Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1962 Things are a bit complicated

The assault rocket tank is a weapon that is not very common in the current World War II or future wars in the 21st century, but it does exist. read

There are very few countries that have actually developed and equipped this type of weapons and put them into actual combat. Among the lists of these countries, the Soviet Union, which is good at taking the artillery route, is undoubtedly the most prominent among them. Of course, it is also in this category. The existence that lights up the farthest point on the online technology tree.

In fact, if we really want to talk about the assault rocket tank modified from a tank chassis, Malashenko has used it before. He once equipped it for a short period of time. He used the T40 light tank chassis to carry an 82mm rocket launcher. That’s it.

Although the caliber of the rockets is a bit smaller, this kind of short-lived gadget, which was only equipped for a short period of time and could no longer be replenished after the battle damage was completed because the vehicle has been discontinued, was left to Comrade Ma. Very impressed.

There is no other reason. The chassis of a small and light tank can instantly burst out with ferocity, enough to crush the firepower of heavy armored combat vehicles such as the ISU-152. Although the power of rockets with a diameter of 82 mm is a bit less, there are too many of them that cannot withstand a salvo.

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, and a swarm of these things come roaring towards you, like a swarm of wasps, directly hitting you in the face. Except for those permanent fortifications that are really strong, other ordinary small houses and buildings with not so thick brick walls cannot withstand a volley of fire from this thing. The walls will collapse in an instant when the fire bursts. The house collapsed and was annihilated by flying ashes.

Of course there are shortcomings. For example, the protection of light tanks is too poor. It can barely carry a light weapon attack. Even the German's 37 stepping stone can take this thing away with one shot. What's more, the ammunition rack and launch rail mounted above the head are too naive and exposed without any protection. In actual combat, it is very easy to be hit, damaged or even the ammunition exploded.

In general, the flaws are still not concealed. After Malashenko used the assault rocket tank once, he could never forget it again and left an indelible shadow in his heart.

Malashenko has always wondered whether, if there was a chance, he should mention it to Kogin to develop an assault rocket tank with heavy armor protection and the ability to withstand more powerful rockets. Just imagine what it would feel like for a German guy to be blasted in the face by a large-caliber rocket? Anyway, regardless of whether the German guy feels good or not, Malashenko just asks himself that he must feel good.

After hearing Malashenko's description of the situation and the reason for wanting to do this, Kejin felt that inspiration suddenly came to his mind. He put his hand on his chin and thought for a while. However, after a while, he thought of something and then changed his mind. He turned his head towards Malashenko and said.

"If you just look at the performance requirements you put forward, it's actually quite simple to build this kind of thing."

"We all know that the protection of the body and chassis of the IS2's later models has been greatly improved. Most areas of the front projection are immune to direct bombardment by the Germans' mainstream anti-armor weapons. In addition, its mobility is also good. The originally adapted power system can meet the actual needs of this car body and chassis, so there is nothing that needs to be changed.”

"The rest is the most critical part you mentioned, the weapon system. If you just add a large-caliber rocket launcher with ready-to-fire ammunition, I think it is not difficult. Just put a firing wire into the car and do it. A new set of firing and sighting systems will do. The rocket launcher itself is a simple structure, and the IS2 chassis has a strong enough load-bearing capacity to mount the heavy-duty rocket reflector you want."

After listening to Kogin's analysis and summary, Malashenko's eyes lit up, and he blurted out slightly excited words.

"Is that okay? Tell me how long it will take to get the modified things into my hands. I can't wait just listening to it."

Looking at Malashenko's "really anxious" look, Kogin just rolled his eyes and couldn't help but lament that Malashenko is like a child sometimes, asking for whatever he wants and getting very excited. , some things that are far from simple should be explained to him clearly in advance now, so as to prevent him from thinking that this thing can be solved tomorrow.

"Simple is simple, but it still takes time. Please listen to what I have to say first."

"First we have to submit the application and project plan. Although the remaining batch of IS2 body and chassis is already the last batch, less than 100. But it still doesn't mean that we can use it just as we say. What, if you can make your own decisions, you must first get approval from your superiors. I don’t want to follow you to play such a risky game. It’s enough to experience such an exciting thing once in a lifetime.”

Well, it seems that this old boy Kogin has not forgotten the last time he brought Kalashnikov to him to get a gun.

Although the matter was resolved satisfactorily in the end and everyone was happy, it could be seen that Ke Jing still left a "very deep impression". I'm afraid it would not be feasible to fool this old man into following him.

Malashenko, who was thinking about something in his mind, did not speak, but Kogin, who had the right to speak, continued to talk.

"In addition to the time it takes for superiors to review the application, the design of the drawings here also takes some time. Although it is very simple, it does not mean that there is no need for drawing work. We still have to consider several options and select the best one. You know that only by brainstorming can you design a good weapon."

"Then there are the details. The general design ideas and configuration directions are in place, but there are still many details that need to be filled in. For example, what caliber of rockets should be installed, what kind of launch system should be used, and several previous tests I have to get actual combat feedback and improvement experience on sexual and mass-produced assault rocket tanks, and even the design drawings.”

"If you can't find it, you have to borrow or ask for it. In short, you have to get it. It is very important to learn from previous design experience. None of what I mentioned is a simple process. Military production is a very complex and cumbersome system process. This You know that no matter how fast it is, it will take three to five months to get it to you, and that’s assuming the superiors approve the plan as soon as possible. "

"It's difficult to handle this matter just relying on my own influence. Since you asked for the things, you have to help. You have to give some specific needs and suggestions, and by the way, I write a report in your name. Just hand it over. As long as it's what you want, I guess the people in charge of project approval won't be too difficult."

"After all, those people who are willing to speak for you are more respectable than the others. The bodies and chassis of these dozens of IS2s are also the last batch to be completed. Once this batch is completed, we will say goodbye to the IS2 production task completely. It is considered semi-obsolete. The products are used to their full potential, and they are not urgently needed new products. No one wants to complicate something that is originally simple.”

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