Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1844 The Speeding Death Train (Part 2)

It is not an easy task to get the huge IS6 heavy tanks to rush onto the platform.

Although the IS6 has the most outstanding top-level maneuverability among all heavy tanks in the world, this does not mean that the IS6 can gallop across any terrain without hindrance.

The complex terrain and many large and small buildings in the construction area of ​​the station seriously hindered the maneuverability of the Red Army's steel behemoths. Various large and small warehouses or small buildings such as dormitories, warehouses, and duty rooms did not look like the kind of kick. An object that can be smashed by just pressing the accelerator, and a little carelessness may even cause the tank to get stuck in a corner or crevice, making it impossible to advance or retreat, and completely blocking the road.

Malashenko, who was in a state of high nervous tension, was thinking rapidly. The current situation urgently required him, a division commander serving as a front-line commander, to decide on the next step of action, which was directly related to the success or failure of the entire mission.

The map that he had obtained in advance before the mission started once again played a big role. Malashenko, who had not completely memorized this thing before and had no choice but to improvise again, finally looked at it in the turret for a few seconds. After that, we found the nearest and feasible road to the platform.

"Yes, the cargo yard! You can go directly through the cargo yard to the heavy material unloading area of ​​the platform! This place is completely open and there are no obstacles to cover it. Just rush up from here!"

In the cargo yard, this is the only feasible way that Malashenko has found at the moment after a hurried search for a heavy tank to rush onto the platform.

Think about it, it is impossible for a waiting hall, a densely populated place for passengers to get on and off, to accommodate heavy tanks to pass through and rush onto the platform. If you want to get on the platform, you can only find the heavy machinery and equipment that were reserved from the beginning of the train station design. A place where bulky materials are transferred.

The same is true for railway stations in the Soviet Union, railway stations occupied by Germany, and even railway stations in the 21st century.

There is only one ideal place that can meet Malashenko's needs, which is the station freight yard that is closely connected to the station warehouse in the left and right directions, with a large gentle slope in the middle and then an open space leading directly to the platform, which is specially used for unloading freight trains.

Even more fortunately, judging from the station design drawing in hand, this freight yard still guards the place where trains leaving the last checkpoint of the station must pass. This is the first station node where trains entering the station will stop or pass directly. It is also the last platform where trains leaving the station pass.

Further ahead, there is an endless prairie railway with twists and turns. Malashenko does not think that he will have a chance to catch up with this monster armed to the teeth in unknown off-road conditions, and find a way to stop it. At the same time, not letting him cheat on you, the job of licking blood with the tip of a knife is easier than this kind of fantasy.

No matter what the circumstances or reasons, the freight yard must be the only and last chance to intercept this armored train that has just started and has not yet fully accelerated. All success or failure depends on this one!

"Each crew, target cargo yard! Advance at full speed! Follow the road ahead to the next intersection and turn left. The leading crew arriving at the cargo yard will immediately report the situation and wait for my order! Never open fire without permission without an order, remember!"

Until now, Malashenko has not forgotten to remind his men, who are dedicated to physically conquering the Germans, that they must not open fire on the German armored train without authorization or directly use the main gun to greet you, because he will take the initiative to attack you. You can't even fight back, just hold back and don't move while I'm being beaten! Even if we want to fight, we have to wait until I arrive at the scene and see the situation!

The road conditions inside the station are relatively good. The roads rolled over under the tracks are artificial roads specially paved with bluestone or smoothed gravel. The IS6, which is already astonishingly maneuverable and comparable to a medium tank, is even more galloping on such a flat road.

Those IS6 heavy tanks at the front were almost drifting around corners and flying into the cargo yard in the end, fearing that they would be slower and miss the last fighter.

Fortunately, the scale of victory did not completely tip to the German side, but still left the last weight for Malashenko's side that could determine the outcome as long as it was removed.

Steam locomotives these days have a big weakness: they start to increase speed too slowly.

How slow is it? It's so slow that ordinary fare evaders can carry large and small bags on the platform. They have enough time to throw all their luggage to the people in the carriage who reach out to help them, and then they can get in through the train window and even trot away. It’s not even necessary to speed up and chase a train.

The process of the German starting the train and preparing to run away is supposed to be a quick response. After all, it takes a process and a start-up time from completely cooling down the train to actually starting. The current running speed is actually fast enough.

If you want to blame, you can only blame the monster Malashenko. The attack speed of the Red Army's strongest elite tank unit led by Malashenko is too fast! After beating the skeleton master until he was unconscious, the guy just broke in. Moreover, combat engineers were dispatched without any sense of martial ethics, and at the risk of setting themselves on fire, they directly used flamethrowers at close range indoors to eliminate resistance, rushed to the platform, and found signs that the enemy wanted to escape.

When you play against someone who is very skilled and doesn't play according to the rules, you have no chance of winning according to common sense. All your past experiences are nonsense now.

The German armored train, which was only thinking about rushing out and escaping from the station, saw at a glance the Russian steel monsters that were waiting for them in front of them, only more than two hundred meters away. They suddenly broke out halfway and stopped in the platform freight yard.

In the same way, the leading IS6 heavy tanks that rushed to the cargo yard have also visually confirmed the target traces. And immediately guided the heavy turrets carrying huge black muzzles to aim in the direction of the train and get ready to go.

Heavy tank clusters VS heavy armored trains, this is an unprecedented and bizarre matchup that will probably never happen again in the future. Past battles in the history of human warfare cannot provide any reference on how to win such a battle.

Everything depends on the on-the-spot performance of both warring parties, it's that simple.

Facing the muzzles of the Russian cannons pointing towards each other, the German armored train, determined not to brake, was still speeding up. The large white steam ejected from the chimney of the locomotive protected by heavy armor was extremely conspicuous. The distance of more than two hundred meters, which was not far away, had been shortened to the final moment when there was only less than one hundred and fifty meters left.

Just when the anxious IS6 commanders were preparing to ask their comrades again and send messages, the long-awaited IS4 heavy tank that could determine the next direction of the entire battle finally arrived. At this critical moment, he rushed onto the cargo yard platform with a group of IS6 heavy tanks chasing after him.

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