Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1986 Absolutely Unexpected

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As the division commander, Malashenko has returned, and the synthetic expansion and upgrade of the leadership division has been completed. It seems that everything necessary is ready, but Malashenko still has not received the order to go to the front line.

Even though a considerable number of friendly troops have crossed the border and begun to attack the German troops entrenched in Poland, the distinguished leader division still has not received any combat orders and can only stand still for the time being.

Malashenko, who was confused about this, didn't quite understand why. He felt that there might be some reason that he didn't know, so he simply called the front army headquarters directly.

"Comrade Commander, our division has made all preparations for battle, personnel appointments have been finalized, and the expansion of the troops has been completed. The soldiers are now in high morale and are asking me to fight. All commanders and political staff in the division have We are fully prepared for the upcoming battle. When can our division go to the front line and go into battle? "

Malashenko's tone seemed a little anxious. If he didn't take action, his meat would be snatched away by his fellow troops. Let alone the leader, who was the first one to enter Warsaw City with his prancing horse and sword, he would probably be the one to clean up behind others. The battlefield is not even warm.

On the other end of the phone, Vatutin was holding the microphone with one hand and correcting a document on the table in front of him with the other hand. He casually signed his name and signaled to the staff to take it away from the table, then put down his hand. Vatutin, who was holding a pen, spoke seriously to Malashenko on the other end of the phone.

"I repeat, Malashenko. The Leadership Division is an extraordinary force. Its military value cannot be ignored, but its political significance is also very important."

"Your division has just received a large number of newly transferred personnel and equipment. The entire regiment's troops are newly formed. They have never cooperated and cooperated in combat under the new organization. They seriously lack experience in this aspect."

"The reason why your division is not assigned a combat mission is to let you lie on the grass all day long and sleep. As the division commander, you must make good use of every minute and every second to temper your troops and run in your new troops as soon as possible during training. Accelerate the formation of combat effectiveness.”

"This is a unit named after Supreme Leader Comrade Stalin. For you now, there is only success but no failure! What you are about to face will be a very severe test. Don't underestimate your opponent. They are still a threat. The wait now is to prepare for victory in the near future, can you understand what this means?”

Vatutin's tone on the other end of the phone was very serious. Of course, Malashenko could hear it and understood Vatutin's good intentions.

No one can say whether the synthetic model will work or not. After all, this is the first time that the entire Red Army has seriously rolled out actual equipment and done this in a real way.

Precisely because the uncertainty existed and was huge, Vatutin left enough time for Malashenko. The ultimate goal was to ensure that nothing went wrong.

If the leadership division loses, it will not only defeat the winner on the battlefield, but also defeat Malashenko's future in the military, and even lose the personal face of supreme leader Comrade Stalin.

Publicly and privately, Vatu Kyoto hopes to give Malashenko more time to prepare, even if Malashenko feels that he is ready. But Vatutin, who is experienced and has a background as a staff officer, still insists on implementing his ideas and decisions to the end, and will not change them just because of the enthusiasm of young people.

He also heard Vatutin's unquestionable tone. Malashenko, who was indeed a little discouraged, had nothing to say at this point. He could only stand at attention, holding the microphone in his hand and replied to Vatutin.

"Understood, Comrade Commander. The leader division will always be ready for battle and wait for orders from superiors to go to the front line to join the battle!"

The phone call ends here. Vatutin, who is extremely busy, still has a lot of things to deal with. He has no time to continue talking to Malashenko, who is eager to go to the front line to defeat Germany.

Feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart, Malashenko put down the phone and walked around the division headquarters camp twice.

I was thinking about going down to see the training situation of the troops, but before Malashenko could take action and take a step forward, Comrade Political Commissar and Chief of Staff, who had just returned from a regular meeting at the front army headquarters, had already taken a step forward. Door.

"I have something to tell you, comrade division commander. If there's nothing urgent, sit down and finish the conversation first."


Obviously, the political commissar who just entered the door could see at a glance that Malashenko was planning to leave, so he said this.

Malashenko, who really had nothing important to do, gave up the idea of ​​going down for a walk now when he heard this, and instead followed the steps of the political commissar to the war zone map hanging on the shelf.

"There is a new situation. The frontline is not fighting well right now. Many troops have been blocked from attacking and have encountered a lot of trouble."

"Here, in this position, east of Warsaw, along the Vistula River. The 1st Belorussian Front and the 2nd Belorussian Front have invested their main force here, trying to open a breakthrough from the frontal battlefield and repel the main force of the German army group stationed in Poland, so Once the road to Warsaw is clear, it will be difficult for the enemy to organize any decent counter-assault offensive."

"The problem is that the Red Army somewhat underestimated the strength of its opponents. The strength of the German field clusters entrenched from the east to the northeast of Warsaw is extraordinary. They mobilized a large number of armored units and artillery units. Although they are not as quantitative as the Red Army, they can form a local qualitative advantage. "

"Yes, news of the appearance of multiple German heavy armored units has been confirmed on the battlefield. Only these monsters can form a qualitative advantage over the normal Red Army tank units. This is a heavy weight for them to dare to carry out counter-assault operations."

"At present, the total number of enemy troops whose numbers have been identified alone exceeds 100,000. Counting the local Polish gangs recruited by the Germans and some servant armies, puppet troops and other rubbish, there are also unidentified numbers. A small number of German troops, the superiors estimate that the enemy field group entrenched on the front from east to northeast of Warsaw should have a total strength of about 150,000, which is quite large. "

Just the 150,000 German soldiers plus the dogs they raised were obviously not enough to fully arouse Malashenko's interest, and Comrade Political Commissar also understood this. But it doesn't matter, because there is one thing that will definitely be of great interest to Malashenko, which has been left to the end.

"You would never imagine the formation of this German field group. It is actually very interesting. You will understand it after you look at this."

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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