Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1980 Calling His Name

Looking at these new and unexpected steel behemoths in front of him, Lavrinenko, whose eyes were dull, couldn't help but feel a little crazy, and his brain was still temporarily blank. read

The stronger armor can withstand the close-range direct bombardment of the Kraut 88. The higher mobility ensures that this thing can keep pace with the main heavy tank force and coordinate the attack. It can also be more effective in the important matter of mobile support. good performance.

It is true that the firepower has not changed, but does the firepower need to be changed and improved?

May I ask what kind of bad car the Germans have that can make trouble in front of 152?

The answer is of course no.

Lavrinenko still clearly remembers that when Kursk encountered the German Ferdinand who was running rampant on the battlefield, and all kinds of weapons could only make a sound when he was hit, and he couldn't fight at all. In the end, he still These 152 giant guns came out and taught the Germans how to be scum.

Thick armor? It doesn't matter.

I don’t need to break through your armor. Try the overpressure impact of a 152 high-explosive grenade hitting your face. If you don’t believe it, your dome armor is too thick to explode, let alone that you don’t even have a gap for overpressure to get into the car. nothing.

Of course, no matter how thick the armor was, it could not withstand the fierce bombardment of 152 Theosophy. Ferdinand was blown to pieces. When he went to inspect the wreckage after the war, the scene was even more miserable.

In the cockpit at the front of the car body, there was only a pile of meat paste that had its dome armor broken through and exploded to pieces. The power cabin in the middle of the car body also had its dome armor broken through and was completely destroyed by the explosion.

The situation of the rear fighting room is slightly better, after all, it is supported by 200 mm thick front armor.

However, the explosion and overpressure that came from the car still shocked the German soldiers in the fighting room until they bled to death. The soldiers who were seriously injured but not dead also ended up not much better. Ferdinand, who dared to ride in the face and shoot at close range without the protection of a machine gun, was extremely easy to get close to the Red Army infantry during the battle.

It is difficult for the weapons in the hands of the infantry to damage your thick armor. This is why the German stick dares to reach the rider's face. But I still can't kill the few seriously wounded soldiers who abandoned the car and fled for their lives? One by one, they are all catered for!

Lavrinenko still has vivid memories of these scenes in Kursk. He also remembers that when he first encountered the Tiger King and was helpless by the heavy armor, the unparalleled 152 was still in danger and came to the front of the line to show off its power. Blow up the new iron turtles of these German guys and kill them all.

One thing to say, this power is already very damn powerful. At least among the Germans I have encountered so far, I have not met anyone who can face 152 to survive. If you want to increase the firepower, it seems that there is really no need and little meaning.

So in total, this new ISU152 seems to have only advantages and no disadvantages. Such a cool new thing is really a huge surprise beyond expectations.

"It's unbelievable. I've never even heard of the existence of this thing before. It just sounds powerful."

Faced with such an unexpected surprise, he was naturally overjoyed and didn't say anything, but Lavrinenko still had a question he wanted to ask Malashenko.

"Does this thing have a new name? It's not still called SIU152, right? There should be some difference."

When Lavrinenko said this, Malashenko, who guessed that a good brother would ask the same question, just smiled.

"The name is not too surprising, ISU152A. It just adds a simple letter to distinguish the difference between the sub-models. The body is still from the IS series, and the main gun is still 152 mm in caliber. According to the naming method, it is really difficult to introduce a new one. name, so I added a letter suffix to distinguish it.”

"The current output of this thing is still very low, and it is still in the initial stage of production of a batch. Most of the 50 units that have been produced by the Kirov plant are here, and there are a total of 28 units on the train. Use it first Look, if the feedback is good, I will submit a report to apply for more, which will be used to replace all the old ISU152s in our division, and by the way, I will also give suggestions for improvement. "

The 1st Stalin Guards Tank Division can be regarded as the "Guards of the Guards". This is not only reflected in its combat effectiveness, troop composition, and equipment configuration, but also in terms of priority in receiving logistics supplies and new equipment, and the treatment enjoyed by the leading division. It is also the only Scorpion shit in the entire Red Army.

As long as Malashenko feels the need, he can draw up his own list and submit a request for equipment to his superiors. This is unlike many others who can only "get whatever the superiors give them." Whether it is good or bad is just that, and there is no choice in hand. Quan's friendly army mayors and comrades would never envy him in their dreams.

In most cases, as long as it can be satisfied immediately, it will be sent as soon as possible according to the list and delivered in place. If it is not possible, it will be transferred from the new equipment assigned to other brother units, giving priority to ensuring the equipment supply of the leading division.

Only when there is really no goods on hand, the higher-level logistics department, that is, the logistics equipment department at the army level, will wait for a call back to the leader division, and will give priority to dispatching the items as soon as they arrive.

So Malashenko said that he had booked the new ISU152A in advance and could get more as long as he found it useful. He was not bragging.

Our Comrade Ma really has this ability, and Lavrinenko certainly knows it well.

Malashenko, who was about to get up from the bench, was planning to go over to see the unloading situation and give on-site instructions. Lavrinenko also planned to follow Malashenko to have a look.

But at this moment, the boy Iushkin came over from nowhere, obviously trotting all the way with a little breath, and ran to Malashenko and kept asking questions.

"Comrade Commander, why is there a big guy I've never seen before parked on the truck behind me?"

"I took people up to remove the camouflage cloth and unload the truck. I thought it was also a self-propelled artillery. As soon as I took off the camouflage cloth, I found that it was not at all. It was a new tank that was larger than the IS4 and had never been seen before. Is the person loading the tank the same? The wrong thing was loaded? It’s not normal that only one car in the train is different.”

If Iushkin hadn't suddenly rushed over to report with such a loud noise, Malashenko, who was chatting with Lavrinenko, would have probably forgotten that there was such an important new gadget parked on the train.

Before Lavrinenko, who was also unaware of the situation, could say something, Malashenko stood up quickly when he remembered what happened, and then hurriedly gave an order to Iushkin, who was slightly panting in front of him.

"I almost forgot. That thing is also ours. It's a new car I brought back from Leningrad. Be careful not to make any mistakes when unloading it. This thing is now such a treasured one in the whole country. It is to be replaced. It’s our command vehicle. Hurry up and keep an eye on it, don’t let it fall on the track. I’ll check on the situation here and I’ll ask you if anything happens!”

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