Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1973 What a beautiful thing

Evaluating the quality of a tank obviously cannot only start from the three elements of firepower, mobility, and protection. If you only look at these things that can be compared with numbers, then the actual combat power of the tank will be a bit too high. High or low. ReadМ

For example, Malashenko is particularly satisfied with this control handle. This is something that will not be reflected in any of the paper parameters of a tank, but its bonus to the gunner's combat power is too great to be ignored. .

In the past, Malashenko also thought that the three elements of firepower, protection, and mobility could completely summarize the combat power of a tank. However, as he gained more and more combat experience, Malashenko gradually discovered that things were far from his own. It's so simple to think.

This small and inconspicuous device will bring a huge improvement to the overall combat effectiveness of the entire vehicle. If the actual battlefield test proves that there is no problem, it should be popularized to more tanks at a faster speed in the future. The traditional design of mechanical linkage-controlled tanks is outdated. This novel integrated design can represent the future of tanks.

Malashenko, who was so busy all day long, asked himself that he had almost forgotten this. As a time traveler, there were times when he did not think carefully. Thinking of this, Malashenko couldn't help laughing and shaking his head.

"Comrade General, what are you laughing at?"

Shashmulin, who had accompanied Malashenko out of the tank, asked out of curiosity when he saw this. Malashenko, who was standing with Shashmulin in front of the vehicle, heard this and spoke.

"It's nothing, it's just that this kind of design has not been expected by me before. If it is easy to use, it will be proven to be a reliable design with no problems on the battlefield. I will immediately suggest to my superiors to use the main armor combat in subsequent models in the future. This kind of design is popularized on vehicles. Sometimes it is these small details that are invisible and most easily overlooked, which are the key to improving combat effectiveness. "

One thing is that the person who designed this new gunner control system was none other than Shashmulin himself, who was the chief engineer of the project.

To be honest, the inspiration for designing this thing was just a flash of inspiration for Shashmulin at the beginning. Shashmulin was having breakfast one morning and suddenly thought of how to integrate many sub-control terminals that require complicated operations. Together, one device can realize functions that could only be fully exerted by multiple devices in the past. Will this greatly improve the pair's combat effectiveness?

This is just like the tank originally integrated artillery and machine guns as lethal weapons, as well as a highly maneuverable body chassis and protective armor. No one expected that these integrations, which seemed unremarkable at the time and were at best imaginative, would transform into an irreplaceable land battle in the long years to come, even in wars a hundred years from now. king.

There are some things that you will never know the answer to unless you try them. After all, practice brings true knowledge, and there will be no actual breakthroughs just at the level of thinking.

Feeling that it was worth a try, Shashmulin immediately put down the unfinished bread in his hand, took out the pencil and notepad he carried with him, and recorded all his flashes of inspiration and thoughts in a small notebook. After leaving the canteen, he immediately went down to the workshop and started leading the team to discuss trial production.

Now, this bold idea that was a flash of inspiration has been transformed into practical results that Malashenko praised.

If Shashmulin desires something because of this design, then there is no doubt that the high recognition from Malashenko is the best recognition of his and the entire team's efforts.

"She is great, her performance is good in every aspect, even better than I imagined."

"I will be there to observe the prototype test tomorrow. Don't care what other people think or see, Shashmulin. You just need to remember that if she performs well enough, then I will do my best to make your efforts worthwhile." Translated into actual results, perhaps the Red Army will usher in a more powerful heavy tank soon, and I am full of confidence in this.”

One last look at the silently sleeping steel behemoth in front of him. Malashenko has almost fallen in love with this huge iron girl. This thing, both internally and externally, has done its best to reach the level of the horse. The closest state to perfection in Rashenko's mind.

If you really want to judge the most powerful heavy tank in World War II, then Malashenko feels that it is the one in front of him.

Now there is only the last step to be carried out. Winning tomorrow's prototype test will be the last threshold before the 260 project can be transformed into actual results. At this moment, Malashenko only hopes that everything will go smoothly tomorrow.

"Hope everything goes well, be prepared, I believe you can do it."

He left the workshop alone and said goodbye to Shashmulin. Malashenko knew that Shashmulin still needed to make final preparations before tomorrow's test. At this time, it was best not to disturb him and leave him with more precious things. time.

After filling up his stomach with a simple meal in the cafeteria, Malashenko, who had nothing to do, was just waiting for tomorrow's test. I was thinking about walking around the streets of Leningrad and looking around, but my body didn't agree with my thoughts, and I felt a bit lazy and didn't want to move.

"Forget it, let's find a place to sleep. I haven't had a good night's sleep recently. I'm always pretending to be something wrong."

Shashmulin arranged a place for Malashenko to live, a small but clean small single room. It can be seen that in the current post-war reconstruction of Leningrad, this has already been done. It is of a high quality that can be prepared for guests.

Especially for a rough man like Malashenko, who is used to all kinds of harsh living conditions and can snore loudly while lying on the camp bed, it is even more paradise. At least there is a soft solid wood bed in this room. This is The greatest happiness.

"Phew, IS7, tsk,"

"Oh, it's a beautiful thing to drive the IS7 to defeat the Germans and blast in with the 130mm naval gun."

Lying on the bed, he giggled and fell asleep within a minute, snoring loudly.

When he woke up, it was already early the next morning. Malashenko fell on the bed and fell asleep for more than ten hours from dusk to dawn.

If it weren't for the non-stop running around during this period that really exhausted people, Malashenko, who has been on the battlefield all year round and has long been accustomed to sleeping in fragments, wouldn't be like this, but none of this is important.

The important thing is that Malashenko, who was dressed in the regular uniform of a tank corps major general and was picked up by a special car arranged by Shashmulin, had arrived at the suburban test track. He opened his eyes and looked at the 260 Project prototype that had been transported to the site with great expectation. He was destined to The most important moment of the whole day is coming.

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