Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1848 The Line of Life and Death

Malashenko, carrying a gun, just ran to the door of the waiting hall alone. Under the dumbfounded eyes of the soldiers who had just entered the area around him, before he could stand still and give orders, he was immediately followed by the same leader. Varosha, who came here in person, met his opponent head-on. read

Varosha, who personally led the team here just to find Malashenko, finally breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that the division commander and comrade in front of him were safe and sound, with no bullet holes in his body and no missing parts, he felt the big worry in his heart. The stone has finally fallen to the ground now.

"Comrade Division Commander, the combat missions are carried out by the commanders and troops below. How can you run around like this? It is too dangerous to leave the tank. Comrade Political Commissar would have to skin me if he knew about this! Before we divided the troops and left, he Qian Dingzhu and Wan asked me to ensure your personal safety. What will the army do if something happens to you? "

Political Commissar Petrov went to the north together with Lavrinenko and Kulbalov, preparing to arrive at the battlefield first and start the encirclement and suppression battle against the German troops in the northern protrusion.

The task of hijacking the train on the South Road was led by Malashenko alone, but if you look at it from the side, in a sense, this was also a kind of "complete sheepherding" that Malashenko finally had no one to control him.

In the entire Stalin Guards 1st Tank Division, there is only one person who can control Malashenko and dares to control him: Political Commissar Petrov. As for Vatutin, the sky is high and the emperor is far away. The front commander cannot be remote at all times. Micro-control controls every move of a division commander. After all, Vatutin is not the president of a logistics group who is good at commanding machine guns.

It's just that with the departure of Comrade Political Commissar and the separation of north and south, it's a good thing for Malashenko that no one can control him at all. The truth is that he can act as recklessly as he wants, and just follow his temper. This makes Varosha, who can't contact the political commissar at all for a while, let alone report a snitch, very worried. Comrade division commander wants to What should I do if I keep doing this nonsense! ?

Malashenko didn't know that Varosha was thinking about these things at the moment, and of course he had no interest in knowing or figuring it out. Malashenko, who only wanted to quickly defeat the German stick's last resistance, didn't. Kung Fu cares about these things.

"There's no time to talk nonsense. I came here to personally command the infantry in battle, but since you're here, it's just right."

"The armored train has derailed and been prevented from escaping, but the Germans are still hiding in those armored cars, fighting stubbornly and refusing to surrender! I don't have time to work hard with these fascist bastards, mobilize your most elite infantry and give me those ten I don’t care what method you use, but we can only use light weapons without heavy fire support! Can we complete the mission?”


Malashenko's order was caught off guard, but fortunately Varosha had learned the latest battle report before setting off, and was already making the latest tactical adjustments and preparing arrangements for implementation.

Now Malashenko happened to ask him to do this and issue an order. Varosha, who already had a basic plan in mind, then faced Malashenko with a serious look on his face and spoke quietly.

"Comrade Commander, look over here."

Varosha took out the train station map he carried in his bag and spread it out in the air. He held it in both hands and displayed it. Varosha, who had already sketched complete traces of the map on the map, continued to speak.

"I have done some research before I came here. The group of stubborn Germans who were pinned to death on the track below the platform are now a group of remnants. They have no way to advance or retreat, and there is no hope of escape. They can only be nailed to death under such a small area of ​​​​the platform. Fighting in the track bed area. My troops have basically completed the internal siege of the platform and are clearing out the remaining enemies. None of them can escape. "

"My suggestion is to invest troops from the south, north, and east to attack the Germans at the same time, but don't rush to attack! We need to create a large enough formation to let the Germans clearly understand that they have been completely surrounded. First of all, we must Demoralize their resistance."

"And to the west, I heard that Comrade Commander, you have led a group of heavy tanks to block this gap. It is even more impossible for these Germans to run out from here. Climbing from the track bed to the platform under the eyes of the heavy tanks It’s like seeking death, just one car and two machine guns can mow them to pieces.”

"If you can't use direct fire cover, the casualties of storming the armored train carriage will be too great. Comrade Division Commander, I think we should try to avoid it as much as possible. No matter what, I always want to try to put pressure on the Germans first. Taking concrete actions to force them to surrender, and a hasty attack will only cause us to suffer unnecessary losses, which is worth a try after all."


It does make sense in theory to press the enemy in desperate situations until they surrender through the pressure of powerful force. The history of human wars has no shortage of such classic examples from ancient times to the present.

But a major problem at hand is that Malashenko lacks time, crucial and also the most precious time.

The Germans themselves knew that there were no reinforcements around the train station and that they were isolated and helpless, but this was only one-sided intelligence. Malashenko had no idea that there was such a good thing.

In Malashenko's view, raiding the train station and coming specifically to rob the train to rob the treasure was just an act to stir up a hornet's nest. What's more, he also beat up the Skeleton Division, one of the four aces of the SS. They were all dishonest and suffered heavy losses.

Malashenko guessed that the current German headquarters was absolutely in a state of panic, like ants jumping on a hot pot. Correspondingly, the Germans are definitely mobilizing their troops and generals desperately, trying every means to mobilize reinforcements from various nearby nodes, rushing towards the train station, the eye of the storm, from all directions, in an attempt to prevent the "baby is lost, The Skeleton Division is gone too.” This is the worst possible outcome.

Not only is this entirely possible, but it is definitely the most likely, even infinite.

Every minute Malashenko was delayed at the train station and surrounded by German troops coming from all directions, the greater the chance that he would be unable to leave even if he wanted to.

What's more, even if you get the baby, it doesn't mean that everything is settled. You still have to think about how to get the baby off the broken carriage, and then toss it out and escort it away quickly. This must be a trouble that takes a lot of time. You can think of the process and thinking.

After carefully weighing the various pros and cons together in his mind, Malashenko, who had already decided what to do next, finally faced Varosha with a serious expression and spoke again.

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