Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1849 Strong pressure

"Fifteen minutes, I can only give you fifteen minutes. Read"

"If your plan doesn't work after fifteen minutes, although I really don't want you to do this, we can only attack by force. We can only use infantry tactics to force down these broken carriages. Otherwise, we have no choice. ,have you understood?"

Fifteen minutes can be said to be too much or too little. The key is to see when it is used.

For a battle like this that would seem to be difficult to resolve to a discerning eye, fifteen minutes is not enough, and can even be said to be seriously insufficient.

Varosha wanted to end this meaningless battle this morning by applying pressure to surrender, but Varosha himself had no idea how effective this would be and whether it would succeed in the end. end.

Generally speaking, the trains have derailed and overturned, and the station has been surrounded by enemies. In such a desperate situation with no way out, there is no other choice. At this time, there is no way to surrender. Being laughed at.

It is obvious that the German guy in front of him is obviously not an ordinary situation and an ordinary person. The stones in the toilet are smelly and hard. It is this kind of garbage. The common sense of judging and measuring things cannot be applied at the moment.

"I will try my best, Comrade Commander. As for whether I can succeed, to be honest, I am not sure, but I will definitely try my best and try my best to achieve the best result."

Varosha's eyes shone with confidence and perseverance. This kind of look was very familiar to Malashenko and he had seen it more than once. For example, he always saw it in Stalingrad. See.

This look convinced Malashenko that "the positive Varosha who fought against difficulties in the past" is still there and has not changed from beginning to end.

Creating miracles requires many objective factors, but the most important thing is human efforts. Compared with the former, the latter is more indispensable.

As for whether this thing can be done, it doesn't matter what Malashenko said, nor what Varosha said. We will know after actually trying it. Let the next fifteen minutes witness this group of lingering Germans. How much can this guy carry?

"Go all out! Varosha, I'm waiting for you to bring me good news."

"Promise to complete the mission, comrade division commander!"

With Varosha, an infantry combat expert, Malashenko naturally does not need to be on the front line to command. But now that the cars have disembarked and people have arrived, it might as well follow behind to supervise the battle or watch the scene. It can also facilitate obtaining first-hand information as soon as possible, and further command can also save the process of transmitting orders. Become more efficient.

In short, when Varosha actually began to assign combat tasks to his three battalion commanders, two ordinary infantry battalion commanders, and one combat engineer battalion commander, Malashenko stood aside and acted like a fool without saying a word. The spectators left everything to Varosha with full responsibility and trust.

"The current situation is not optimistic for us, comrades."

"We don't have much time. We only have fifteen minutes to end the battle. In these fifteen minutes, we need to use all tactical means except storming and deception to force the Germans to surrender. If we can't do it within fifteen minutes, , then we can only start a strong attack, and time cannot be delayed endlessly."

"The Combat Engineer Battalion has arrived at the southern combat area and is exchanging fire with the German remnants, so it will continue to fight in this area. The First Battalion and the Second Battalion started operations from the east and north respectively. The mission goal is not to kill How many Germans, but try to make the movement as loud as possible and have the momentum to suppress it with the army, so that the Germans can completely kill the idea of ​​resistance. This is our priority goal. "

Varosha, who personally assigned the combat mission, looked serious and solemn. The battalion commanders who listened carefully on the side immediately nodded in agreement, but problems soon followed.

"But Comrade Commander, how can we create enough noise without using heavy weapons, not even mortars?"

Someone brought the issue to the point. Varosha, who was also worried about this matter just now, of course knows that this sounds like an inconsistent order, but you have to implement it according to this goal and standard, and the corresponding tactics. Of course it's not that great, it can only be considered better than acting haphazardly without tactics.

"There is no good way but to increase the deployment of advancing troops. The three of you must invest at least half of the troops on hand in your own first wave of offensives. The specific execution will be decided based on the terrain conditions. This It’s your personal business, but our purpose is to make the Germans aware of the disparity in numbers.”

"I know this method sounds stupid, but it's the only way to do it. Or if any of you has a better method, just tell me and share it. I'm all ears."


None of the three battalion commanders who were squatting on the ground and staring at the map spread out said anything. If anyone could think of a better way, they would naturally not hold back until now. Seeing this, Varosha nodded immediately. , and finally gave the order with confirmation.

"Since there is no problem, let's start taking action. I will personally be responsible for commanding the direction of the battle where the combat engineer battalion is located south of the platform. This is also our main attack direction. If the battle is still not resolved after fifteen minutes, follow my signal flares, red When the signal flare goes up, it means that the strong attack has begun. At that time, you will use all your strength to resolve the battle as quickly as possible. Do you understand? "


The three battalion commanders, who had fully accepted their respective battle orders, responded in unison and nodded at the same time.

"Then the battle begins!"

On the other side, the German soldiers who were trapped in the combat compartment of the armored train had not thought about breaking out and escaping.

In fact, not long after the armored train derailed, the first wave of quickly assembled German Guards on the train had already tried to fight out from the north where the defense seemed weak and the Soviet army had not yet completely formed an encirclement.

But the consequence of his unwillingness to lay down his weapons and surrender was that his breakout attempt to flee north was beaten back by the first battalion that had just arrived, as usual, and they were merciless.

After a close-quarters firefight with intensive small-arms firepower, the already small German Guardsmen on the vehicle were defeated in the firepower competition, leaving behind dozens of battered corpses and fled in a hurry, back and forth. Wherever they went, they were driven back under the platform and under the protection of the combat carriages that could barely be used as fortifications.

As for why we should forcefully hold back these Germans instead of allowing them to break out and reduce the battle pressure, there is only one simple reason.

No one knows if these fascist bastards have some Soviet treasures in their pockets. A small item that can be easily put into a pocket may be worth a fortune. The value of antique treasures is not determined by size. This is basic common sense that even a child understands. Maybe there is a bastard with a big bag of treasures on his back who wants to fish in troubled waters and escape.

Since there is no way to check your belongings, we have to assume that you have hidden treasures on your body, keep you with bullets and wait for inspection, but in the form of a corpse instead of a living person. This is the Stalin Guards. A tank division's "Way for the Enemy".

All in all, there are only two paths left for the besieged German troops: either surrender or be completely annihilated. There will be no third option. These German car guards who got off the derailed train are the targets that Malashenko must eat. Even if he lets the bastards of the Skeleton Division escape, he will have to swallow them all in his stomach. , not even a scum is left.

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