Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1851 Working in vain

Malashenko would not have thought that this battle, which seemed bound to be littered with corpses and blood, would end in this way.

When Comrade Lao Ma saw the surrendered Germans raising their hands in the French military salute, emerging one after another from behind the dilapidated or overturned carriages on the rails, Malashenko had a moment I even wondered if I was fucking blind.

"Comrade division commander, the Germans have surrendered!? We haven't started taking action yet, why are they doing this?"

Embarrassment can be divided into many situations. One of the most embarrassing situations is when you have prepared everything and are ready to attack the enemy with an army, but those enemies who you thought would fight to the end suddenly suddenly It means "I don't want to play anymore, I don't want to fight anymore, I surrender to you now, is it a surprise or not? Is it a surprise or not?".

To put it bluntly, in the eyes of the two superiors and subordinates, Malashenko and Varosha, surprises and surprises are actually far away, but embarrassment and shock are indeed there.

It took a lot of effort to put pressure on the German formation, but was it all in vain?

Now that you've decided to surrender, what the hell have you been doing? Isn't this just teasing people?


Malashenko, who was also shouting about his confusing behavior in his heart, once again raised the telescope in his hand to confirm the situation. It was an obvious fact that the German guy really wanted to surrender and was not acting. At this time, if he wanted to find out the truth, then There is only one simple and quick way left.

"Since we surrender, we will accept it. Why refuse if we can save a lot of trouble?"

"No matter what the reason is, this is a good thing after all. Don't care about the previous process, look at the results first. Since the Germans are willing to surrender, we can't break the rules. Take your people and imprison them all. , find a leader to ask what is going on, and find out the reason first. "

Of course Varosha, who had worked with Malashenko for a long time, understood what Comrade Division Commander meant. He responded casually and quickly took action, commanding the troops at hand to surround him and begin to accept the surrender of the German army.

It was only when he really got closer and had the opportunity to take a close look at these German guys who looked like a group of ordinary Wehrmacht outfits that Varosha, who personally led the team to be surrendered and captured, was shocked to discover something was wrong with the situation.

"Comrade Division Commander, big news! These Germans are not from the Army at all, they are from the Luftwaffe! Look, it says it all on the certificates. These bastards also have dark blue Air Force uniforms under their combat robes, and they are from the Luftwaffe. Those Wehrmacht soldiers dressed in iron gray are different from the black ones of the SS."


What the hell is this? air force! ? Someone under Marshal Meyer? Who are these bastards? ?

A lot of questions suddenly popped up in Malashenko's mind. He couldn't figure out the situation for a while. He wanted to ask something, but he thought it would be more practical to see the military ID card handed over by Varosha first. I chose the latter.

It was only after taking the military officer's ID card and flipping through two pages that Malashenko suddenly understood the several keywords recorded on it.

"Fuck! These idiots have quite a lot of background. They are from the German Air Force field force, and they are from the "Hermann Göring" oh no, they should be said to be from the "Hermann Meyer" division."

Everything that can fly in Germany is under my control!

Marshal Meyer, who had made such bold words a long time ago, did not only have aircraft in his eyes. His desire for power would only expand with the passage of time.

Even if the German Army could not make up for the huge loss of personnel, it took aim at the bloated personnel of the Air Force and asked to cut off a piece of meat and stuff it into its own wound to mend it. In the end, it even asked the head of state to help intercede. Give direct orders.

The extremely reluctant Marshal Meyer is still determined to never give up the power in his hands, and he will not allow anyone to divide and exploit it from his own hands. Taking a step back from the trash of the Wehrmacht is what he can tolerate. limit.

The final result of this was that the German Army did not receive the direct complement of troops they wanted most at the beginning. Instead, they received 20 air force field divisions specially sent by Marshal Meyer with a wave of his hand as a kind of force. New troops made up for the losses in battle.

Just like the meaning of the name, the so-called Air Force Field Division is naturally different from the ordinary National Defense Army Army. The biggest difference lies in the personnel composition, which is all made up of the German Air Force's ground support and baggage, as well as some marginal and bloated personnel.

To put it bluntly, they are a bunch of semi-monastic monks, which are essentially different from the serious monks who have been fasting and chanting Buddha since childhood.

Since the Air Force is composed of a bunch of people who have nothing to do and fish in troubled waters all day long, then you really can't expect a bunch of such a mob to have strong combat effectiveness when they get together.

The vast majority of air force field divisions are low-level combat units. Their combat effectiveness is far inferior to that of the field infantry divisions of the National Defense Force. They can only be said to be slightly better than the third-rate servant army. But there is one Air Force Field Division that is an exception. This is the "Hermann Goering" Air Force Field Division named after Marshal Meyer.

Strictly speaking, these are the most elite ground combat forces under Marshal Meyer. They are the "face troops" and "the personal soldiers of the Imperial Marshal" that he sent to the frontline battlefields to fight the Russians at the request of the head of state. If this is still like It would be a bit embarrassing if other Air Force field divisions were so stretched and vulnerable, wouldn't it? Where can we put the face of our Imperial Marshal?

Then again, Malashenko is actually not unfamiliar with the name of the Göring Division. After all, it is the only unit that can fight among the twenty Luftwaffe field divisions. In the history of World War II in the 21st century, According to the information, it is also considered as the number one character "on the list".

But Malashenko really didn’t expect to meet the guys from Division Göring here. It wouldn’t be unusual if he bumped into him on a serious battlefield, but why were these guys sent here with such an attitude? What about working as a train escort or escort?

Is this how the only elite land combat team under Marshal Meyer is used? Specializing in errands that are usually the responsibility of third-rate garrison troops?

Malashenko couldn't figure it out. He felt that there must be some secrets and twists and turns that he didn't know about. As for the method of solving the puzzle and getting the answer, he had to learn from the prisoners of the German Air Force who had been captured before him. .

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