Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1991 Mechanical Storm (Part 2)

[Recite the URL silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

At least some of the German troops on the position reacted in time, picked up the weapons they could find nearby and entered the fighting position, preparing to resist the Russian armored forces that were already charging forward with great momentum.

But soon, some sharp-eyed German soldiers discovered something was wrong with the situation, and words of disbelief or sudden doubts were heard everywhere.

"What the hell! Did the Russians just send tanks? Where are their infantry? Why is there no one outside the tanks?"

"Shut up! Stop talking nonsense and load the shells quickly. If the Russian tanks come up, you will die too! Hurry!"

"Where should the machine gun fire? You can't even see a single Russian infantryman. Are you going to fire a tank?"

When you are used to seeing a bunch of people hanging outside an enemy tank rushing toward your position, and you see this scene happening for the fourth year since the war started, it is hard not to wonder about the enemy tank troops. What's the reason why no one suddenly rushed up to me without even thinking about it?

However, the current reality obviously does not leave the German troops on the battlefield with much time to think.

Compared with the disappearing infantry, the Russian heavy tanks roaring violently at the front were obviously more visually impactful and oppressive.

No one will doubt what will happen if this thing gets in their face. Everyone knows how difficult the Russian heavy tanks are to deal with. (Education) Especially when the Russian heavy tanks are so densely packed that it is almost impossible to count them at a glance, the strong oppression and deep despair that come crashing down on us cannot be shaken off. Even more inescapable.

Malashenko did not intend to get too entangled with the Germans and waste time. The Katyusha cluster had already plowed through the German positions and the frontier areas of the German positions that might be mined. The current path of attack is unobstructed and without any invisible dangers. Concentrating superior forces to penetrate the German defense in one go is exactly what Malashenko wants.

The enclosed space, illuminated only by a small yellow light on the roof, was dark and depressing. Alsim, who was quite tall, could not even sit up straight in this kind of space, so he could only hold the barrel of the AK in his right hand as a walking stick. He leaned on it and pressed the butt of the gun against the floor to stabilize his hunched body forward, so as not to fall into the car due to the swaying left and right caused by the undulating terrain.

Of course, Alsim was not alone in the car. To his left were half a squad of soldiers sitting side by side with him. On the opposite side of the car, on the other side of the car, another half of the soldiers were sitting face to face on a simple folding seat. Class warrior.

Everyone is wearing steel plate body armor, fully armed and ready to go. Sitting in this car with full equipment and weapons seems a bit crowded, and even thinking about picking up a gun to check the weapon one last time in such an environment is a little bit... Effortless.

If you don't pay attention to your elbow or the thing in your hand, you will bump into or poke your comrades next to you. This shows how crowded the stuffed gourd truck that filled the whole class is.

"Comrade company commander, this thing is so good! We finally don't have to pick up tanks. We are surrounded by armor to protect us. The German machine gun bullets can only make a sound when they hit us!"

Ding ding, ding, ding, ding, crackle——

"Look! Here you go, the German guy is doing useless work again, haha!"

call out--


The sound of this shot was obviously different. The screams that broke through the air and the scattered explosions were obviously cannonballs instead of bullets. Alsim, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke at this time.

"Don't think of this armor protection as invincible. It's just a modified medium tank. It can't stop the heavy anti-tank firepower of the Germans! We are infantry. We always remember to rely on our own hands and feet, as well as the weapons in our hands. Good equipment can only help us, but it cannot directly lead to victory. Remember, you have to rely on yourself!”

Alsim, who has never read a book, is a rough man. He can't say nice things, let alone beat around the bush. He will only tell the comrades and subordinates around him what he thinks is correct battlefield experience in the most straightforward and simple way. warriors, as always.

Including the squad leader who was joking and praising the equipment, all the soldiers in the guard squad who were accompanying Alsim stopped joking and looked serious.

Past combat experience always tells them that when the company commander and comrade become serious, that is when you really need to concentrate and concentrate. Otherwise, you may not even know how you lost your life.

Alsim, who was trapped in the enclosed space in the car, was unable to perceive the outside world and didn't know what the current battlefield was like.

The only way he could see outside was a small opening on the upper edge of the armor on the side of the bulkhead behind him. This was a shooting observation hole for the infantry in the vehicle when they stretched out the muzzle of their gun.

The reason why Alsim doesn't want to observe the outside situation from this position is simple, because the outside scenery that can be seen from this "slit" is really limited. To be honest, he can use it as a field of view to fire accurately through the shooting hole. It's quite difficult. Alsim, who is not a tank soldier, still needs some time to adapt to this narrow field of vision.

But at the moment, there is no other way to observe the external situation, only this crack can be used.

Alsim wanted to turn around to see what was going on outside and how long it would take to get out of the car. Before he could take action and turn around, he heard the roar of machine gun fire from the fighting room in front of him. , continuously.

Dong dong dong dong——

The rate of fire of the 25mm main gun with a theoretical rate of fire of 200 rounds per minute is not low. Coupled with the well-designed double magazine supply, the firepower continuity of this thing is very guaranteed. The sound of continuous firing at close range sounds like, It's like there is someone beside you who is beating a drum continuously.

"Comrade Captain, five hundred meters away, be prepared!"

The commander in the turret, who was also serving as a part-time gunner, sent the final signal. Alsim, who no longer needed to know the external situation through the crack, raised his hand to receive the signal, then pulled the bolt of the gun and assaulted the gun in his hand. The rifle's fully loaded magazine was loaded into the chamber.

"I heard you all, get ready to fight!"

Swish, swish, swish——

The sounds of bullets being loaded and weapons being prepared echoed throughout the infantry cabin for a while. The continuous sound of the main gun firing seemed to have never stopped. The huge shell casings that had fallen into the collection box just below the breech had been stacked. After reaching a certain number, the commander's majestic and rough roar sounded again.

"Get out of the car! Comrade Captain, now!"

Alsim, who was sitting at the back of the car closest to the door, heard this and immediately pulled down the door bolt in his hand, and at the same time used his right foot to push it outward.

It was as if the fleeting sunlight outside the car was more dazzling than the first ray of sunlight that broke through the endless night. However, Alsim, who had long been accustomed to this feeling during the week-long training, did not feel any discomfort and knew better. What do you need to do next?

The machine gun of the IS6 heavy tank not far ahead was fully opened, and the main gun roared. The shock wave that aroused at the muzzle raised large amounts of dust and dispersed in the air. There were more decelerating infantry tanks around the rear doors. It opened wide, and heavily armed combat engineers poured out one after another.

Looking not far ahead, one could even clearly see the expressions on the faces of those terrified German soldiers.

Alsim, who was already so close, kicked the car door back and closed it again after the last soldier on his side got out of the car. He immediately raised his arms and shouted loudly against the rear of the car.

"Comrades, charge for victory!"

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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