Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1974 The dust has settled

Malashenko's coming to observe can only be regarded as a variable and a bit of a surprise. After all, Comrade Ma's name was not included in the original plan.

In addition to the design team led by Shashmulin, the people who came to the site to observe the test run were of course also military personnel. After all, how could Party A be missing out on project acceptance?

Malashenko didn't pay attention to the names of the passer-by characters whose levels were too low, and he didn't have much interest in them. However, he did remember the names of the two leaders.

One was a colonel named Zhuskov, and the other was a lieutenant colonel named Nevsky.

There is nothing special about their names, but they are both people from the Equipment Department, and their identities are quite special. Project acceptance and review and evaluation are one of the main tasks they are responsible for.

Generally speaking, these two are the protagonists of today's test, and they are the bosses that the design team led by Shashmulin must "serve well". After all, if something is interesting and not too outstanding, whether it is the best or the worst depends on the person's mood.

Now that I’m happy, I’ll tell you the main advantages. Disadvantages are always inevitable with new equipment. There’s still a lot to be done with subsequent changes.

But if you are unhappy, then this matter will be troublesome.

I will specifically single out the shortcomings for you and talk about them in detail. If it goes to the battlefield, it may cause huge problems. I am afraid this car is not very good. I suggest you do more observation and think about it carefully.

The reports on happy and unhappy situations are all based on facts, and there is no nonsense in them.

However, these different starting points lead to different descriptions, which will directly affect the final audit and evaluation results. Otherwise, the military representatives on the test track need to be treated with the most caution. Many ambiguous things are actually human-made and can be fought for as long as they are not too excessive. The key depends on how you operate, at least in most cases. That's all.

However, the situation today is a bit special. The protagonist of the military representative on the test track has changed a bit.

"I really didn't expect that he would come in person. No one notified us in advance. I feel that there is nothing important for us here today. Compared with him, we will be ignored or even dimmed like little stars next to the moon. No light."

"You are right, but we still have to do what we should do. After all, you and I are here with a mission. Completing the mission is the first priority. You should know this."

In a corner where Malashenko could not hear or notice, comrades the lieutenant colonel and colonel were quietly watching Malashenko whispering.

I can't say that I hate it or feel disgusted, but at least I am very surprised by Malashenko's sudden appearance here, and some of the original plans may also change due to this.

"Comrade General, all preparations are in place, can we start?"

"Well, then"

Malashenko suddenly stopped mid-sentence, glanced in the direction not far away from the corner of his eye, confirmed something, and then continued to speak in a low voice.

"I'm an unexpected figure at best. Military rank doesn't determine anything here. Just treat me as an ordinary spectator."

"As for the test, let's find them. Start when they say it will start. I'll just wait here and watch the show."

Shashmulin, who came to Malashenko and asked if he could start, was slightly surprised. He was obviously a little surprised by Malashenko's speech.

But after all, he is a big-shot figure who has been with Kogin for so many years, and he is naturally good at understanding the world. Shashmulin quickly understood the meaning of Malashenko's actions and nodded accordingly.

"I understand, then please wait here, Comrade General, the test is expected to start soon."


Looking at Shashmulin's back running towards the two military representatives, Malashenko, who figured that he just had to wait for the show, felt a little tasteless in his mouth.

He looked around and saw that no one around him was more powerful or had a higher military rank than himself. The shameless Comrade Ma couldn't care less and took out the cigarette case from his pocket to refill it for himself. One stick lit a fire with a click. At the same time, Shashmulin, who was not far away, also got the exact answer and turned around to leave again.

"We decide? Shouldn't it be him? This is surprising, comrade Colonel, what do you think?"

After all, the slightly younger lieutenant colonel was not as mature as the experienced colonel. Colonel Ruskov, who had led people to many equipment testing and acceptance sites, was not surprised by this. Although the chance of this happening is very low and rare, it is not unprecedented. In fact, it is often at this time that we can see the meaning that we want to convey superficially rather than express clearly.

"General Malashenko is a very good person and an excellent model comrade, don't you think so?"


Answering questions with questions is not the way to go, but it did make Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, who had enough brains but had not reacted just now, understand something.

"Of course, I think so too. Comrade General is an example worth learning from."

You laugh, I laugh, we both laugh, and when we look at each other and smile, some things that can only be understood but cannot be expressed become very clear.

"It's begun, watch carefully, and remember that we still have to write a report when it's done."

"I got it."

Malashenko didn't know what the two military representatives were muttering about, and of course he wasn't interested in it. He did what he had to do and didn't need to care too much about other people's reactions. At the moment, Malashenko has put all his attention on the 260 Project prototype vehicle that has been slowly started, and raised his telescope to see more accurately and clearly.

After a while, Malashenko, who was sitting attentively behind the observation desk, began to praise him endlessly.

"Damn, you're running too fast, aren't you? Hey! You still underestimated the real speed of this thing. Not only is it going to completely blow up the IS4, but even the IS6 will be blown away by this thing."

"Wairly! It must be drifting through the corner, right? This damn thing doesn't even have a speed reducer. The test crew brought by Shashmulin has good skills. This driver is good!"


"Damn it! This shot was so damn beautiful! The first hit hit the target, it was so damn powerful! The steel target was broken into eight pieces, and it was still a high-explosive bomb."


Several senior project engineers who were sitting next to Malashenko and observing the demonstration did not quite understand what the keywords that the general was mumbling meant. You looked at me, I looked at you, they all looked confused. force. It sounds like some kind of admiration modal, but is it Russian? Maybe it's a special oral habit?

In short, when the dust of the short test work finally settled and the car stopped, although it was true that the whole process was exciting, Malashenko, who had his heart in his throat from beginning to end, was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. Tone, smile.

"Very good! Shashmulin gave us a good show today! Well done!"

At least in Malashenko's view, some things can actually be considered finalized and settled here.

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