Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1981 Teacher Racing

"My God, how many good things did you bring back from Leningrad? Isn't this thing too scary?"

Lavrinenko thought that the ISU152A just now was very shocking. The powerful IS6 heavy-duty chassis plus the protection blessing of the new heavy-armored combat room, coupled with the majestic 152 mm large gun Pipe Howitzer, this is definitely a terrifying war machine.

But if the ISU152A is compared to the thing in front of me, Lavrinenko really has to say that the former is nothing.

The big steel man parked in front of the cart and about to be unloaded has an absolutely unprecedented size among all the tanks currently in service in the Red Army. IS4 is already big enough, but this thing is even bigger than IS4, especially the suffocating and oppressive feeling brought by this seemingly very thick armor, which is overwhelming and irresistible.

Standing in front of this thing, Lavrinenko even felt that he had difficulty breathing. The most fortunate thing is that this thing is not the enemy's equipment but his own.

"To give a brief introduction, Kirov Factory's latest product, code-named Project 260, is the first prototype of the project. It just completed the final factory test and performed well. I happened to be interested in it, so I simply brought her here. Show off your skills on the battlefield."

"Also, I have to remind you that this thing is completely different from any heavy tank currently available or known in the past. It truly achieves the perfect integration of the three elements of mobility, protection, and firepower.

"The gun is a 130mm naval gun on a Navy destroyer. The armor is upgraded compared to the IS4, and the protection index against chemical energy and kinetic energy is higher. The power system uses a 1,250-horsepower Navy torpedo boat engine, which is long and wide enough. The power output is quite sufficient, enough to propel this 70-ton machine to race in off-road environments.”

"It is no exaggeration to say that this thing not only runs faster than the IS6, but can even catch up with and surpass the T43. Its acceleration to the highest speed is between that of a light tank and a medium tank. Driving it, you can drive it anywhere. A group of Germans were running rampant in front of them, more brutal and domineering than a bull that broke into a china shop. Those Germans were so frightened that they cried out for their mother to surrender. "

"Perfection" in the true sense does not exist, but if there is something infinitely close to the concept of "perfection", then there is no doubt that this thing is it.

Lavrinenko couldn't believe it when he heard Malashenko's introduction. Just imagine how you can imagine a man who is bigger than the IS4, carries a 130mm large tube, and has the same level of combat weight as the German King Tiger. , but in actual operation, what does a heavy tank look like that can overtake the T43 in a straight line?

To be honest, Lavrinenko never dreamed of a heavy tank with such exaggerated performance indicators. This thing is simply outrageous!

"Are you sure you're not mistaken? Are those things you just said true??? Or is there something wrong with my ears? I heard something wrong???"

Lavrinenko still looked shocked and unbelievable, but Malashenko just smiled and nodded again, and then spoke quietly.

"When we return to the station, if you are interested, you can try it yourself. I also brought back some supporting items, 130 mm caliber artillery shells and some spare parts. There are also some parts that can be used with IS6 and IS4. The design We took these issues into consideration at the time and tried to improve the versatility to reduce logistical pressure. It should not be difficult to ensure that this thing is always available. "


Since Malashenko said this, Lavrinenko certainly knew what this answer meant. It was obvious that Malashenko was not joking with him.

"Okay, I have to find a chance to experience it after we go back. But how do you plan to drive this thing back? Those SU152As are okay, the driving control system is the same as the IS6, and our people can drive it. But This thing is unfamiliar to everyone here except you, who should I ask to drive her back? "

Lavrinenko was right to ask, at least the question was quite meaningful and not useless nonsense.

But Malashenko's attitude was a bit intriguing. He didn't blurt out a reply immediately afterwards, he just looked at his good brother with a mysterious smile and remained silent.

This feeling of being stared at was so wrong that Lavrinenko couldn't even figure out what Malashenko meant.

But just when he was about to ask a question and break the silent stare, Lavrinenko suddenly realized something as if an electric current flashed through his head. After blinking twice, he stared at Malashenko blurted out in front of him.

"Wait, are you really planning to drive this thing back by yourself?"

No one except Malashenko understands this thing, let alone having a meeting and has never even seen what it looks like inside. Malashenko must be aware of this situation, but he is already so confident that it seems that everything Everything is under control and handled without any surprises.

What does this mean?

Lavrinenko felt that this could only explain one problem. The most reasonable explanation was that Malashenko planned to drive this thing back personally. After all, he was the only one among everyone present who was familiar with this thing.

"You can go back in Iushkin's car. I will be responsible for driving her back."

"I haven't driven a tank for a long time. I briefly learned how to operate this thing at the Kirov Factory's test field. It's much more optimized than the previous heavy tanks and it's quite simple. It's easy to drive all the way back. Just to test the reliability, I think it’s no problem, what do you think?”


Let's just say it's not a good idea to rush back in a prototype cross-country maneuver.

Lavrinenko knew that unreliable prototypes often caught fire, spontaneously ignited or even exploded during the testing phase.

Although the reasons are different and many are different, the risk factor is indeed there. If Malashenko wants to drive this thing back personally now, it cannot be said to be slightly risky, but the risk is very damn big.

"Okay, don't continue to think nonsense. This matter is settled. I am the division commander and I have the final say here. I order you to prepare to lead the team back to the station and reorganize the team, Comrade Lavrinenko."


I wanted to say something, but I encountered Malashenko being so "unreasonable".

Lavrinenko, who knew Malashenko's character well, thought that if he continued to fight hard here, it would be a waste of time and useless. After thinking about it, he just followed Malashenko and did whatever he wanted to do. Bar.

"Okay, please pay more attention to safety on the road. If there is anything wrong with this thing, come out immediately. Even if the car is gone, nothing will happen to you! This is my only request, and it is a request between brothers. Do you understand?"

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