Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1852 Double Meyer

"These German guys are from the air force? Are the pilots here to fight on land? Are you mistaken?"

"How could you be wrong? Look at the clothes these bastards wear. Have you ever seen an average German wearing dark blue clothes?"

"Are these German guys crazy because they are short of men? Are the people in the Air Force using them like this?"

Just like a group of monkeys in a zoo who were led out to wander the streets and attracted crowds of people to watch, these prisoners of Göring's division really did not expect that they would be "so polite" by the enemy, and they would be pointed at and watched in return. It feels really indescribably weird. ReadМ

Malashenko could understand where the soldiers' doubts and various questions came from. It was the first time he heard that people from the Air Force were also sent to fight on land. It was not surprising that this was the case, because this kind of thing was true. It sounds so weird and can lead to natural misunderstandings.

However, Malashenko did not have time to explain these to the soldiers. It was more important to clarify the confusion in his heart first than to explain the identity and origin of these Germans.

That is to say, when Malashenko was waiting for Varosha to come back to report, and was about to go there to ask about the situation in person, Varosha, who had already gone to the German prisoners to interrogate the situation for a while, finally turned back and returned to Malashenko. In front of Rashenko.

"It's all clear, comrade division commander. '6' '9' 's' 'h' 'u' 'x' '.' 'c' 'o' 'm'"

"The leader of these German air force dogs is a colonel, but the ones who made the decision to surrender to us were a major and his deputy captain. These two bastards don't want to die with this idiot colonel. They really can't stand it anymore. As soon as they discussed it, they simply rebelled, kidnapped the colonel, relieved him of his command, and then took him to surrender to us, which is what it looks like now. "


Blinking his eyes, he shook his head. It's not that Malashenko was having a hard time today, it's just that the series of unexpected news and bloody situations were so "horrifying" that he even made a fuss about it. The well-informed Malashenko found it unbelievable.

"What are you talking about? Rebellion!? A major and a captain kidnapped their colonel commander and asked us to surrender? Are you sure this is true? Have you checked everything?!"

Malashenko's unbelievable words and unbelievable questions kept clicking like a machine gun. Varosha, who was also extremely ashamed in his heart, could only curl his lips and continue to speak truthfully.

"At least that's what the major and captain said. A simple cross-examination is consistent with the confession. There is no obvious difference in their statements. I feel that this is most likely to be true. It seems that this is the only way to explain it. It has always been true before. It was the air force colonel who gave the order to fight to the death, and it was also he who ordered the train to forcefully rush through the jam. If this is the case, it will explain all the problems. "


The noncommittal Malashenko said nothing at first. According to Varosha's explanation, he stringed together all the clues of the situation in his mind and sorted them out thoroughly. After a while, he nodded quietly as if he suddenly understood.

"It seems that there is a high probability that this is true. I can't think of any obvious lies or flaws in this."

My doubts were finally answered, but I still wanted to confirm it with the person in person to fully convince myself.

Malashenko thought so, but in the end he did not do it.

The tight time did not allow him to squander it so wantonly. The first priority was not to check with the German leader how and why they surrendered, but to find out the real goal of his trip: those precious treasures. Details of the situation and whereabouts.

"Have you found out the whereabouts of those treasures? In which carriages did the Germans hide the things?"

Malashenko, who had personally led his team off the platform and walked on the battlefield ruins, asked as he walked, and Varosha, who followed him with a group of guards, answered quickly.

"It has been identified and marked, Comrade Division Commander."

"For the sake of safety, the Germans mainly concentrated their treasures in the five carriages in the middle and rear of the train. These five carriages were originally combat carriages with built-in heavy weapons and armored protection. It was just that the Germans were out of mission All the weapons need to be dismantled, leaving only the outer armor plates to protect the treasures they looted. "

"There are also some treasures that are scattered and stored in other carriages. The main reason is that the five carriages cannot fit in them, so they have no choice but to put them in other carriages so that they can be taken away at once."

"Oh, by the way, speaking of this armored train, there is another special situation that should be of great interest to you, Comrade Division Commander."

Varosha spoke carefully, and Malashenko, who was constantly moving and moving on the side, also listened attentively and refused to let go of every detail that could easily be missed.

"Just say it, what's the special situation?"

Malashenko's answer was very straightforward. Varosha, who wanted to sell it off a little bit, was very wise and did not continue to play tricks and gave the answer directly.

"This armored train is not the property of the Wehrmacht, comrade division commander. The prisoners confessed that it belongs to the personal property of Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering, the commander of the German Air Force. The armored train itself is named after him. It is called "Hermann Göring".


Malashenko, who was still striding forward, couldn't help but stop when he heard this. His eyes narrowed slightly and his mind was thinking rapidly.

The Hermann Meyer armored train, plus the on-board escort of the Hermann Meyer division?

Okay, now even the last question can be explained.

If Marshal Meyer, who was extremely selfish, greedy for money and treasure, had not set his sights on these treasures, Malashenko would never believe that a treasure escort mission could use such luxurious equipment.

You just brought in Meyer's personal soldiers as escorts, and you also brought in the armored train named after himself as a freight train.

Just like those Juncker veterans from the Wehrmacht, which bastard can have such power and dignity?

To put it bluntly, if Meyer himself was not willing, the head of state might have to discount his words.

Such a luxurious treasure-stealing and escorting lineup can only mean one thing: the imperial marshal personally asked and named these treasures to get them. Otherwise, the situation we now know would not have happened.

However, this situation is good for now. Malashenko can almost guess how furious the Imperial Marshal would be after learning the news, and he would like to lift the roof off the house with anger.

It is known to all that this fat pig-like Imperial Marshal has a perverted love for all kinds of rare treasures. His ability to basically empty out the Louvre Museum cannot be underestimated.

So what kind of treasure could make Marshal Meyer so crazy that he would spend so much money to safely transport these treasures back to his hometown and collect them for fun?

Malashenko can't wait to reveal the answer.

But when the side door of the train carriage was opened, and the large wooden boxes neatly stacked and packed inside were opened again and saw the light of day again, the dazzling golden light caused by the refraction of the sun's rays still dazzled Comrade Ma's eyes. Not to mention, the real name of the thing in front of me can make everyone present have their jaws dropped and their jaws dropped.

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