Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1992 Death Storm

[Recite the URL silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

"Russians! Lots of Russians! A bunch of Russians got out of the car and they were everywhere!"

"Then fire everywhere, idiot! Fire quickly!"

"Shoot, shoot! Shoot quickly!!!"

Originally it looked like a group of bare tanks, with not a single infantryman to be seen, and there were even some German soldiers secretly chuckling. The Russians are probably crazy to think that they can capture positions with tanks alone and dare to charge forward without infantry. This will make the battle much easier to fight. Tanks without infantry cover are just a bunch of half-blind people. Just a turtle shell.

Even the experienced and battle-hardened German veterans couldn't understand it. After searching through all the past combat experiences, they still couldn't figure out where the Russians were playing this game. Although I am worried about the Russians' deception and remain vigilant, I really don't know what the twists and turns are, and I have no idea what kind of medicine the enemy is selling in the gourd.

As for guessing in advance that so many people could get out of the Russian tank, I'm sorry, but not a single German soldier on the position could have guessed it. That thing clearly looks like the Russian's cutting-edge medium tank. Damn it, you can't believe that so many people can suddenly get out of it.

"Move forward! Follow the advancing tanks and tanks, everyone! Keep the formation and cover our big guys!"

There are still only a few tens of meters away from the starting point of rushing to the German position on foot. The combat engineers who are following closely behind their own infantry fighting vehicles and tanks have already begun to use the light weapons in their hands to move under the cover of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. Shoot the gun and move forward while firing.

The German army, which was under huge pressure from anti-armor operations, not only accelerated the development of new tanks, but even basic infantry anti-tank weapons were greatly affected and came out ahead of schedule.

The updated Tekken 100 has a higher effective range. Although its power is the same as that of the previous Tekken 60, it is indeed more threatening.

The thick-skinned IS6 heavy tank is not afraid of this thing, but this does not mean that the BMP43, which is modified based on the T43 body and chassis, can also ignore it.

The BMP43's protective performance is exactly the same as that of a batch of early T43s, and its survivability is not very strong, especially in this timeline that has been tampered with beyond recognition and the German anti-tank weapons have become more versatile and more powerful. It can defeat the T43. There are too many German weapons of different levels for frontal defense, and the Tekken 100 is just one of them.

The remaining anti-tank guns on the position are also a big threat that cannot be ignored. The primary goal of the combat engineers who are advancing closely behind their own armored vehicles is to kill those German anti-tank infantry who dare to target their own big guys.

"The infantry fighting vehicles are suppressing the anti-tank guns, giving priority to killing the Germans' iron fists, and focusing their fire on these bastards! Maximum firepower!"

Malashenko is right. The 25mm machine gun based on the 72K anti-aircraft gun is indeed an excellent weapon. Although this thing is not equipped with a main gun stabilizer, it is better than the theoretical rate of fire of 200 rounds per minute and the uninterrupted firepower output of dual magazines.

As long as the ammunition in the car is not exhausted, the gun barrel is not overheated, and the hand speed and strength of the loader can keep up, then this small 25mm cannon can keep firing. No matter how poor the accuracy of firing while moving is, the bunker next to the remaining German anti-tank guns is still filled with dust and ricocheting sounds. It is simply scarier than the sound of a ghost knocking on the door in the middle of the night.

"The Russians have a continuous-firing main gun! That medium tank is equipped with a small-caliber machine gun. They are focusing fire on us! Leave quickly!"

"Don't retreat, stick to your position! Load and aim your artillery shells."



The bullets whizzed like a ten-pound watermelon that fell from the fifth floor and shattered into pieces. One second, he was waving the Walther pistol in his hand to command the German gunner under his command. The next second, he was hit by a bullet in the face. The 25mm high-explosive projectile hit him squarely in the head.

The 25mm main gun, which was temporarily launched in a hurry, did not have the time to design any new ammunition, and all the existing ammunition of the original anti-aircraft gun was used. This in itself is a helpless move to save time due to time constraints, but this may produce some unexpected effects in certain circumstances, such as now.

What was loaded into the gun barrel of the infantry fighting vehicle and was firing was a set of tracer high-explosive magazines for anti-aircraft use. The one that hit the German gunner's head in the center of the helmet happened to be a 25mm full-caliber tracer high-explosive magazine. bomb.

Well, yes, it is a projectile with a warhead that has a charge, and is specially used to deal with low-altitude aircraft. It relies on the explosion of the charge and the splash of fragments to tear the skin and damage the internal structure and equipment. The theoretical triggering sensitivity of the fuze is only 1 mm steel plate. The specific effect of hitting the aircraft is that it will explode when it touches the skin. Unless the fuze fails, it is absolutely impossible to penetrate.

Of course, this thing can explode when hit on a helmet. The skin of a propeller aircraft these days is not as durable and strong as the helmet on the top of an infantryman's forehead. The 25mm tracer that can be triggered by the aircraft skin is higher than the fuse. Explosive bombs can also be triggered by steel helmets, the reason is that simple.

It's just that if the aircraft is hit by a 25mm tracer high-explosive bomb, if it is not a vital part, the damage will not be fatal and it can still continue to fly. But people are different.

The unlucky German gunner not only had his head completely disappeared, but even the neck and a small part of his upper body that was holding his head were completely blown away.

The remaining three-quarters of the body immediately fell apart as soon as it fell to the ground. The two arms fell directly from the body and were thrown to the left and right. The broken collarbone was stained with scarlet minced white flesh. It was like the gravel on a hill that was exposed abruptly and dazzlingly outside the blurry flesh and blood. It looked particularly penetrating.

The dead people could not be saved, and they did not even have time to leave a last word. But what was even more terrible was the few German recruits who had their faces splattered with blood and brains, their heads buzzing, and they were almost pissed by the scene in front of them. Eggs.

"I can't bear it! I can't bear it anymore! Mom, mom, mom, I want to find mom!"

call out--



Perhaps it should be said that this 25mm projectile was not a high-explosive projectile but an armor-piercing projectile, which is a sign of good luck to the Germans. At least the German recruit Danzi, who was already frightened into a panic and went crazy, turned around and ran away regardless of the panic, how he died in the end was relatively Slightly more decent and humane than his gunner.

With his back to the enemy in an escaping posture, he was cut in half by a 25mm armor-piercing bullet, split into two pieces on the spot, and fell to the ground. His upper body, which was not completely dead, was still lingering on the ground like an insect that had been trampled to pieces. Trying to struggle, even though seconds count how long this struggle can last.

What suppressed this German anti-tank gun emplacement was not one infantry fighting vehicle with full firepower, but three of them.

As Malashenko said to Kotin, for any German soft target, the high-rate 25mm cannon is definitely a more deterrent and suppressive weapon than a single large-caliber main gun. There is no doubt about it.

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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