Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1847 Leaving the car without permission

Malashenko never expected that these fascist lackeys would still be willing to resist at this time. The damn train was derailed and the front of the car was blown apart. What's the point of having a hammer for you to resist at this time? ?

You want to die, right? Okay, buddy, I’ll help you!

Malashenko, who was holding a radio transmitter in his hand and filled with hatred, was about to issue a "death declaration" to these gangsters. He had already brought the transmitter to his lips, but suddenly he remembered those derailed carriages. You can't mess around with it, because it contains the final mission goal of your trip, the batch of vital treasures.

I still don't know which carriage the German guy put the treasure in. If he makes a rash move and makes a blind call, he may also blow up the treasure.

But if you think about it from another angle, there is no reason why those Germans can't understand the truth that Malashenko can understand.

Thinking about it this way, these Germans might have chosen this seemingly stupid move because they knew this, and continued to fight to the death and resist after the carriage derailed. Behind the appearance of having no clear meaning and simply seeking death, there is a high probability that Malashenko has taken advantage of Malashenko's trap and does not dare to fight randomly.

But because of this, the more Malashenko understood why these Germans did what they did, the more angry he became, as if he had eaten a fly in his mouth.

What the fuck? You really think I can't get you, right? If I don't beat your shit out today, I'll be clean!

In a rage, Malashenko got really angry and without notifying anyone, he left his car, jumped from the turret, jumped to the platform cargo yard, and transformed into an infantryman.

He also carried the AK with a shortened barrel and a folding metal stock in his hand for self-defense. He made it clear that he did not intend to stay in the car any longer, leaving Iushkin with a confused and anxious expression. yelled from behind.

"Hey! What are you doing!? It's dangerous outside, come back quickly!"

There was no response to Iushkin's loud call behind him. Malashenko, who did not look back, just walked forward and quickly walked down the platform goods yard in three steps and two steps.

Seeing this situation, Iushkin was completely at his wits end. He wanted to get out of the car and chase after him to protect the comrade commander, but then he thought that the effect he could have by going there in person was limited. One person's power was ultimately is insufficient.

Iushkin, who simply changed his mind, randomly changed his position and came to Malashenko's commander's seat. He turned around and fiddled with the radio station next to Malashenko's commander's seat, trying to learn what he had learned from his memory. operation to connect to the desired channel. After making sure that the desired radio frequency has been adjusted, pick up the radio transmitter and press the opening.

"Hey, does anyone hear you? Car No. 177 is calling, Car No. 177 is calling!"

Iushkin didn’t know if the radio frequency he had just adjusted was the channel he wanted. After some operations, it was certainly not a blind adjustment, but a targeted frequency adjustment. Iushkin did have what he wanted now. To set a target for calling, it depends on whether the channel is adjusted correctly.

Fortunately, Iushkin, who had received a complete vehicle commander course training, was relatively familiar with radio stations, and after a frantic and fiddling operation, he really got through to the target he wanted.

"Iushkin? Is it you?! Why are you calling? Where are the teachers and comrades?"

The person who heard the voice on the other end of the radio was Varosha, the commander of the infantry regiment, and he was also the person Iushkin really wanted to get through to the conversation immediately. Now only the infantrymen under him can protect the comrade commander.

"Comrade Commander, he left the command vehicle and suddenly walked away. I don't know what he was doing, and he didn't tell me, but I feel that he should have gone to direct the final clearing battle of the infantry."

"He is alone now, and there is not a single guard around him! He just left the platform of the freight yard and headed towards the waiting hall. Send someone to protect him quickly, and don't let the German skirmishers at the station shoot him. !”

As members of the core team around Malashenko, Varosha and Iushkin are relatively familiar with each other and meet often because of Malashenko, although their positions and military ranks are very different.

So when the special call sign of Comrade Division Commander echoed in his ears but it was not his own voice, Varosha, who felt that the voice was relatively familiar, guessed that the person calling was Iushkin without much thought, but Iushkin The news that Ushkin gave at the speed of a machine gun next time was so true that it was shocking.

"What are you talking about!? Comrade division commander left the car by himself? He didn't take any guards with him!? I'm not telling you, why didn't you stop him!? What do you do as a gunner?"

Faced with Varosha's loud questioning full of disbelief and surprise on the other end of the radio, Iushkin could only smile helplessly.

"I wanted to stop him, but he didn't give me a chance. Besides, do you think I can really stop him?"


Varosha, who was holding the radio transmitter in his mobile command vehicle, was speechless for a moment. He blinked twice and then thought that now was not the time to talk about such nonsense. He quickly found the division commander and protected him. Getting up is the most important thing.

"Okay, leave this matter to me. I'll send someone to protect the division commander! We'll talk about the rest later. The call is over."

Varosha, who put down the radio, did not dare to show any signs of neglect. Varosha, who had just led his team to the front yard of the Qingqing Station, ended the call and immediately got off the car, still holding his standard in his hand. The infantry-sized AK immediately waved his hand towards the guard company that had just arrived and was guarding him on his left and right.

"Comrades! Comrade Division Commander is in danger at the station. He is now alone and in urgent need of protection! Everyone from the guard company to follow me to find and protect Comrade Division Commander! Let's go!"

One soldier is a raging soldier, a general is raging in a den, and what kind of general leads what kind of soldiers. This classic war philosophy can be said to be vividly and completely interpreted at this moment.

Malashenko left his command post without authorization and ran around. After receiving the news, Varosha could not relax and let his subordinates handle it, and immediately decided to lead the team to find the division commander himself. The two superiors and subordinates simply It is the urine quality carved from the same mold.

What about the comrades who are teachers and commanders at this moment? How is Comrade Ma doing now? What are you doing again?

At this moment, Malashenko was running quickly along the station square, which had been run over once by his own tank troops but had not yet been completely occupied by the subsequent infantry forces, towards the waiting hall where the fiercest infantry battle had just broken out. , with that anxious look on his face, anyone who came by would know that he was on fire right now.

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