Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1993 Just use it

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Being targeted by a 7mm Deshka is quite troublesome. The German anti-tank gun's gun shield can't stop the armor-piercing projectile of this thing from shooting straight into the face. It can't do anything to the German anti-tank artillery behind the gun shield. protective effect.

And now, the only remaining German anti-tank artillerymen on the position desperately found that they were now targeted by something more terrifying than the Deshka, which was a Russian small-caliber machine gun with a high rate of fire.

Don't get me wrong, this small caliber is only relative to the concept of "cannon".

If you use the standard of "gun", there is no need to explain the concept of 25mm. Being killed by armor-piercing bullets instead of exploding high-explosive bullets is considered "humane destruction".

High-explosive fragments flying in all directions, high-explosive projectiles that may explode under your feet or around you at any time, and who knows whether they will penetrate the artillery shield steel plate without any suspense in the next second, killing the unlucky comrades hiding behind or themselves. A terrifying armor-piercing bullet that tore the entire person into two pieces.

As long as the Russian machine guns were still firing, the German anti-tank artillery felt like they were falling into an abyss.

Originally, there were very few anti-tank guns left after being covered by a wave of heavy artillery fire, but now they are being focused on by such a group of small-caliber machine guns. The German anti-tank artillerymen who struggled to survive in the barrage storm sadly discovered that the current situation, whether they continue to fight or escape, seems to be the same as seeking death.

The difference is that if you hold your head low and hide, you may survive longer, but if you turn around and run away, you may have less than a 1% chance of survival. And if you dare to load cannons and fire at those steel monsters, then I'm sorry, no matter whether you can kill the target or not, this will make you die faster without any suspense, and you will definitely die without even running away. There won't be another chance like that.

You have to walk your own path, and the choice you make is the right of those German anti-tank artillerymen who are struggling in despair. Others have no right to interfere. Anyway, there are indeed many corpses who were blocked or directly blown into a puddle of flesh. It’s just everywhere.

"Follow me in a row! Charge, Ulla!!!"

The final charge was so close that most of the remaining light and heavy firepower points on the German position were indiscriminately suppressed by our own tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, almost to the point of being completely mute.

Seeing that the time had come, Alsim dodged and rushed out. Taking the lead with the AK with the bayonet in his hand, he jumped into the German trench in front of him.



As soon as he landed, his feet felt weak. Alsim, who was extremely vigilant, lowered his head and moved the muzzle of the gun to his feet. At a glance, he saw a wounded German soldier with half an arm left under his feet. , the bastard’s other intact hand actually wanted to pick up the pistol that fell not far ahead.

Seeing this, Alsim said nothing, raised his gun, pointed it at the back of the German's neck, and stabbed him hard.

The white knife went in and the red knife came out, and the sharp bayonet blade pierced out from the Adam's apple, killing the wounded German soldier instantly with a splash of blood.

As soon as he pulled out his gun, several soldiers from the guard squad jumped into the trench and came to their comrade's company commander's side.

After looking around and confirming the terrain, Alsim pointed forward like a knife, and blurted out the command that was on his lips.

"Trenches ahead, alternate cover and move forward, get on!"

Not only Alsim's company of combat engineers, but also the other two companies of combat engineers who rushed up on infantry fighting vehicles, all opened up the situation at this moment, poured into the trenches, and started their best skills. Good show: close combat with the Germans.

In the first wave of charges, the entire combat engineer battalion was invested in order to maximize the suddenness and enhanced power of the new equipment. The most elite infantry and the latest combined equipment were used to catch the Germans by surprise, striving to be the first wave The assault was to capture the Germans' first line of defense and achieve victory.

This is the combat plan advocated by Colonel Kurbalov, the commander of the 1st Heavy Combined Brigade. Of course, it was also reported to the division commander Comrade Malashenko and approved.

This is indeed very risky. If the equipment does not work as expected, the entire combat engineer battalion may be involved and suffer heavy losses. This is an absolutely golden army with only two battalions in the entire division, one in each brigade, and we really can't afford to lose it.

However, Malashenko, who had detailed and in-depth exchanges with Kotin at the rear and knew the power of the combination of infantry fighting vehicles and elite infantry, had high hopes for the BMP43, a new gadget that was participating in actual combat for the first time. Almost without blinking, he directly approved Kurbalov's battle plan that even the political commissar hesitated after seeing it.

"I know what you want to say, but I'm not crazy. The German guy will be beaten to shit by Kulbalov. I have no doubt about it. Just wait and see."

Malashenko, who was holding the commander's periscope and looking at the Western scene in his car, certainly still remembered what he said to his political commissar comrades.

You have your say, and my brother never goes back on his word.

Just looking at the posture in front of him, not only the German guy's shit was beaten out, but even his shit intestines were almost pulled out by Kulbalov. Being attacked by a wave of mechanized swarms on the face at high speed, they had no time to react before they entered into a close-quarters fight. It was estimated that the German guy was really left with nothing but a confused look on his face.

For the remnants of the German soldiers who had been beaten up and down the battlefield, this was actually only the beginning of a nightmare, far from the end.

Kulbalov, who was completely unyielding in dealing with the Germans, saw that the situation was open and the attack was going smoothly, and then he issued an order to wield his second sword: he had all the tanks in the entire division, except for the monster car of the division commander. The fastest T43 medium tank group is also fully loaded with external infantry.

The first wave of heavy tanks and infantry fighting vehicles swarm charge has opened the offensive path. The German position is currently in a state of chaos and has no time to think about itself. It has no intention to intercept and block the second wave of Soviet troops rushing over.

Relatively speaking, the T43 medium tank cluster, which is thin and bulky but has excellent maneuverability and good firepower, has become one of the best choices for direct fire support tasks and transporting the second batch of infantry.

What? You said that there are heavy tanks and a bunch of infantry fighting vehicles in front of the German position, so what kind of direct fire support is needed?

Come on, how can there ever be enough firepower? As long as there are Germans alive on the position who dare to resist stubbornly, there will still be insufficient firepower. This is what Comrade Division Commander said personally at the division mobilization meeting, and Kulbalov is convinced of this.

However, what Malashenko did not tell Kulbalov was that it was actually a pity to use medium tanks for this job, but there are no big eight-wheelers with faster speed and stronger firepower these days. Since the equipment conditions are limited, medium tanks will make do. Anyway, medium tanks with the equipment standard of the Leader Division are only suitable for this job.

Otherwise, what's going on? Medium tanks instead of heavy tanks at the front for the first wave of charge? If you really do this, it's not putting the cart before the horse, it's just being out of your mind.

But just when Kulbalov gave the order, not long after the second wave of attacking troops stepped on the accelerator and rushed out in the flying dust, an unexpected situation suddenly happened at this moment, whether it was Malashenko or The urgent call could be heard on the radio of Kulbalov's command vehicle.

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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