Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1854 Half of the ruins

"Something's wrong, Varosha! Are all the treasures we found here? Are you sure you have searched every corner of the station and the carriage? Make sure you don't miss anything."


Malashenko's sudden question really stopped Varosha on the spot and made him look ashamed.

"Comrade Commander, this carriage has indeed been searched. We even dug out the German guy's personal belongings. We even opened and rummaged through his wallet one by one. Everything we can find is here."

"But if you want to talk about the station, this station is so big. Even if all the hands of three battalions are thrown out under the handshake, there is no way to turn the station upside down in such a short time. All places where large items can be hidden are After rummaging through the whole station, only the people searching in the goods yard have not come back to report, but none of the people who have come back have reported that they found the treasure. It seems that there is no treasure left in the station. Everything has been stolen by the Germans. It’s packed in boxes and packed into trains.”


Varosha, who spread his hands, looked aggrieved and innocent. Malashenko also felt that his question was a bit outrageous.

Come to think of it, how could the German leave the treasure in the station? With such a long heavy-duty armored train and several specially modified carriages with armored protection, it can haul all those treasures away in one go, right? Otherwise, why would you stay? Are you waiting to be captured and recycled by the Red Army?

Oh, one more thing.

This armored train was not only filled with all kinds of treasures, but also packed with two battalions of third-rate defense troops originally stationed at this train station, intending to run away together.

Even if it is seriously overloaded, this can also reflect from the side the carrying capacity of this thing, which is indeed quite astonishing. Otherwise, why not leave the treasure behind, not complete the priority tasks, and drag a group of third-rate defense teams who are completely incompatible with their own tasks to go back to work? No matter how stupid the commander is, he probably wouldn't do this, right? Um?

After thinking logically, Malashenko discovered that all the treasures might really be right in front of him, and there was a high probability that there would be no other treasures that had not yet been found.

But this made Malashenko feel even more panicked, like a group of people.

You ask why?

Just because Malashenko discovered that all the pieces of the Amber Room contained in all the big wooden boxes in front of him were only enough to build half of the Amber Room. These amber slabs cut into pieces are obviously far from being able to form a complete amber room.

This is like a complete jigsaw puzzle, even if it is dismantled and messed up. If half of the puzzle pieces are missing and there is a diagram for reference, you can see at a glance that there are big problems. This is a very simple reason. , it would take more than these amber slabs to build a house.

Especially under the premise that Malashenko's past life visited a one-to-one replica of the Amber Room in the future, knew its true size, and had a clear and clear idea of ​​the general appearance of the "puzzle board."

"Damn it, the amber boards here can at most make up half an amber room. Where are the remaining amber boards? Where did the remaining boards go!? Fuck!!!"

The joy of finding the legendary treasure has now been diluted by the annoyance of "only half found, and the remaining half is missing", and is about to disappear completely without a trace.

When he thought that he had spent so much effort but only found half of the Amber Room, Malashenko felt furious and had an evil fire in his heart that he felt could not be released.

Either you can't find it at all, or you can find it all for me. What the hell does it mean to find half of it? Are you kidding me? Where did the remaining half go? ?

Malashenko, with his hands on his hips, angrily walked around the pile of treasures, his head was simply a mess, and he looked so angry that Varosha immediately pretended to be a grandson. Dare to speak out, and even less courageous to go up and interrupt the comrade's thinking.

"Go! Varosha, take charge of the affairs for me"


Malashenko, who suddenly stopped in his tracks, couldn't continue in the middle of his words. Varosha, who could guess the second half of the unspoken sentence of his comrade, did not dare to add anything. He just waited for Marashenko. What does Coe say next.

Halfway through the words, he realized something was wrong and stopped abruptly. His hands were still in mid-air, maintaining the posture of asking Varosha to call someone to help him solve the problem. Mara felt a little embarrassed and had complicated emotions. Shen Ke smacked his lips, and after a while he turned around and spoke quietly again.

"Okay, call the trucks. Pack up all the treasures and take them away. Don't leave any of them behind! If you leave anything behind, you'll have to go to court-martial. I can't guarantee it. I can't handle this!"

"You, Varosha, take personal responsibility! If something happens and the baby is lost, I will blame you!"

"Yes, I promise to complete the mission! Comrade Division Commander!"

Looking at Malashenko's back as he turned away and headed towards the waiting hall, the deputy commander, who had been following Varosha from beginning to end and did not dare to take a breath, finally got close to the commander's ear. Bian asked in a low voice.

"I swear to Stalin, I have forgotten the last time Comrade Commander was so angry. What is the reason for this? I still don't understand it. It was too sudden."

Like most of the middle- and senior-level commanders and fighters of Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division, Varosha is not only an experienced front-line grassroots unit, but also a serious graduate of a major, a military academy graduate, and a high level of education. Being both civil and military is not an exaggeration at all.

With Varosha's knowledge, he could naturally figure out what the items in the boxes in front of him were, and of course he also understood why Malashenko was so angry.

"Haven't you seen it yet? What's in this box is a supreme treasure. It's the Amber Room handed down from Peter the Great!"

"Amber Room?! Is this real? It can't be fake, right? I heard that this thing was stolen by Germans a long time ago? Why is it here, at this time?"

In response to his deputy's brainless and idiotic question, he could only express his speechlessness and shake his head. It was a bit too much to talk about these things with this guy who had a single head and was often unable to turn around. Varosha chose to bypass it. And directly answered the root cause of the question, accompanied by a long sigh.


"The boards of the Amber Room contained in the box don't match the numbers. They don't add up to make up a complete room. I guess they can only make up half a room at most. This must be why Comrade Commander is so angry."

"I spent so much effort, traveled such a long way, and came all the way here, but in the end what I got was a half-broken treasure, and the other half was nowhere to be found. So many comrades sacrificed and paid so much for this. Big price."

"If it were you, if you were the division commander and commanded operations, wouldn't you be angry? Huh?"

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