Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1853 Legendary Treasure

Long ago, Europe was not as fragmented as it is now. Although it was still a model of kings dominating one side, the kings and families of various European countries had some kinship and some blood relations with each other. , there are various forms of marriage and marriage, such as you marrying your daughter and I marrying my sister.

It is also because of such distant relatives that the relationship between royal families in Europe is actually quite good. For example, the relationship between the Tsar and the Kaiser was quite good for a while. The Kaiser thought that since the relationship was good, he should give some gifts, so he built a small house with natural amber and sent it to Tsar Peter the Great thousands of miles away.

This small room was so popular among the Russian royal family that the later Tsarina Catherine even renovated it and added a lot of gold and diamonds to the already magnificent Amber Room. , making it more magnificent and resplendent. The 24K hardened krypton gold can blind people as soon as they enter the house.

In the distant 21st century, the Amber Room is an ancient treasure that has been lost, just like the ancient jade seal of the Celestial Dynasty that was lost.

As for the reason, it is that after the fascist aggressive thugs stole the Amber Room during the Patriotic War, they hid it in unknown places after several turnovers. Although Soviet officials worked hard to trace the traces of the Amber Room after the war, the KGB gang During the entire Cold War, I was worried about this matter. I searched for clues everywhere but still disappeared.

It may be that Fascism really hid it too deep, but it may also be that Britain, the United States and other countries discovered the Amber Room and secretly processed it and hid it in their own hands.

All in all, the Amber Room is a treasure that only exists in legends. No one knows what the real original thing looks like, and no one has witnessed its true glory. Malashenko, no, it should be said to be Lin Jie. When he was studying in Moscow, he had only seen records and descriptions of such magical objects in literature.

Many Russian historians regard this object as the first lost treasure in Russian history. If it can be found and returned to the national collection, it is probably not a problem for Putin to kowtow to you on the spot.

"Haha, even if this thing is found, few people will return it to Russia, right? Such a valuable thing weighs several tons, and even if you cut a corner, it is worth a lot of money. It is simply worth more than a gold mountain! Who can be so generous and selfless? You must be a fool to return this thing for nothing."

If the current Malashenko remembers correctly, Lin Jie should have said this when he was flipping through books in the library.

Fate played a huge joke on Malashenko, right at this moment.

The fool who "returned the treasure" in Lin Jie's words turned out to be Malashenko himself.

When Malashenko, who had worked hard and experienced all kinds of difficulties and obstacles along the way, finally saw the target he was really looking for on this trip, the extreme shock in his heart was beyond words, and his mouth was half-opened. , shocked to the point of being speechless.

"Damn you! Why is this thing here!? Is there something wrong with the Germans' brains? Why is something that was obtained in 1941 still in the Soviet Union in 1944? Shouldn't this thing have been shipped back to Germany a long time ago? ?”

The Amber Room was stolen in 1941, the first year of the Great Patriotic War.

Armed fascist thugs stormed the Catherine Palace in Leningrad, tore out the entire house from the palace, packed it up and transported it away. At least this is what most orthodox historical records of the 21st century later recorded. describe.

According to Malashenko's guess, the first priority for the Germans to get their hands on the stuff should be to transport it out of the Soviet Union as soon as possible. The best option would be to send it back to their home base for safekeeping and hiding first.

Based on this, is it possible that what Malashenko is looking at is not the Amber Room? Is it a fake imitation or something else?

It's unlikely. At least Comrade Ma thinks that the thing in front of him is definitely the Amber Room.

The things contained in the large special wooden box are walls and pillars made of a whole piece of amber. It is not appropriate to say that it is a whole piece, because this thing is natural and complete, and is made of a whole piece of amber. It is not made of a pile of small amber pieces like broken stones, and the overall visual effect is far worse.

Large pieces of natural amber are also engraved with gilt reliefs and huge diamonds and gems. The reflected light produced by the sun's rays refracting on these things is simply more dazzling than looking directly at the sun's rays themselves.

Malashenko doesn’t think that in these turbulent years of war, when chickens and dogs are restless and human lives are worse than dogs, who would have enough time to recreate a fake Amber Room. Moreover, from the results of his own future memory search, Malashenko did not remember anyone in history trying to build a second Amber Room, let alone being found by a German. This is a unique and unique treasure in the world.

Since it was not a fake, then why on earth did this thing still remain in the Soviet Union in 1944, before the Germans prepared to transport it away urgently? In the end, he was stopped halfway because his movements were not neat enough?

Malashenko couldn't figure out the reason. If there was to be an investigation, it would be an extremely time-consuming and long process. I'm afraid even the group of Meyer Division prisoners responsible for escorting this thing don't know why this thing is still in the Soviet Union after reaching 44.

Maybe based on the need for confidentiality, it is very possible that you don't even know the specific items you are escorting.

"Damn, this thing is so big! It will take a lot of effort to transport it away!"

Finding the legendary supreme treasure is undoubtedly a good thing, but what's even more terrible is how to transport such a large and heavy thing. This is really a very troublesome problem for Malashenko.

"There's nothing we can do. We'll gather all the available trucks later. The worst we can do is to throw away everything on the truck and drag it away. If the truck can't fit in, we'll remove the fender and hard-install it. I don't believe it's still here today. I can’t take these things away!”

Maybe it's to facilitate transportation, or maybe it's for other reasons that Malashenko doesn't know yet.

But in short, the Germans dismantled the Amber Room into several large scattered pieces, with the area basically ranging from single digits to several square meters.

Malashenko checked all the wooden boxes one by one and found that the Germans' disassembly had caused irreversible damage to the Amber Room. The cutting marks were very obvious and were caused by sharp cutting tools. It is estimated that it would be difficult to put this thing back together. The original state is intact.

But the more terrible thing was yet to come. Malashenko soon discovered that there were actually big problems with these packaged amber rooms.

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