Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1843 The Speeding Death Train (Part 2)

When the heavy whistle sounded, Alsim, who trembled as if he was electrocuted, immediately realized that something was wrong. read

The slight trembling of the whole train that he had just witnessed turned out to be not the movement caused by the firing, but a precursor to the thing starting to run and prepare to run away.

Once the German train leaves this place and pulls out of the platform, Alsim can understand what will happen next and what it means, almost without thinking about it. All the hard work and dedication will be in vain at that time, and the blood sacrifice of the soldiers will literally become meaningless.

Alsim had reason to believe that the Germans must have packed all the treasures they could take away into that armored train. It was indeed a good idea to use such a monster with strong armor and powerful guns to transport and escort these stolen treasures. choice.

But it is too fanciful to rely on infantry alone to stop such a steel dragon monster. Even the absolute heavy infantry among the infantry and the combat engineers of the Soviet Red Army cannot do this.

All hope at this moment can only be pinned on Comrade Division Commander, on the heavy tanks of Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division, which are also supported by strong armor and sharp guns. Only these mainstays of the Red Army's steel torrent can it be possible. Such a difficult thing to achieve.

If even the heavy tanks can't stop this steel monster from escaping, then everything will end here and there will be no other way.

The red flashing flare hung high in the sky like a beacon, extremely dazzling. Alsim was sure that the flare would be seen by his comrades waiting outside the station, and only they could save the current situation from danger.

As if in response to what Alsim was thinking, less than half a minute after the flare took off, the station's outer wall, which had been shattered and devastated, suddenly looked like a mad bull. Like a broken wooden fence, it was shattered and bricks flew everywhere.

The huge steel bodies that roared directly into the station from the smoke and dust were the most iconic IS6 heavy tanks of the Stalin Guards 1st Tank Division. This heavy tank with excellent design and blazing combat power has almost become the invincible symbol of the Stalin Guards 1st Tank Division. Alsim has never felt that he feels so close to these big iron guys as he does now.

The leading IS6 heavy tank was the first to break through the wall, break into the restricted area, and enter the station, followed closely by a powerful heavy tank that was larger in size and had more visual impact than the IS6. The special combination of the Guards logo and the division emblem on the turret is distinctive. The turret number No. 177 makes it clear at a glance whose car this is.

"Who set up the flare! Who set up the flare!? Come out and report the situation!"

What is a little surprising is that the No. 177 IS4 heavy tank did not break into the restricted area in a combat state with the turret hatch closed, but drove into the station courtyard with the turret hatch wide open and half a person outside the turret.

Malashenko, who had half of his body leaning out of the turret, had just led the team into the yard and immediately started shouting at the top of his voice. He couldn't wait to learn about the battlefield situation first-hand and find the person who sent the signal to ask questions. the truth.

Malashenko, who appeared as the roaring lion of Hedong, did not wait too long. The initiator of everything quickly stepped forward and stood up.

"Comrade division commander, I fired the flare! Captain Alsim, commander of the first company of the Combat Engineer Battalion, is reporting to you!"

Malashenko, who held the turret with both hands to steady his body, glanced from top to bottom, and saw at a glance the person standing in front of him under his car, who seemed to be able to match the face in his memory, and followed closely behind him. The question quickly came out of his mouth.

"Where are the things? Have you found the baby? Where are all the things!?"

Faced with Malashenko's question, which was spoken as fast as a machine gun, Alsim, who had no time to explain the situation with nonsense, just raised his hand, pointed a big finger, and immediately moved towards Marashchenko in the direction of the platform behind him. Schenko said loudly.

"The Germans are trying to escape, comrade division commander! They got a heavy armored train with cannons on it, and the baby is in there! The train has just started, it's still too late, hurry up and intercept them!"


The dense noise of the heavy tanks swarming around him obscured Malashenko's hearing. From the moment he saw the signal to set off until he rushed into the platform, Malashenko, who felt that his ears were fine, was stunned. I didn't hear the whistle of the train starting.

At this moment, after Alsim suddenly reminded him, with a speechless expression on his face, Malashenko immediately realized that he was "bad". He didn't even have time to scold her. He just picked it up and put it next to the turret top cover. The radio transmitter barked orders.

"Target, the platform! Rush, rush! All train crews, rush up! Stop the German armored train! We must not let these bastards run away with the treasure!"

There is no doubt that Malashenko is really angry right now.

Not only Alsim, but even Malashenko did not expect that these fascist bastards would actually build an armored train to transport the treasure.

In this case, it is naturally not a battle that the infantry can handle. Let the infantry rush into a serious armored train. How stupid an idiot can think of it? If this thing is in full stance and full firepower, the ferocious firepower it unleashes will be no worse than an armored company, or even better. You can say it's a cruiser moving on the railway.

Although he brought the two regiments with the largest number of troops out of caution at the beginning, Malashenko currently has far fewer tanks at hand that can actually be used and can rush to the platform immediately. Counting them all together, at most It is the number of one company.

There was no way, who allowed this bloody emergency to happen so suddenly. To be able to mobilize a company of tanks to rush into the station so quickly was already the limit of reaction speed. After all, tanks are not like infantry in that they can all swarm into the station. You have to pay attention to a convoy formation or battlefield traffic rules, right?

There was no time to waste, so he had no choice but to rush up. Before actually seeing what the German heavy armored train looked like, Malashenko could only firmly believe that the company of IS6 heavy tanks he had on hand was enough. .

As for the specific tactical arrangements and arrangements, how to intercept the German armored train? Is it necessary to use the main gun to fire directly at these idiots? It's hard to say anything now. We can only find out completely when we actually rush to the platform.

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