Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1972 Gunner’s Happy Handle

Shashmulin was focusing on the explanation, but Malashenko, who had moved to the gunner's position, had focused all his attention and eyes on the game controller-like thing in front of him.

According to Shashmulin, this thing is a weapon system control terminal that integrates the three functions of main gun pitching, turret rotation, and firing.

The shape of the entire device resembles a later 21st-century game controller. You can tell at a glance that this thing is held and operated by two hands. Directly above the handle is the gunner's sighting system. Malashenko can see that in addition to the high-magnification, narrow-field-of-view main gun sight, there is also a wide-field periscope that is similar to the commander's position. directly above the sight.

After sitting in the gunner's position and trying to experience it, Malashenko looked up at the sight and periscope after trying to hold the handle with both hands.

First, use the periscope at the top to determine the location of the enemy indicated by the commander and successfully track the enemy. Then use the main gun sight in the middle to accurately aim and adjust the main gun. Finally, use both hands to operate the handle at the bottom to pull the firing button. Fire.

After such a simulation, let alone say nothing, at least the human-machine experience is really good. It feels like it is done in one go and without any sloppiness. It seems that the Germans’ strengths in tank design are indeed as Shashmulin said. Said that it has been a good reference and fully absorbed.

"The main periscope has a fixed viewing angle. We wanted to make the field of view as large as possible, and finally selected and installed a periscope with a 140-degree wide low-magnification wide field of view. This will make it easier for the gunner to find the commander's instructions at the first time. The target is precisely locked.”

"Here is the main gun sight. I heard you talk about the binocular sight on the Kraut Tiger before. It happened that the captured German doctor was very willing to cooperate with our work and shared what he knew. His contribution of knowledge is complete, including his hand-drawn sketch of the main gun sight and some necessary parameters, which greatly saved our workload and design time.”

"Although the optics are a little worse and not as good as the German original optical sight, it has been greatly improved compared to our previous generations of designs. The relatively wide-angle field of view and high magnification are very good. Integration, you should experience it, how does it feel?”

It is said that Malashenko was indeed very impressed by the fire control system at the gunner's position, but what he was most interested in must be the handle in his hand.

"The sighting system is pretty good, and it's even better on the basis of IS4. But I care more about this thing. Please tell me, how is this thing used?"

Hearing Malashenko's slightly anxious question, Shashmulin glanced at the handle with eyes wide open, and then he smiled without any surprise.

"This is very simple, Comrade General."

"Hold both sides, push forward and down with your thumbs to adjust the main gun depression angle. On the other hand, if you pull it up into your arms, it is the main gun elevation angle adjustment. Then tilt the handle to the left, and the turret will rotate to the left. Control Tilt the handle to the right and the turret will rotate to the right.”

"If the main gun is fired, there is a trigger button behind the right handle. Press it and boom, the main gun will fire."

"The captured German doctor suggested long ago that we use electric shocks to fire the main guns, just like their Tigers. He said that even in this era, using a pull rod to fire the main guns is simply a primitive design. Ha, this A lunatic with low EQ really dares to say that. Fortunately, Comrade Ke Jing doesn't care about his crazy words, but Project 260 does use an electric shock-fired main gun, which is good. This is also to improve the integration of the entire fire control system. , and ultimately achieve an improvement in actual combat effectiveness.”

"As for this, this is a spare hand crank. You should be familiar with the spare design found on all previous-generation Stalin tanks, so I don't need to introduce it further."

Wuhu? Is this thing so stupid?

Following Shashmulin's explanation, Malashenko started to play with the handle. He couldn't control it. He pressed it up, down, left, and right, and then discovered that the handle that was rigidly fixed on the mechanical linkage was really... Quite easy to use.

It has a built-in spring return force, and it rebounds quickly whether it is pressed or twisted, and the response is quick. Moreover, this comfortable grip is really very different from the Soviet-style tanks in the past that were not very good at human-machine functions. It is simply not like It is the design style of the same faction.

If you just listen to the verbal description, you may not realize what an amazing feat and outstanding design it would be to integrate the three functions of "main gun pitching, turret rotation, and firing".

In fact, even when Malashenko first heard about this, he didn't think it was too awesome. It was probably the icing on the cake.

But after actually trying it out, it's a completely different story.

With this thing, the gunner no longer has to step on the coaxial machine gun pedal, hold the steering gear and the adjustment wheel of the height machine to rotate rapidly, and at the same time tighten his eyes in front of the sight to keep an eye on the target. After aiming, you have to free up one hand to hold the main gun firing lever and pull it down to fire.

The above troublesome things that require the use of both hands and feet to solve in one go can now be solved easily through the small handle in front of you.

After all, Comrade Lao Ma has also been a gunner. Although it was a long time ago in the T34 era, this does not affect Comrade Lao Ma's understanding of the key elements that can improve the combat effectiveness of a gunner.

So even though this thing looks inconspicuous and small, Malashenko can guarantee and bet that if that kid Iushkin gets his hands on this thing and experiences it, he will definitely grin from ear to ear with joy. Go and enjoy it.

The significance of this thing is really no less than that of tactical accessories for firearms. If we really want to say how much the gunner's combat power is improved, Malashenko estimates that even doubling the combat power may be low. This is a little bit No exaggeration.

"Seriously, Shashmulin, this thing is great! It's simply great! It's more enjoyable than touching a girl! Haha! How could there be such a great thing!? Who came up with this design idea? I will write a personal letter to Marshal Zhukov and report it, he should get a medal for this!”

Before Shashmulin, who was blinking in confusion and not expecting Malashenko to have such a big reaction, could react, Malashenko, who was looking at him happily, suddenly stopped as if he had had a stroke. The reason why I stopped and paused was because behind the left grip of the handle, at the same position as the main gun trigger on the right grip, there was a button with an unknown function and the purpose of which was not clear yet.

"What is this thing for? Shashmulin."

"Uh, this, this is the machine gun trigger, Comrade General. Fire the machine gun on the left hand side and the main gun on the right hand side. It's quite simple."

"Oh, that's it, haha, it's quite simple! But it's so awesome! Hahahahahaha"

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