Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1982 Emergency Meeting

By the time Malashenko and his large group of men returned to the division headquarters, it was already early morning at dawn. read

The rising sun slowly appears from below the horizon, shining its warm sunshine on the grassland that has been cold and desolate all night, restoring vitality and warmth, and it also means that a new day has begun.

The newly expanded Leader's Division, which had just received a large number of personnel and equipment, was very busy. Before Malashenko could direct the troops to the parking place, he saw convoys, infantry, and tanks passing by him. .

According to Lavrinenko, these are either newly expanded units participating in unit integration training, or old units that are familiar with new equipment and intend to step up their efforts to form combat effectiveness in the shortest possible time.

All in all, everyone has their own work to do, and no one is idle.

There is something special about the way Malashenko drives the IS7 prototype back to the station. The exclusive hatch above the driver's head is opened outwards and diagonally upward. The thick 130mm gun tube also maintains a high elevation angle and points diagonally toward the sky. This is so that the open hatch cover will not be pressed by the gun barrel and cannot be opened too far upward.

Malashenko just stuck his head out of the open hatch, with only his head exposed, and with a relatively good view, he drove his new car forward, with a head growing out of the huge arrow-shaped nose. The look is indeed a bit funny.

The reason why I drive like this is that firstly, the field of view is indeed much better than driving in a car and it is more comfortable to drive. Secondly, Malashenko, a 1.9 meter tall man, is too big. If he really drives in a car, it will be very difficult to drive. Rashenko had to curl up into a seahorse shape to barely get into the driver's seat, and he had to stay like this to drive.

If he really had to drive the car all the way back in such a depressed state, Malashenko would probably be either stupid or crazy. It would be too damn uncomfortable.

"Gan! With this figure, why did you want to go to the Tank Corps School in the first place? You're lucky that you weren't rejected by the school."

The previous owner, who was complaining about this body, didn't know what was going on in his mind. He went to tank school, drove this huge steel body to the parking space, slowly stopped, and pulled the handbrake.

You may not think that a tank can move on tracks and iron wheels, but if you don’t apply the handbrake mechanically and then encounter a slope, it is still possible for the vehicle to roll away. Malashenko, who has not driven a tank seriously for a long time, does not count. Forget this crucial point.

"How do you feel? Did you have any problems along the way?"

As soon as Malashenko got out of the car, brothers Lavrinenko and Iushkin ran over. Of course, the first one to ask questions was Lavrinenko, who cared about his good brother.

"No problem, it's pretty good. Didn't I say it? Compared with the previous old car, this thing has an optimized driving system. Even though my body shape is not suitable and I feel very uncomfortable, it is actually a lot easier to drive. , Shashmulin really made something good with his heart.”

Before Malashenko finished speaking, and before Lavrinenko could answer, Iushkin, who was standing aside admiring the new car, spoke first.

"Huh, it's really shocking when I look at this thing at dawn! This appearance can make the Germans despair at first sight. I bet those German cannons will never be able to break her defense. Also, look at this cannon. With such a thick caliber, an armor-piercing bullet can kill a German crew member with a hard hit. I think it can be fired one at a time without exploding the shell. "

Although the caliber is only slightly larger than the 122 gun, because it is a transplanted version of the naval gun, the gun breech is larger, and it has a larger chamber, so the IS7's 130 main gun fires faster than the 122 heirloom. The chamber pressure skyrocketed, and the launch kinetic energy per unit mass was not at the same level at all, with a huge increase.

Therefore, in order to withstand this higher chamber pressure, the barrel of the 130 main gun is thicker than that of the 122 Heirloom.

The caliber itself is larger, and the barrel wall is much thicker. At least in terms of visual effects, it gives people the feeling that the power of this main gun has been increased unprecedentedly. After all, the thicker the barrel, the more powerful it is. The big truth is known to everyone.

Seeing that Iushkin was very excited, Malashenko, who was very interested, also smiled and patted his gunner's shoulder and said immediately.

"Okay, this car is yours. Just don't drive around and park it here. You can go in and do whatever you want with it. Remember not to damage it. There are some equipment inside that we don't have spare parts for."

Iushkin, who was itching like a little cat along the way, was waiting for Malashenko's words.

Upon hearing Malashenko's order "allowed to get on the bus", Iushkin instantly grinned from ear to ear, grinning from ear to ear, and after casually responding to Malashenko, Immediately, he climbed into the car and got into the car in three steps and two steps, using his hands and feet.

"What about me? Didn't you say that I can experience it too? Don't you want me to go in and have a look?"

Unexpectedly, Lavrinenko, a bastard, wanted to join in the fun, so Malashenko, who rolled his eyes, just retorted without thinking.

"You are the deputy division commander. You have your work to do. Come with me. The division leadership team is going to hold an emergency meeting. You cannot be absent. Let's go."

Malashenko was indeed anxious. After all, Zhukov had been waiting for him to hand over the personnel list, and had already received the urging telegram before leaving for Leningrad.

Malashenko, who had just returned to the division headquarters camp with Lavrinenko, had no time to rest. After meeting with the political commissar and briefly greeting and chatting with him, he immediately summoned the division leadership team, mainly the chief and deputy division commanders, and the division political deputy commander. Commissar (political commissar), chief of staff and communications director.

The main issue discussed was nothing else but the personnel appointment of the leadership division after this new round of expansion. It was necessary to quickly resolve the issue and finalize the list before submitting it to the superiors. This does not end at the level of the front army headquarters. From what Comrade Lao Zhu said, it seems that this list has to be handed over to Comrade Stalin for review.

Malashenko didn't know what the twists and turns were, and he had to let the leader see it. He probably couldn't guess what the outcome would be by just guessing. In short, getting this top priority done quickly was the top priority.

"Comrades, we have been summoned here urgently for this meeting. The main purpose is to discuss the personnel issues of our division after the new round of expansion."

"As everyone knows, our division now has two tank brigades with a total of four tank regiments, plus one infantry regiment in each of the two brigades, and an expanded division self-propelled artillery regiment. In addition to these two most critical brigades The positions of the three new regiment leaders also need to be determined quickly. "

"There is no rush for personnel appointments below the regiment level. We can make the decision within the division before reporting it to the front army headquarters. But the two brigade commanders and three regiment commanders, a total of five positions, must be determined quickly. Do you have any thoughts and opinions? I suggest you speak freely and listen to everyone’s opinions before making a decision. ”

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