Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1970 Belly of Steel (Part 1)

"Damn, it looks very spacious from the outside, but when you come in, it doesn't feel as comfortable as staying in IS4? Is it because I have an illusion???"

Cars that look big from the outside generally have a larger interior space. After the crew members get in, they will have a better sense of space and stay relatively comfortable. At least this is true according to common sense. read

However, compared to the appearance of the IS7 under its huge size, Malashenko felt a bit of "visual deception" after actually getting into the car.

The IS7, which looks tall and mighty from the outside, is actually quite crowded inside. Although it is not as exaggerated as the T34 and the turret is crowded, Malashenko, who is used to the space inside the IS4, always feels that the IS7 is so crowded. The space inside the car is really wrong and far from IS4.

If you raise your arms to touch, you will touch if you push your legs. Even if you don't pay attention, your head may hit the iron. This makes Malashenko, who has just entered the car and experienced it from the driver's seat, feel a little disappointed. , after all, Comrade Lao Ma originally thought that the interior space of the IS7 would be very large and very comfortable after entering.

"It's a bit crowded. At least it's not as comfortable as you would think from the outside."

Malashenko muttered something to himself and expressed his opinion. Shashmulin, who was sitting on the gunner's position nearby, heard this and hurriedly explained to Malashenko.

"There are various reasons, Comrade General. For example, her armor is very thick and strong, and her defensive appearance takes priority, so it takes up a lot of space in the vehicle. We have tried our best to compress the breech volume of the 130mm main gun, but this After all, it is a naval gun, so the vehicle version is actually still very large, but I believe it is definitely worth the money and is very powerful.”

"The 130mm projectiles and cartridges also take up a lot of space. Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to introduce it. This is a loading machine we specially designed for the main gun system. It is semi-automatic, or it is better to call it a loading assistant. A little more suitable.”

As he spoke, the topic was brought to the unusual semi-automatic loader at the end of the turret. Malashenko, who had seen this thing in real life for the first time, also became interested, and then He turned his head and turned sideways to watch Shashmulin's practical explanation.

"First of all, this is the ammunition belt. It is used to place the propellant cartridges. Including the loading position in the middle, a total of seven 130mm propellant cartridges can be placed, which is equivalent to being placed in advance."

"Then there's this, uh, this thing is really heavy. It's a bit difficult for me with my physique to carry it. I should let more professional people do it."

Shashmulin, whose body shape could only be said to be that of an ordinary person, struggled to pick up a projectile, then put his arms around it on the loading rail at the front of the center of the ammunition belt. Malashenko noticed that this special slide rail was not only directly connected to the breech block at one end, but also rigidly connected to the center of the ammunition belt at the other end. This should be the most critical part of this semi-automatic loader.

"The model bullet is as heavy as the real bullet. In fact, it should be placed on the upper ammunition conveyor belt. First, crank the upper crank to let the projectile fall to the ammunition conveyor belt. The slide rail will first send it to the ammunition conveyor belt. Waiting for the second half of loading just behind the breech, this time it is considered to be manual loading in an emergency. I will cover up the loading process for you now. "

Shashmulin, who emphasized to Malashenko that both projectiles and propellant cartridges were absolutely safe and posed no threat, was not idle in his movements.

Before he finished speaking, his right hand had already grasped a swinging crank under the ammunition belt. In fact, at this time, Shashmulin had already changed from the position of the gunner to the position of the loader directly behind the gunner due to the need of explanation. , the action of shaking the crank was quickly blurted out along with the explanation words.

"Electric power-assisted ones only require a little hand power. Of course, if the power system collapses or the entire vehicle loses power and you have to continue fighting in an emergency, this is also a backup hand-operated device with an integrated design. After the power goes out, It will be relatively more laborious and of course slower, not as fast as the electric drive belt, but it is definitely better than manual loading of 130mm shells.”

Shashmulin kept talking and shaking the crank as he spoke. Malashenko could see that the ammunition belt was moving in a kind of way before the car started and all systems in the car were not powered on. It started to move slowly at a not too slow speed, and a propellant cartridge placed on it near the edge was quickly moved to the right behind the breech block and was ready.

"Comrade General, could you please move to that position? It's the position opposite me. The next demonstration requires two people to complete it."


Malashenko couldn't figure out what Shashmulin meant for a while, but since his brother said so, he just did it, and there would be no loss anyway.

He moved his position and stood face to face with Shasmulin in front of the semi-automatic loader. At this time, the propellant cartridge had been sent to the first step through the slide rail connected to the ammunition belt under the operation of Shasmulin. In place, directly behind the projectile waiting to complete the second half of loading, ready.

"Here, Comrade General, you grab this end, I'll grab mine, and then we can work together to complete the final loading work."

"Ah this"

The semi-automatic loader of the IS7 has always been quite mysterious. When Malashenko had not traveled through time before, he had only seen the structural diagram and text description of this thing, and basically knew the general principle, but for the actual use of this thing I don't know how to operate it at all, especially the last step of loading and pushing into the chamber, which is even more surprising that it is done manually.

There is a saying that Comrade Lao Ma originally thought that there might be an automatic ejector rod or something. Just press the button to push the projectile and the cartridge into the chamber with a "clatter". But then I thought about this kind of standard equipment of the automatic loader in the turret tail compartment of later generations. Looking at the current World War II, it is indeed a bit too advanced. A semi-automatic is good, but what kind of bicycle do you want?

If it really had an automatic ejector lever and just pressed a button, would it still be called a semi-automatic loader? It makes sense when you think about it.

Looking at the "T-shaped" ramrod held by Shashmulin at one end, Malashenko knew that the corresponding other end needed to be held by himself. This is why IS7 is equipped with two loaders instead of one. .

Malashenko, who understood what he had to do, was very perceptive, and there was no need for Shashmulin to say more about what happened next.

I saw two people standing on each side, one on the left and one on the right, holding the two sides of the T-shaped ejector rod together, and pushed the specially passivated rod head straight forward to resist the bullet of the propellant barrel. Bottom center.

The double weight of the warhead and propellant barrel is definitely enough for a powerful 130mm artillery shell. It will definitely be laborious for one person to push it into the chamber alone. But if two people go up together and hold a specially-made push rod together to exert force together, it is a completely different matter.

There was only a "crash" sound as metal friction occurred, and the projectile and the propellant cartridge were instantly pushed into the chamber.

At the same time, the part of the slide rail that protrudes from the front end of the ammunition belt has risen to a state parallel to the roof ceiling after the ammunition feeding is completed, and is out of contact with the ammunition loading slide rail at the rear of the breech block. The seemingly integrated slide rail is actually two components, so that the slide rail will not be broken due to the rearward braking of the breech when firing.


With another crisp sound of metal impact, Shashmulin, who pulled the breech bolt up and closed by hand, completed the last action, so that he could speak to Malashenko again after doing everything.

"Loading is complete, Comrade General. If this was on the battlefield, you can now ask the Fascist lackeys on the opposite side to taste the power of the 130mm naval gun."

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