Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1979 An unexpected surprise

Lavrinenko's eyes were not dazzled. The train full of equipment that Malashenko brought back was indeed a new gadget. read

Even though there is no moonlight tonight, and the only light on the platform does not shine here, and only a rough outline can be seen in the blur, it can still be recognized that this thing is completely different from any equipment currently in service. different.

The surprise of the good brothers is justified. Malashenko was also surprised when he first saw this thing. He did not expect that the actual progress of this thing would be so rapid.

Seeing Lavrinenko's surprised look, Malashenko smiled calmly and spoke with a cigarette in his mouth.

"IS2 has been completely discontinued. I learned from Ke Jing that the last production line of IS2 was officially closed last month, which means that the previous production line replacement work from IS2 to IS6 has been completed. What is interesting is that now IS6 production is higher than the previous peak period of IS2.”

"Although the cost of the new batch of IS6 is more expensive and the work hours are longer, the recovery of Leningrad and other western cities, the reconstruction of the Kirov plant, etc. have greatly increased the overall production capacity, so it is nothing in comparison How strange.”

Malashenko gave an introduction first and did not give a straightforward answer. This somewhat puzzled Lavrinenko, who had not yet understood the situation.

"Does this have anything to do with these gadgets in front of me? They are not IS6, and you can tell at a casual glance that the gap is much bigger."

"Don't worry, I'm just about to continue. Please listen to me first."

After extinguishing the cigarette butt, Malashenko continued to speak, and the focus of his eyes was fixed on the steel behemoths who were unloading the truck.

"The suspension of production of the IS2 means that all related production work has been stopped. Except for the parts that can be used universally on the IS6 and are directly converted into production, the turret and body production lines of the IS2 have all been dismantled and replaced."

"This leads to another problem. The body and chassis of the IS2 are universal. Not only heavy tanks use them, but the ISU152 self-propelled artillery is also produced on this basis. But it is impossible to reserve the IS2 production line specifically for the production of the ISU152. , This will seriously delay the overall production of IS6. Heavy tanks have priority over self-propelled artillery. This is putting the cart before the horse."

"Self-propelled artillery cannot be abandoned. This must be done on the basis of ensuring the production of IS6 first. The final solution is to design and build a brand new self-propelled artillery on the IS6 body chassis."

"With the design, construction and modification experience of the previous generation ISU152, it will be much easier to modify the self-propelled artillery based on the body and chassis of the heavy tank. The design plan was already in progress when the IS6 started mass production. I It was only later that I found out that Ke Jing was very thoughtful and thought of this matter in advance and made preparations for it, so he could use it so quickly. "

While talking, the first brand-new self-propelled artillery slowly rolled off the truck. It can be seen that the walking control system is exactly the same as that of the IS6 heavy tank. For these veterans who are already familiar with the various functions of the IS6 , indeed there is no problem at all.

After getting off the cart, he could see it more clearly because he was closer. Lavrinenko, who was sitting next to Malashenko, could basically see the whole thing clearly.

The heavy tank chassis that is completely consistent with the IS6 and is universal is why Lavrinenko felt that this thing looked familiar. As for why it "feels familiar yet very different", it is of course because of the tall and heavy new battle room built on the IS6's body chassis.

"The biggest advantage is protection. This is a brand-new design. The German Long 88 can already penetrate the main armor of the previous generation of old ISU152 at regular combat distances. It can definitely defend against the Short 88 and Black Panther 75. It’s not enough, this is the premise of the new design.”

"The new fighting room armor thickness is 160 mm, with a 60-degree inclination. In the test, the captured German Tiger King was used to approach and shoot within 100 meters, but it was ineffective. The main armor belt on the front of the fighting room is completely immune to the long 88mm Direct bombardment, at least in most areas."

"The only weakness is the gun root. As you know, the 152's gun breech is too big. It is impossible for the main armor belt to protect such a large area."

"With a heavier body than the previous generation and a heavier combat chamber, the new ISU152's combat weight has unexpectedly exceeded the 50-ton mark, reaching 54 tons, which is even heavier than the IS6's combat weight. a little."

"However, because the body and chassis of the IS6 are more powerful than the IS2, the maneuverability of the new ISU152 has not decreased but increased compared to the previous generation. Although the improvement is not big, it can at least ensure that this thing can keep up with the IS6 With the assault speed, the situation in the past where the ISU152 could only hang behind the IS6 to provide cover is gone.”

"As long as there is need in the future, the new ISU152 can be used to attack and advance hand in hand with the IS6. There will be no problems with the ISU152 such as falling behind or slowing down the IS6. In terms of equipment coordination and coordination of various arms, this is the biggest improvement. , which greatly helps our tactical flexibility.”

"As for the rest, it's almost the same as the old ISU152."

"There are no changes in the combat schedule. The main gun's ammunition load is still 20 rounds, and it is still the old 152 howitzer. Oh, by the way, they also equipped this thing with Deshka to strengthen self-defense firepower, a total of two. One has a shooting hole in the front of the fighting room, and the other can be used both high and flat on the top of the fighting room to drive away the German planes. "

"The basic situation is like this. Protection, maneuverability, and firepower. I seem to have covered them all. Is there anything else you want to ask? Comrade Deputy Division Commander."


In terms of the allocation of specific production tasks, the most important mass production of IS6 heavy tanks will be carried out under the leadership of Kojing. After all, the production line under Ke Jing's charge was the first to start conversion and transformation, and it is undoubtedly the most suitable to increase IS6 production.

The situation at the Leningrad Kirov Factory managed by Shashmulin is somewhat different. The newly rebuilt Kirov Factory has a realistic basis for building multiple new production lines, and has options in deciding what heavy equipment to produce. It is very flexible, and there is no need to consider the impact of the transformation of the old production line on the overall output.

In view of this, the mass production of the first batch of new ISU152 was handed over to the Kirov factory. The new supporting production line of the new ISU152 will not affect the existing IS6 production. At most, it will increase the production in the future. It will be slightly affected, so this is undoubtedly the best choice.

This is also the direct reason why Malashenko obtained the new batch of ISU152 from Shashmulin instead of picking up the goods from Kotin.

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