars supporting the waiting stand on the second floor were shattered and crumbling by the Germans' armor-piercing shells from the main gun fired directly through the first-floor window glass.

The small-caliber high-level and flat dual-purpose machine guns densely arranged on the train body were also firing wildly. Large-caliber bullet chains that far exceeded the power of heavy machine gun bullets were sprayed wildly, creating a wall-penetrating shooting effect.

The relatively thick outer wall of the waiting hall can block bullets but not machine gun shells. Those deformed warheads that still retain huge impact kinetic energy after penetrating the wall continue to fly forward.

Many Red Army soldiers in the waiting hall on the first floor who were unable to dodge were knocked to the ground after being shot through the wall by the terrifying machine gun shells. What Alsim saw at a glance were all his own combat engineer comrades mixed in with the burnt German corpses. They were either missing arms, had broken legs, or were cut in half.

The SN-42 plate armor body armor, which is enough to withstand direct fire from ordinary submachine guns and pistols, is of no use at this moment. It is useless in front of machine gun shells and is as thin as paper. It does not have even the slightest defensive effect. Was penetrated on the spot.

The sharp increase in casualties was inevitable. Alsim, who even frowned at the sight, immediately ordered the soldiers following him not to rush out and to hide in the stairwell if they could. It's better than rushing out and dying.

As for himself, he saw the opportunity and rushed out with a single stride. Regardless of the random shots behind him, which scattered debris on the surrounding walls and ground, and the crackling German machine gun shells, he stepped forward with two long legs that were as fast as flying. Constantly changing positions, moving from one bunker to the next, basically rushing straight towards the direction when he came out of the waiting hall without stopping.

"Alsim! What are you doing!? Come back quickly! Danger!!!"

The loud roar of the deputy company commander was drowned in the sound of intensive fire like a downpour. Alsim, who only had the goal that must be completed in his mind and could not care about anything else, was not distracted. He just concentrated on planning and considering the movements of his feet, and continued to walk swiftly and gracefully, without paying any attention to the loud calls of his comrades behind him.

Alsim's life-threatening behavior was rewarded with success. He basically had no vision of firing and simply saw his own people jumping off the building and running away. The German truck-mounted cannon that only focused on firing indiscriminately did not hit him. Alsim, who ran all the way, finally got his wish. He ran out of the waiting hall and came to the gate.

He took out the loaded and ready-to-fire flare gun from his waist. He raised his right arm high and pointed directly at the sky. After a "bang" sound, a bright red star followed. A slender wake lifts off into the sky.

"Comrade division commander! Signal flare! Signal flare was raised in the station, I saw it clearly!"

Alsim couldn't hear the sound of tank radio calls outside the station, but at this moment he could clearly hear another kind of sharp sound coming from the direction of the platform behind him, a unique and sharp sound that could temporarily suppress even the sound of intensive fire. Voice.



"It's broken! The Kraut's train is running! It's already started!!!"

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