Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1846 Killing the Iron Dragon

The powerful and heavy 122mm full-caliber armor-piercing projectile penetrated the fragile front armor plate without any suspense, and rushed into the front of the car with a strong remaining kinetic energy that was far from being completely exhausted.

The armor-piercing delayed fuze that was successfully fired then detonated the projectile warhead charge. It can easily penetrate and kill any German tank in active service below the King Tiger, with one unambiguous 122 full-caliber armor-piercing projectile. The amount of charge in the pill warhead is not limited.

It is no exaggeration to say that the extremely destructive damage effect brought by the large caliber is the nuclear bomb in the armor-piercing projectile of the tank main gun.

And when a total of 13 rounds of such armor-piercing projectiles were all effectively penetrated and poured into the front of the locomotive from different injection points, one can already imagine the consequences that would follow.

It was like an elephant swallowed a bunch of grenades into its stomach in one mouthful, and then there was a thunderstorm in its stomach thirteen times in a row.

The locomotive, which was still running normally, suddenly exploded from the inside out, bursting out from the punch holes, the train flue, and any gaps where smoke could be ejected. Not only was the thick black smoke, but also the dazzling heat. Orange-red fire splashed everywhere.

The internal space of the locomotive is very large, more than ten times larger than the internal space of a tank.

But correspondingly, since the space inside the front of your car is large enough, I will send you to the sky with more than ten times the overflow power that is far beyond the after-effects required to destroy a heavy tank.

I'm not afraid that a volley of fire won't kill you, but I'm afraid that your body, as fragile as paper, won't be able to withstand such power. If a volley of fire hits you, you will be blown to pieces. That would be a bit less interesting and not enjoyable enough.

This is what Malashenko thought from the moment he made up his mind to take action. Of course, this is what he ultimately did.

The immediate aftermath of a salvo of 122 full-caliber armor-piercing bullets was that the front of the German armored train was instantly blown open, the sky cover collapsed, and the additional armor plates covering the entire front of the train were torn from the inside out. It was distorted and deformed by the explosion, and it collapsed on the spot. All kinds of unknown parts and fragments flew around like a goddess scattering flowers.

After a rain of metal fragments and parts scattered in all directions, the armored train, which had not yet fully accelerated, was finally stopped from accelerating to escape, but it did not brake on the spot.

Trains are not ordinary family cars. The braking distance is measured in kilometers.

Even though it has not yet completed acceleration and is still in the initial stage, the destruction of the front end responsible for providing traction power cannot stop it on the spot. The entire armored train that has been running slowly on the railway track seems to be slow, but in fact it contains even Heavy tanks collided in front of it, but their powerful kinetic energy could not be stopped on the spot.

I saw that the twisted and deformed locomotive lying on the spot after a wave of volleys of fire had derailed, and the wreckage overturned on another rail on the side, catching fire.

The remaining rear compartment, which had somehow decoupled from the front of the car, had not stopped yet, and was still pushing forward with the remaining momentum.

The wreckage of the locomotive, which was half way across the track, became a fatal obstacle. The rear carriage that hit it immediately was affected by it, making a harsh and explosive sound of metal friction and collision. In a burst of lightning sparks, In the splatter scene, the car was immediately followed by the wreckage of the train, which was forced off the track and turned into a headless and derailed armored train.

A whole train of carriages behind them derailed collectively, and it only happened in the blink of an eye when there was no time to react.

The first few carriages that suffered the most serious impact not only derailed, but even rolled over in a more terrifying manner. In the blink of an eye, they were lying on the track bed with a loud sound of metal collision.

All of the above sounds long-winded and seems very long, but in fact it all happens in less than ten seconds.

Most people have only heard of a train derailment and have never had the opportunity to see it with their own eyes, let alone be directly at the scene of the accident and witness it from the beginning to the end from the perspective of a bystander. the entire process.

One thing to say is that such a majestic and domineering armored train with absolutely strong visual impact derailed and rolled over. It was indeed shocking enough to make the vast majority of the Red Army tank soldiers who were the "initiators" of all this stunned. Speechless.

Malashenko, who still held the radio transmitter in his hand, had a calm expression on his face, without any obvious emotional changes or fluctuations.

Such a result can be said to be completely expected. It would be a fucking weird thing if the German armored train could carry a group of heavy tanks and rush out.

At the moment, this result is indeed acceptable to Malashenko, and it has not reached the worst level yet.

The worst-case scenario that Malashenko expected was that the entire train derailed and rolled over. The treasures carried in the freight car were shattered like pieces of porcelain that had been smashed from the shelves. It hurts so much that I can't bear to look at it.

Fortunately, the current reality is much better than the worst outcome Malashenko expected.

Only the first three carriages, including the overturned locomotive, were rolled over. The number of subsequent carriages in a long line of carriages that had not yet been determined was derailed, and was stuck on the track bed or other nearby rails. It was a mess, but at least the main carriages didn't fall over.

As long as the carriage does not overturn, it means that the treasures loaded and transported inside will at least not experience too violent a sudden shock or even roll over.

There may be unavoidable losses of some fragile items, such as porcelain or glass products.

But those metal utensils and pictures and other objects should not be a big problem. Just the derailment of the carriage without turning over should not completely damage it. Malashenko thought so in his heart, and now he has finally recovered. A big stone fell to the ground and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, the errand is done. Now I should be able to deliver the errand to Vatugin."

However, just when Comrade Lao Ma was thinking that he finally had the nerve to give Vatugin the good news, a completely unexpected change suddenly occurred at this time.


An unexpected and loud sound of artillery sound forcibly interrupted Malashenko's thoughts. Malashenko, who had not expected this sound of artillery at all, immediately looked in the direction where the sound of artillery came from and subconsciously looked around.

I saw a derailed combat carriage lying across the track bed, driving the turret installed on the top of the carriage. Green smoke was coming from the muzzle, and it was preparing to open fire again at the combat engineers who rushed to the platform to collect corn.

"Damn it! These stupid fascist bastards are looking for death! At this time, they are still planning to resist!"

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