Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1975 I think so, Comrade General

The final test work came to a successful conclusion. The prototype of the 260 engineering vehicle performed well throughout the test and was good in all aspects. Reading, but this does not mean that Project 260 will definitely pass this final acceptance and enter the actual mass production stage. Malashenko knows this well.

"The test just now was impressive. This is really a very good tank. Am I right? Comrades."

Before Shashmulin approached the two military representatives again, Malashenko, who had already planned the next action plan in his mind, took the lead and decided to take the initiative in a more efficient way to clear the way for the mass production of the 260 Project prototype. the last hurdle.

Faced with Malashenko's unexpected question, it was the first time for two military representatives to meet this famous hero who is a household name in the entire motherland. It was inevitable that they seemed a little unable to cope with it. Unexpectedly, Malashenko actually came to talk to him.

But now that things have happened and people have taken the initiative to come to us, some things that need to be said naturally have to be said.

"As a heavy tank alone, it is undeniable that it is outstanding. It must be admitted that it performs well in all aspects, especially its maneuverability. It is staggering. Who can think of a heavy tank? It’s a bit too incredible to be able to achieve such maneuverability.”


Colonel Zhuskov, who was walking side by side with Malashenko on the test site, paused. Malashenko, who was not surprised by this, smiled. At least Colonel Zhuskov asked himself that he couldn't tell what was hidden in the smile of this young man who was much younger than himself.


When you can't guess the other person's inner meaning, especially if the other person has a higher military rank than you and is famous, and is someone who needs your respect, you will inevitably have to think twice about what to say next. This is also the most difficult test of the art of language. Colonel Zhuskov knew this very well.

"But its estimated cost is a full 30% higher than what the superiors required. Moreover, it is too big and heavy. The 60-ton IS4 heavy tank is already very difficult to use in actual combat, and its total combat weight is as high as 70 tons. Many special terrains will cause great obstacles to it. Bridges, river crossings, and even battlefields will be towed back for repairs after damage. We must carefully consider these factors before making a decision, Comrade General. "

The arrow must be fired when the arrow is on the string, and the words must be spoken when the words reach the lips.

Even though he knew that his words might offend people, Zhuskov still decided to tell the truth.

Zhuskov knew very well that compared to the little tank knowledge he learned in the military academy, there was no actual combat experience in his past experience. The man in front of him is a real super tank expert. Any perfunctory nonsense about technical expertise will not work in front of him. Looking at his attitude of insisting on asking questions, it doesn't seem like he just said it casually.

If you can't guess what the other person is thinking, just tell the truth. Whether you are simply asking for advice or hinting at something, telling the truth first to explore the way is always the best strategy in this situation.

Malashenko, who is already very good at hiding his true thoughts and not easily showing others, still keeps smiling. An unpredictable smile is sometimes the best way to negotiate.

"Your analysis is correct. These problems do exist, but I have some different opinions. Do you want to hear them?"

Although the tone was asking for opinions, these words sounded different to Colonel Zhuskov. Most of the time, face is something you rely on yourself to keep. There are not many people who will directly slap you in the face with deep hatred. It is the norm in interpersonal relationships that you give me a foot of respect and I will give you a foot of return, just like now. .

"All ears, comrade general."


Malashenko, who responded softly, stopped and stood not far from the 260 Project prototype vehicle that had completed the test and was checking the condition of the entire vehicle and collecting test data, with a look that contained some complexity in anticipation. , and then speak slowly while keeping your gaze.

"I believe she will be a weapon that can deal a devastating blow to those fascist fanatics, just as I believe I can personally bury those bastards."

"From the west of the motherland to Moscow, and then from Moscow back to the western border of the motherland. The various experiences of fighting along the way have taught me that many difficulties can be overcome, and there are always more methods than difficulties."

"If the improvement in combat effectiveness is qualitatively different compared to the previous generation of main force production tanks, then the 30% unit price overrun will be worthwhile. This means that the 30% of the money will allow those Fascist bastards to pay the cost. The casualties were twice as heavy.”

"Bridges that do not support passage can be reinforced by engineers, and rivers that are too deep can be maneuvered around, and more reasonable action routes can be planned in advance. We have already done this when using IS6 and IS4. Facts have proved that this is acceptable , It’s completely feasible, after all, the strategic initiative is now in our hands, and Fascism’s end is approaching, and even its final death struggle is pale and feeble.”

"Of course, my intuition may not be accurate. It doesn't mean that I think she is a weapon enough to destroy Fasis, then she is. It only counts if it is verified in actual combat. No one can change this."

Before he finished speaking, he moved his eyes away from the Project 260 prototype vehicle and placed it on Colonel Zhuskov. Unknowingly, his facial expression had changed from a slightly mysterious smile to a serious one.

"I will take her back, take her to where she belongs, and return to the battlefield."

"That is the most suitable stage to prove her, and her own worth will be perfectly confirmed on the battlefield."

"I need her, she is the ultimate heavy tank that I dream of. And I hope that as she becomes more and more perfect in the future, she will be recognized and favored by more comrades, save the lives of countless soldiers and prevent them from dying on the battlefield, and allow more Many Fascist scum taste fear and fall into nightmares.”

"It shouldn't be difficult to understand what I say, right? Comrade Zhuskov."


The way Malashenko talks and narrates is very different from the generals he has interacted with in the past. It is rare for someone to speak to his comrades in such a manner that sounds more like a scholar than a soldier. Ruth Colonel Koff was well aware of this.

However, it is precisely this way of expression that seems to make people understand and empathize more deeply.

The stories that happened to him and people's word-of-mouth praise, combined with this way of expression, there will always be an unconscious and invisible appeal that forces you to believe. I feel that if he says "can" and "can do", there will be no problem, and what will happen in the near future will definitely be as he said, just like in the past.

If Colonel Zhuskov still can't hear what Malashenko wants to express, then his job as a colonel will be in vain. It is difficult for an idiot who doesn't know what to think to climb to such a high and key position. Come up.

Is the objection valid?

Maybe, but Colonel Ruskov asked himself that he didn't want to try it, and he didn't want to be the first person in history who had never heard of anyone succeeding, so the next answer was not so difficult to guess.

"I think so, Comrade General."

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