Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1983 The brigade commander is finalized

In addition to the two most important candidates for brigade commanders, Malashenko still needs to solve the problem of selecting three regiment leaders. This includes a newly established tank regiment commander, a newly established infantry regiment commander, and a division artillery regiment commander who was unified and integrated on the basis of the original two division artillery battalions.

Malashenko has actually already decided on one of the two brigade commanders, and there will definitely be a place for Kulbalov among them.

After such a long period of working together and fighting together, Malashenko clearly knew that Kulbalov was quite capable, experienced in combat, mature and stable enough to be qualified for the position of brigade commander.

As for the other candidate for brigade commander, to be honest, Malashenko himself was not sure who to use.

There are a lot of capable people in the leadership division, and it stands to reason that there should be no shortage of suitable candidates, but the key to the problem is that the position of brigade commander is comparative.

Malashenko hopes that this candidate will be someone with at least similar abilities to Kulbalov. Otherwise, there will be a big problem with the simultaneous development of the two brigades' combat capabilities in the future.

One soldier is raging, and the general is raging in a nest.

If the brigade commander's capabilities are not in place, the combat effectiveness developed by this brigade in the future will inevitably widen the gap between that of Kulbalov's brigade. In detail, this involves many specific things, such as combat cooperation, task allocation, etc. The restrictions are relatively large. Malashenko does not want to have to consider whether the brigade can get the task when the time comes. Can I get it and can I handle it?

The combat levels of the two brigades are not exactly the same, but at least they are similar.

The tasks that Kurbalov's brigade can handle must be accomplished by another brigade even with a little effort. It can't be said that it can't be accomplished at all or that it stretches the crotch.

To achieve this goal, the brigade commander must be chosen carefully, which is why Malashenko decided to listen to everyone's opinions. After all, brainstorming is always better than making decisions alone. It is always good to have more comrades coming up with ideas and solutions.

"As a brigade commander, Kulbalov must be very suitable. My personal opinion is that he should be assigned to serve as the brigade commander of one of the brigades."

Comrade Political Commissar's first words were a good start. In fact, this was also the first consensus reached by him and Malashenko after they had a brief encounter and exchanged opinions. After all, everyone has seen Kulbalov's ability, and he is indeed very suitable for this position.

"As for the other candidate, I've thought about it and I have a suggestion. What do you think of Comrade Varosha?"


Before this expansion and upgrade, the name of the leader of the only infantry regiment in the Leader's Division was quite famous.

As the head of the infantry regiment who was favored by Malashenko and brought out from Stalingrad by Malashenko, and promoted all the way to his current position, Varosha has some abilities, and they are quite big.

Those who can fight out of Stalingrad, a city of mountains of corpses and seas of blood, are ruthless people. In addition, Varosha, who has been promoted from battalion commander to regiment commander, has also made rapid progress in shaping his combat style and tempering his command experience. .

Not to mention reckless and cowardly, Varosha's command style can actually be said to be "no style". To put it more specifically, it is flexible and changeable, and can follow the enemy's movements.

Being able to make corresponding and appropriate adjustments according to real-time battlefield changes, using flexible and changeable tactics to respond to the enemy, and being able to accomplish great things and complete tasks with minimal casualties. In the eyes of the Germans, he must be considered a cunning fox. The orders from superiors are also fulfilled without any compromise. This is the impression Varosha left on everyone.

"There is no problem with experience and command ability, but I am worried that Comrade Varosha may still be lacking in the mobilization and command of tanks. After all, the person holding this position must not only be proficient in infantry tactics and command, but also be familiar with the command and control of tank troops. Experience is also important.”

The chief of staff expressed his views at the right time. The communications director who was responsible for recording the content of the meeting and preparing to draft the telegram after the meeting did not answer the call. After going around in a circle, the right to speak was naturally handed over to Lavrinenko. .

"Well, this worry is not unnecessary. On the contrary, it is quite reasonable."

"But I think things can't be considered from this perspective alone."

"Yes, it is true that Comrade Varosha is still lacking in tank command, so what about Kulbalov? I don't mean to belittle Kulbalov here, I just want to say whether Comrade Kulbalov also Are you proficient in infantry tactics and command?"

"I'm afraid not. I'm not yet at the level of proficiency, at least not on par with Comrade Varosha in this regard. So since everyone recognizes Kulbalov and thinks he has this ability, then I think Varosha should it is also fine."

“I think this may change the combat styles of the two brigades in different directions. For example, Kurbalov, who is proficient in tank command, is better at high-speed assault attacks, while Varosha, who is proficient in infantry command, may be good at step-by-step. The progress is steady and steady.”

"Both of them have their own strengths. Even Kulbalov, who is recognized by everyone, will inevitably have to deal with infantry tactics and command that he has little contact with after serving as brigade commander. So for the two of them, I think this can all be learned.”

"Considering from this point of view, I agree with Comrade Political Commissar's proposal. Comrade Varosha can take up this position. At least I think he should have this opportunity to try and prove himself."

Lavrinenko's analysis gave a new idea, that is, Kulbalov and Varosha actually have their own strengths, one is proficient in tanks, and the other is proficient in infantry. Since Kulbalov can do it, then Varosha should also be able to do it, and at least give him a chance.

After listening to Lavrinenko's words completely, Malashenko nodded and seemed to agree with it. After a full circle, the right to speak was finally returned to the hands of the division commander.

"Very good. Comrade Deputy Division Commander's suggestions are very constructive. Issues should be looked at in a diversified way and considered from different angles."

"I have thought about it carefully. Based on the current candidates, I also suggest that Varosha try this position. It is true that our leader division is an elite tank force, but that is all in the past. Our new definition now It is to serve as an elite integrated force of various arms to fight the next battle and act like a model force and the best among the best."

"Therefore, I hope that everyone can pay attention to this in future battles and work. Don't always subconsciously think that we are still a tank force. When judging some things, we cannot always judge our level based on our tank accomplishments. We must Break this inertial thinking and establish new standards in the new era.”

"These words are not directed at any comrade, even myself included. Subconsciously, I feel that Kulbalov has no problem commanding the tank troops and has performed well. Then he is suitable for the position of brigade commander, and he is responsible for the infantry and other coordinated arms. There is indeed a lack of consideration for the deputy division commander’s command ability, which is very meaningful and I want to point it out clearly.”

After making a concluding speech, Malashenko, who had been inspecting for a week, found that everyone here nodded in agreement, including the political commissar, who also had a thoughtful expression with recognition and approval. Seeing this scene Malashenko already has the answer in his mind.

"Then it's finalized. After the division meeting, it was decided to appoint Comrade Kurbalov as the commander of the 1st Heavy Combined Brigade and Comrade Varosha as the commander of the 2nd Heavy Combined Brigade. Applications will be submitted to both of them at the same time. Promotion to the rank of colonel, do you have any comments or suggestions on this?”

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