Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1976 Your father returns to the battlefield

Just as planned, Malashenko is about to set off again and return to the battlefield, bringing with him the gift Shashmulin prepared for him: the first unit of Project 260 has been built and is currently the only one available. Prototype cars together.

"Although all kinds of mature equipment that can enhance combat power have been installed, she is still only a prototype, which means that she is not perfect and there are still many areas that need improvement and repair."

"The biggest problem is that currently there are only types of ammunition that are simply modified from the navy's supporting ammunition, that is, general conventional ammunition. I know that what is most needed at the moment is new armor-piercing ammunition, and comrades in relevant departments are working hard to develop it, but the research and development of the project The difficulty is beyond imagination. It takes a lot of effort to improve the stability and accuracy of the shells. It will take some time to develop the armor-piercing shells for the 130mm gun. "

There are no new types of de-piercing weapons available. For the time being, there are only two types of ammunition: conventional full-caliber hooded armor-piercing bullets and full-caliber high-explosive grenades.

Shashmulin felt that this was a pity in any case, but for Malashenko, who had a smile on his face, such a thing seemed a bit unworthy of mention.

"I understand the problems involved. After all, armor-piercing sabots are still the latest technology, and it does take quite a while to complete improvements based on our current technical conditions. This is not surprising.

"However, the 130mm full-caliber armor-piercing hooded bullet is enough. At least the annoying German Tiger King is no longer such a troublesome object. This is already a great improvement."

"You still have a lot to do in the future. Please make sure she becomes more perfect. There will be many tough battles in the future that will require her."

"I will send you a feedback report as soon as possible after returning to the front line, and my suggestions for improvement will also be attached. I have already said enough to the two military representatives, so I think there will be no big problem. Of course. If something goes wrong, don’t be afraid. You are not facing it alone. Ke Jing and I will stand behind you to help you. You must remember this.”

The train station was bustling with people seeing off and going back and forth. Because Malashenko wanted to take the prototype car back with him, he did not choose to fly. Instead, he chose a special trip from Leningrad to the front line to transport the newly delivered equipment. The military column returned.

Anyway, it's not too far to go south from Leningrad back to the base. It's completely feasible to take the railway, and it won't take too long.

As for what Malashenko said at this moment, Shashmulin was really grateful and had mixed feelings in his heart, which was hard to express in words.

I wanted to say something to express my gratitude, but on this occasion, I felt that whatever I said was not enough. In the end, I could only solemnly speak to Malashenko with grateful eyes and extend his right hand. .

"Then I wish you a smooth journey, Comrade General, and let those Fascist executioners who trampled on our motherland pay the price."

Malashenko, who also stretched out his right hand and shook hands with Shashmulin tightly, not knowing when the next meeting would be, also said goodbye solemnly.

"Take care, Comrade Shashmulin, I look forward to bringing news of victory and meeting you again."

The train started slowly and drove out of the platform. It was fully loaded with not only the sophisticated equipment that the frontline soldiers could use to defeat the German fascists, but also Malashenko's heart that had returned to the battlefield and was about to return. Heart.

"This time will definitely end everything. Prepare to usher in an unforgettable doomsday, you fascist villains!"

The train left Leningrad and headed south, finally passing through many stations at night and reaching its destination.

Malashenko, who was dressed in the regular uniform of a tank corps major general, stepped off the train under the escort of two accompanying guards. No one knew that this seemingly ordinary military train transporting equipment would actually be carrying tanks of the motherland. hero.

Both out of confidentiality and low profile, Malashenko, who knows that he is "famous", does not want to disturb anyone with his arrival. It is best to keep a low profile until he returns to his unit. the result of.

"Comrade Division Commander, someone should come to pick us up. We already informed the division headquarters before we set off. How about I go look for it right now."

The older guard, who was several years older than Malashenko, took the initiative to propose. Another young guard accompanying him was carrying Malashenko's luggage.

This older guard with a bright mind was specially selected and sent by the political commissar. Although he was said to be a guard, he was actually a lieutenant platoon leader of the guard company directly under the division headquarters.

Earlier, he was a Guards Scout who was transferred from the leadership division from other fraternal units. He had some disabilities in his legs and could not run fast, but he was experienced, resourceful and had grassroots leadership ability, so he was sent to the general unit. The guard company directly under the division headquarters, which does not require much maneuvering but plays an absolutely important role at critical moments, became the platoon commander.

The journey along the way also made Malashenko know that this buddy was a reliable and good comrade. It would be a good idea to send him to deal with it without disturbing the garrison at the station, so he planned to nod in agreement.

But just when Malashenko had finished speaking, a familiar figure suddenly ran over from the night in the station waiting hall with a few people.

The lighting control at the station at night was almost black and nothing could be seen clearly. The only few key lightings were not in the direction where Malashenko was. So it wasn't until the few people ran to a very close distance that Malashenko, who looked a little familiar at the outline of the figure, recognized them.

"Iushkin!? What are you doing here if you don't sleep in the middle of the night? Do you want to sleep in again tomorrow morning if you don't sleep so late? Be careful that Comrade Comrade Political Commissar will punish you by digging out your feces!"

Malashenko didn't expect that this boy Iushkin would come back one step ahead of him, but after thinking about it, he thought it was normal.

After all, I went back to school for two weeks on this trip, plus I went to Kotin and then to Leningrad before I returned to the front line. It took less than twenty days to go around in circles, but it took more than eighteen or nineteen days. Months have passed. Iushkin was fully prepared and granted him two weeks and a half month's leave. It was normal for him to return to the team earlier than himself.

As for Malashenko's "reprimand", Iushkin, who has long been like a piece of brown sugar, is not false at all. It is really a little bit that Malashenko wants to scare Iushkin with these two words. Want to eat shit.

"It's not important, Comrade Commander, I already slept when I had nothing to rest in the afternoon, and I'm very energetic now."

"I've got the car here, right outside the platform. Shall we leave now and go back to the army? Comrade Political Commissar and the others are waiting for us."

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