Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1961 This is what I think

Zhukov did not tell Malashenko about this matter, whether it was because he forgot to mention it or for some other reason. In short, Malashenko now clearly knows that he is the direct beneficiary of this matter. A batch of new infantry combat vehicles are ready for use soon. ReadМ

As for 50 vehicles, forget it, less is less. It can at least meet the actual combat needs of a main regiment, and the coordinated infantry needed for the regiment's main attack direction can be delivered in one wave. This can at least play a local role in determining the outcome with one blow, and there is no problem in quickly winning a regional victory.

Going a step further, it involves the issue of subsequent expansion of results, and the newly upgraded and expanded leader division lacks exactly this ability.

As long as the most critical breakthrough point of the spearhead is established, the rest of the things will be much easier to handle. It is nothing more than tearing open the wound on the German guy's body that was punctured by the blow. The most critical thing is to attack The first wave of key attacks in the direction must determine the outcome in one go.

So from this perspective, 50 infantry fighting vehicles can definitely play a big role, which is definitely a good thing.

Malashenko, who has figured out a lot of things in his mind, honestly feels very grateful to Kotin and also to Morozov.

Since the two people were brought together by him last time, and they temporarily put aside their competition and began to cooperate more deeply, the first product was released so quickly and was very good, which can help Malashenko a lot.

When he thought of this, Comrade Lao Ma couldn't help but speak to Ke Jing again.

"Thank you both this time. This kind of thing is exactly what I need. It plays a decisive role in my new tactics and troop organization concept. I just gave a little advice, and you two completed it. The credit must go to you.”

Kogin, who had been with Malashenko for a long time and was familiar with each other, just smiled when he heard this and was about to say something, but he seemed to suddenly remember something he had forgotten before, and changed his tone to a questioning tone. He spoke to Malashenko again.

"I almost forgot about something, I need to ask your opinion."


Kogin's pretentious appearance aroused Malashenko's curiosity. He didn't understand what could make Kogin look like this.

"The production of the IS2 heavy tank has been discontinued for some time, but a batch of pre-production car bodies and chassis are still idle."

"It would be too wasteful to scrap it and recycle it. It would be okay to transform it into the ISU152 without a turret. However, the production task is not scheduled yet. I can only say that it will be soon. You happened to be here, and I wanted to ask if you have any thoughts or opinions. Should we directly transform it into more ISU152, or should we try to transform it into something else, which might bring out more value.

Because the IS2 was completely discontinued and the production line was withdrawn and replaced by the IS6, the IS2 body and chassis production has long been stopped, which incidentally affected the production of the ISU152 self-propelled artillery.

After all, strictly speaking, the ISU152 is a subsidiary derivative of the IS2 project. It was the finalization and production of the IS2 project that led to the birth of the ISU152 using the same body and chassis, rather than the production of the ISU152 that led to the completion of the IS2 project. There is a causal relationship between the two. Not interchangeable front and back.

Ultimately, the ISU152 can only be regarded as one of the deformed vehicles modified using the IS2 heavy tank chassis in order to save production resources.

If in order to maintain the normal production of ISU152, the IS2 production line is forcibly retained, which will affect the increase in production of the new IS6 heavy tank, then it is putting the cart before the horse and losing more than the gain.

After all, retaining an old production line will have a great impact on the output of the more important heavy tanks. Kojing's first priority is to ensure the IS6 production task is completed on time and increase output, rather than to maintain ancillary projects such as the ISU152, the main heavy tank of the previous generation.

Therefore, we are launching a project based on the new generation of main heavy tanks, that is, the modification of the body and chassis of the IS6 to obtain a new self-propelled artillery to replace the previous generation ISU152 as a new equipment with the same function but more powerful , the remaining IS2 chassis that have not been used up should continue to be used to maintain the reproduction work of ISU152.

But when the IS6 modified version of the new self-propelled artillery has entered the trial production stage, Kotin is reluctant to continue to waste the precious self-propelled artillery production capacity of the Chelyabinsk factory to the point where it is certain that the previous generation of self-propelled artillery is not as good as the new self-propelled artillery. It is obviously better to use the precious and limited production capacity to produce new self-propelled artillery with higher combat effectiveness.

So the question is, what to do with these old IS2 body chassis that are not popular with Kejing? We can't just let them sleep here and eat ashes, right? That's a waste of the motherland's precious productivity and production resources. As a leader, Kogin has a big responsibility. If the NKVD gang finds out about this, they will be in trouble.

As for going back to the furnace to make steel, it would be even more troublesome. Ke Jin didn't want to be scolded behind his back that he was letting his fellow workers work in vain, wasting precious productivity and ultimately producing nothing.

This is not the case, and that is not possible either, so what should we do?

Kejin thought about it and decided to ask a god for help to see what unique skills Malashenko, a guy who always has infinite ideas in his head, could do. Maybe he could help him solve the problem as easily as before.

Hearing what Kojing said, he looked in the direction indicated by Kojing's eyes and saw the piles of IS2 heavy tank chassis lying in a row in the corner of the factory workshop. Malashenko basically looked at them. The problems that troubled Ke Jin were pretty much guessed at.

As for the solution to this problem and how to do it, Malashenko, who had been harboring a bold idea for a long time, happened to catch up and thought that he might as well take this opportunity to give Kojin the final say.

"I think this is easy to solve. I just have an idea. You can listen to it and see if it works."

Kotin and Malashenko were walking and chatting. Kotin, who said nothing but listened attentively, was obviously waiting for Malashenko's next words.

"Take the situation of our division as an example. Our division has high-mobility artillery firepower that can meet practical needs. In particular, the Katyusha, which has extremely explosive firepower, is very easy to use. It can be of great help many times and can cause heavy damage in an instant. The German position opened the way for the attack."

"But there is a problem. The Katyusha's accuracy is not good, and it can only shoot straight from the rear. If I want to open up the situation with another wave of fire support when the troops are already close to the German position, but encounter stubborn resistance. At that time, Katyusha couldn't do it. There was a high chance that our own people would be accidentally injured, so we didn't dare to fire at all. Letting the troops withdraw first and then letting Katyusha open fire would put the cart before the horse. All the casualties incurred during the attack would be in vain. Yes, we have encountered this problem more than once in actual combat.”

"The problem of poor accuracy is easy to solve. As long as you are close enough and can shoot directly within the line of sight, there is no such thing as artillery with poor accuracy. But Katyusha's truck chassis has no protection and there is no way to drive it. Follow the attack from the front line and shoot directly from close range.”

"My idea is very simple, Comrade Kogin. I want an assault rocket launcher with heavy armor protection and powerful explosive firepower of the Katyusha, which can accompany the attack with the front-line heavy armored troops. And she has the largest caliber. It seems to be bigger than the Katyusha. I want her to also have the ability to attack and destroy strong fortifications, and be able to complete tasks that even the ISU152 cannot do. This is my idea. "

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