Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1971 Belly of Steel (Part 2)

122 The power of the heirloom is already very powerful. As long as it is not a super turtle shell as hard as the Tiger King's, if it is hit with a cannon, it will definitely be a miserable end for the German stick to be blown up and the bones will fly. read

What if this power is further improved and replaced with a 130mm main gun on a destroyer?

Although the caliber seems to have only increased a little, the power of this large-caliber artillery over 100 mm will increase exponentially and the power will skyrocket even if the caliber is only slightly increased by a few millimeters.

According to Malashenko's guess, one shot of this thing, let alone an armor-piercing projectile, or a direct high-explosive grenade, would probably blow up most of the German's turtle shells, leaving him paralyzed and paralyzed on the spot. When I used 122 high-explosive grenades to bombard King Tiger, it was almost impossible. Although it could destroy it, it often took multiple rounds to hit it continuously.

This time, the 130mm naval gun was replaced, and the fire rate increased version of the semi-automatic loader was used. I guess the Germans will now enjoy a more "smooth and exciting" experience. Malashenko can't wait even now I'm going to drive this thing to crush the Germans.

"Very good, I can already imagine the German guy trembling under this main gun. The loading speed is also good. I estimate that if both loaders are skilled, the ammunition set process just now should be compressed to ten seconds. The key depends on how well the two people cooperate. This is a big test.

The IS7 is equipped with two loaders, which has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that even if one loader falls during the battle, the IS7 can still maintain a good loading speed and continue fighting. With the blessing of a semi-automatic loader, it means that some tasks that should be done by two people can be completed by one person, but the time will be a little slower, but it is still acceptable.

As for this shortcoming, it is actually quite simple. It is the task distribution and tacit cooperation between the two loaders during the entire loading process.

After all, this semi-automatic loader is not something that you can just press a button and get it done. The entire loading process still requires the precise operation of the loader. If the reloading process is hurried and the sequence is wrong, for example, if the warhead is arranged behind the propellant barrel, then this clever design that saves time will be counterproductive.

This kind of thing is not impossible. It is entirely possible as long as the coordination between the two loaders is insufficient and the order or personal assigned tasks are wrong.

Thinking of this, Malashenko also thought of his command vehicle. According to the current configuration of the vehicle crew, there is only one loader, Artem, who is a shipyard worker.

If we really want to install the IS7 as the latest command vehicle, we will have to find a good loader to cooperate with Artyom.

As for who is the suitable candidate, Malashenko is not sure yet. He does not have a suitable candidate in mind. He can only resolve this matter in detail after returning to the front line.

"It seems that I have to consider adding a loader to my command vehicle. One person cannot handle this machine."

Shashmulin, who is also good at observing words and expressions, saw that Malashenko was very satisfied with his current state, whether it was his eyes, tone, or expression.

After learning about this situation, Shashmulin finally breathed a sigh of relief. This semi-automatic loader can be said to be one of the newest gadgets on the entire Project 260 prototype vehicle.

And often the newer things are, the more likely they are to malfunction, and their immature designs lead to a lot of problems. The actual combat effectiveness is greatly reduced compared to the paper performance, or even seriously inferior to expectations.

Don’t think too much about the examples of this. The German guy opposite is the best example.

The Germans always like to pile all kinds of fancy new gadgets on their new cars. Regardless of whether the design is appropriate or the technology is immature, they will pile them on as long as they are available. It seems that the better the paper data is, the more powerful the real combat power of this monster built with new technology will be. Obviously, the truth is not on the side of the Germans.

Shashmulin tried his best to avoid such a situation when he was working on the IS7 semi-automatic loader. Although this was the first time he tried it on a heavy tank, Shashmulin still had a clear and confident design idea.

Wherever possible, we should do our best to make things simple and try every means to avoid complex designs. This is the core design spirit that has been implemented from beginning to end.

Therefore, even though the semi-automatic loader of the 260 Project Prototype vehicle looks "full of earthiness" and is such a high-end loader, it is still operated using the earth hammer method of hand crank, which is different from that of later generations. A far cry from those autoloaders that push a button and do it all.

But there is no doubt that this thing is simple. The simpler the structure, the less likely it is to break. This is the same reason that early Nokia brick-and-mortar mobile phones are far more durable than various later smartphones.

Simple, reliable and sufficient, it maximizes the actual combat effectiveness under limited conditions and tight time. This is the greatest significance of this semi-automatic loader that looks "full of earthy flavor". Blindly pursuing superiority and stacking new technologies does not make much sense, especially now that the fault tolerance rate is very low and the opportunities are not given to you in the war years.

So if Malashenko is asked to give an evaluation, then "I am very satisfied" must be the most appropriate word that Malashenko can think of to express his true emotions at the moment.

After introducing the semi-automatic loader, which is the most complex and certainly the latest design in the entire vehicle, Shashmulin has another very proud design that he wants to show Malashenko. The most important key point is the gunner. position.

"We have fully absorbed some of the deficiencies in the design mentioned in the frontline feedback report and made improvements and innovations in Project 260. For example, the main gun firing device is a good example."

"The Germans have done a very good job in this regard. Their entire fire control system has achieved a very high comprehensive level, and the human-machine efficiency is better than ours. This must be admitted. The German gunners can often succeed in actual combat. , it has nothing to do with this advantage.”

"So while we are innovating, we also draw on and absorb some of the successes of German design."

"We have integrated the three functions of main gun pitching, turret rotation, and main gun firing into one device. This way the gunner can concentrate on searching for the enemy and aiming in actual combat, without having to do it at the same time. Manipulating multiple different devices causes distraction and reduces combat performance.”

"At least during the loading test, it did not have any problems. We think this new design is reliable because it is not complicated and just integrates the functions of multiple mature devices."

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