Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1987 Resurrection

[Recite the URL silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. 6⃞ 9⃞ s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ c⃞ o⃞ m⃞It’s best to share it on Facebook]

Comrade Political Commissar seemed to be pretending to be mysterious, and Comrade Lao Ma was somewhat puzzled.

He took the folder handed over by Comrade Political Commissar and opened it. His eyes had just fallen on the lines of Malashenko, and his eyes couldn't leave it as if he were possessed by an evil spirit. The words written clearly in black and white on the white paper The first name that bears the brunt is simply "Shocking Old Horse".

"Grand German Division? What are you doing!? Weren't these bastards already wiped out by us? And they were wiped out very cleanly. Why are they popping up again now???"

Yes, Malashenko saw a very familiar name on the list of identified German troops: the Grossdeutschland Panzer Division of the Wehrmacht. Malashenko will never forget this group of bastards who had fought against each other as early as 41 years ago and ended up being destroyed in his own hands.

A group of Germans who had been wiped out now appeared again with the same number. This was what puzzled Malashenko the most.

Is it because you didn't kill all these Germans last time? They mistakenly thought they had been wiped out, but the truth was that something had slipped through the net.

Or is it that the Germans secretly learned some necromancy skills and summoned a group of German sticks who died once back from hell in the form of an army of the undead?

Damn it, the more I think about it, the more nonsense I get! Malashenko, who was eager to understand what was going on, could only look at Comrade Political Commissar, and his intuition told Malashenko that he could get the answer from Comrade Political Commissar.

"Not only are you curious, I was also in disbelief and curious about what was going on when I first learned about this news. The same was true for my comrades in the intelligence field when they first learned about this news, so they conducted in-depth, detailed and complete tracking investigation."

"The result is very surprising. There are many reasons. It can even be said that all kinds of unexpected and coincidences were forced together."

"First of all, the Grossdeutschland Division we annihilated before was indeed incomplete. Reliable enough intelligence confirmed that part of the Grossdeutschland Division, at least a regiment of personnel, was transferred to the rear to receive new equipment and conduct corresponding training. A division is planned to be assigned For the heavy armored troops of the Grossdeutschland Division, there is a new batch of King Tigers waiting for them, and it is just such a coincidence that these bastards escaped annihilation. "


Malashenko's expression was speechless, and he had guessed the worst-case scenario as expected.

But looking at this posture, Comrade Political Commissar probably hasn't finished speaking yet. Malashenko wants to hear what Comrade Political Commissar has to say next.

"In addition, do you still remember one thing that was very confusing at the time? The dead commander of the Grossdeutschland Division was just a colonel."


To be honest, if Comrade Political Commissar had not mentioned this matter, Malashenko would have almost forgotten it.

Thinking about it carefully, after killing the Grossdeutschland Division, Malashenko was indeed puzzled as to why the commander of the Grossdeutschland Division who had died was only a colonel.

The Grossdeutschland Division is not an ordinary force. It is the oldest and most inherited force in the German Wehrmacht, and it is also one of the top forces with the highest combat power.

And there are some situations that are similar to the Leader's Division. For example, the actual strength composition is far higher than that of ordinary troops of the same level, and even more expanded than the elite divisions of the SS. The total strength is basically 20,000 depending on the situation. Fluctuating up and down, this is also the main reason why the Grossdeutschland Division is difficult to deal with ordinary Red Army troops.

A colonel is responsible for commanding and coordinating the command of such a large and elite force with extraordinary combat capabilities? Is this colonel Hitler's brother-in-law or something? The face is so big.

There were indeed doubts, but perhaps it was because the Grossdeutschland Division had been "physically transcended". The premise of "big officials and small officials" was no longer important, so it didn't take long for Malashenko to put this aside. Forgot about it.

After Comrade Political Commissar said this, and now thinking about it, Malashenko suddenly seemed to realize what Comrade Political Commissar was implying, and there were already some uncertain answers in his eyes. He noticed this situation. The political commissar also stopped waiting and chose to continue speaking.

"Hasso von Manteuffel, Lieutenant General of the Wehrmacht, this guy is the real commander of the Grossdeutschland Division."

"Not long before most of the Grossdeutschland Division was annihilated by us, this guy suddenly had a relapse of his old illness and was in unbearable pain. He flew back to the rear and went to the hospital. The dead colonel was just the acting division commander. But the German guy may have stabilized the morale of the military. They kept this secret and claimed that Manteuffel left office on a normal basis. Maybe this guy's condition had deteriorated to the point that he might die in the hospital, but we don't know what disease he had. "

"But anyway, the bastard got over it and got back into the service."

"Although the troops were gone, the Germans relied on the only remaining armored regiment as the foundation, cobbled together a lot of supplementary troops, and rebuilt the Grossdeutschland Division. This Manteuffel continued Be a teacher."

"The troop configuration remains consistent with the original Grossdeutschland Division, and the deployment of organized troops and the replenishment of technical equipment have also reached a very high level. These are supported by sufficient intelligence that has been identified, and they are all here."

"It seems that the Germans not only want to rebuild a powerful force, but also want to rebuild their will and morale. Now the new Greater German Division is just outside Warsaw, relying on the Vistula River to resist Belarus. The forward troops of the 1st Front."

"The 1st Belarusian Front Army is trying to make a breakthrough, but this is not an easy task. The enemy has established a very effective defense line along the river. Taking advantage of the 1st Belarusian Front Army's unsteady foothold, it also launched a counterattack. The 1st Belarusian Front Army overwhelmed the 1st Belarusian Front. The offensive of the forward troops of the First Army has forced them to spend more time reorganizing their forces to attack, and the situation is now very bad. "

Holding the intelligence brought back from the front army headquarters given by the political commissar in his hand, Malashenko kept flipping through it while listening to the situation report from the political commissar. Malashenko raised his eyebrows, and then blurted out ordinary words. .

"So? What are you talking about? We are not the ones fighting these bastards. Reading these things is no better than reading newspapers. We can only stay here and watch the show."

Malashenko’s dissatisfaction was mixed in his words and was extremely obvious. Of course, the political commissar could hear it, and he also knew why Malashenko was dissatisfied. He said it was because “watching others eat meat,” I can’t even drink soup.”

However, Comrade Political Commissar obviously has a way to "treat" Comrade Lao Ma. It would be better to say that the next sentence that followed was specially prepared for this.

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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