Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1988 Destruction starts

[Recite the URL silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

"Then if I told you that the Front Army Headquarters planned to transfer us up to beat up the Grossdeutschland Division, would you believe it?"


Malashenko, who said nothing, just stared at Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, kept staring, and tried to find something wrong in Comrade Comrade Political Commissar's face and expression to see if he was joking with him.

However, Malashenko is destined to be unable to find anything he "wants", because no matter how you look at Comrade Political Commissar's expression, it has nothing to do with "joking". That serious expression is what Malashenko is familiar with. Talking about business status.

"Is this true? I just had a phone call with Comrade Commander before you came in. He didn't mention such a thing to me on the phone. If there was an order, why didn't he tell me?"

Malashenko couldn't understand. Vatutin's tone of voice and the words he said on the phone didn't look like he was planning to send the leadership division to the front line to fight the German sticks. So why could Comrade Comrade Political Commissar say this now? Words come? Is there anything in this that I don’t know or have misunderstood?

He was not surprised by Malashenko's reaction. The political commissar immediately explained the whole story to Malashenko.

"Actually, the Front Army Headquarters is still studying and discussing, but there is a high probability that this matter can be determined. Before I left after the meeting, Comrade Chief of Staff specifically asked me to stay behind and asked me to tell you when I come back to prepare for the expedition immediately. preparation.”

"The enemy field group on the frontal battlefield is very powerful. This does not mean that the Belarusian First Front Army cannot defeat this enemy. With more time, it will definitely win on the frontal battlefield. But what we are pursuing now is a quick victory. We must Do everything possible to eat up the last large-scale enemy force in Poland."

"Once this field group is crushed, the Germans will no longer have large-scale troops available in Poland, and it is only a matter of time before they liberate the entire Poland. But if this group of enemies is let go, they are likely to retreat and replenish themselves and come back again. It is still unknown who will win by then. Intelligence shows that the Germans are still trying to send reinforcements to Poland, and we cannot let them join up. "

"So, if it is for a quick victory, it is necessary to use the leader division. After all, we are the most powerful force among the current reserve groups of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Belarusian front armies, especially the It's up to us to go head-to-head with the German armored groups."

"If nothing else happens, I guess the relevant orders will be issued soon. You just need to be prepared and wait."

After learning about this situation, Malashenko was about to say something, but the unexpected "Say Cao Cao and Cao Cao will be here" followed at this moment.

"Comrade Division Commander, there is an urgent call from the Front Army Headquarters!"


He took the telegram handed over by the communications staff and glanced at the political commissar. He found that the look in their eyes towards each other was like "you know". Malashenko felt that he could already guess what was in the telegram. What exactly is it talking about.

"How? What did the telegram say?"

The telegram was read in the hands of Malashenko. Comrade Comrade Political Commissar just waited aside, perhaps trying to see if his guess was correct. The question soon got a positive answer in Malashenko's words.

"You guessed it, the front army headquarters requires us to dispatch immediately. The mission is to support the front army in the battle, open a breakthrough in the enemy's defense line along the Vistula River, and clear obstacles for the offensive road to Warsaw."

Malashenko had been waiting for so long just for this telegram and the order written on it in black and white.

The troops have been expanded and upgraded to an unprecedented level of strength. Malashenko can't wait to use the German stick on the battlefield to test its power.

What's more important is that the bastards of the Great German Division who were killed by his own hands before were resurrected again, bringing their real division commander with them.

Malashenko likes to fight against such challenging opponents. What's the point of fighting a third-rate German stick force with cats, three dogs and four dogs? No matter how many you kill, it's just a number. Only the elite German soldiers with non-numeric special numbers on their heads are more interesting and more challenging to kill.

If I can destroy you once, I can destroy you a second time!

It doesn’t matter what kind of bullshit you are, whether you are the first or second Grand German Division, just wash your neck and wait for me. If I don’t beat the shit out of you, you will be damned clean!

"What should I say? The task assigned to us by our superiors is to open a breakthrough in the defense line, but I guess you must have other ideas, right?"

Malashenko’s small thoughts cannot be hidden from Comrade Political Commissar. Just by looking at Malashenko’s joyful expression while holding the telegram, Comrade Political Commissar can probably guess what Malashenko is thinking. It would be very difficult for those bastards like the Great German Division to be eliminated again.

Seeing the expression of "expectation" on Comrade Political Commissar's face, Malashenko just shook his head and then smiled and spoke.

"You've already guessed it, why are you asking me?"

"It would be fine if I didn't bump into them. Now that I have bumped into them, those bastards like the Grossdeutschland will be in bad luck."

"If you can eliminate them once in the name of the leader, you can eliminate them a second time. This is not only a combat mission, but also a political mission! Let those fascist fanatics know how little their so-called Greater Germany is in front of Stalin. The ground is fragile and vulnerable. Even if it regroups, it will only be destroyed. The news of victory will surely inspire the entire Red Army. This is the supreme honor and glory that belongs to the leading division."

The strong fighting spirit to destroy the reorganized Grossdeutschland Division again was burning in Malashenko's heart.

That is to say, with this fighting spirit, the leader division, which was already ready and eager to rush to the battlefield, quickly set off for the front line.

For ordinary Red Army troops, the nearly 30 kilometers of cross-country journey that takes a lot of time is not worth mentioning for the leader division that has completed the mechanization of the entire division.

Never delay anything that can be solved with a kick of the accelerator. Malashenko rushed to the battlefield at full speed, standing half-length outside the turret of a huge IS7 heavy tank, surrounded by a group of IS6 heavy tanks from the guard tank company. , and further away, a large group of tanks from the 1st Heavy Combined Brigade under Kurbalov's command were swarming.

The scene of hundreds of heavy tanks forming a mighty swarm, galloping across the grassland in the flying dust, could even shake the ground beneath their feet.

This majestic force obeys his command and will once again completely crush the most glorious troops of the National Defense Forces. Malashenko firmly believes in this and is convinced that he and the entire leadership division are fully capable of doing it.

The time of destruction is coming

??Brothers, I will update this temporarily today, and I will make up for it with another update tomorrow. I am not in the right state today. My eyes are sore and my head hurts. It is probably caused by my recent irregular work and rest schedule. I would like to tell everyone here.



[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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