Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1995 I, Malashenko, have received strict training

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"This is our only chance. The armored force is our only remaining hope. No matter how heavy the casualties are, we must defeat the Russian blocking force and force the Russian assault group to retreat, otherwise everything will be over."

The situation has become very obvious, and victory or defeat depends on this.

Winning this approaching assault versus assault armored encounter has become the only hope for the Grossdeutschland Division to avoid being crippled or even completely annihilated in this battle.

Yes, who could have expected that the war situation would develop so quickly and deteriorate dramatically.

A few hours ago, the Grossdeutschland Division was victoriously chasing behind the two brigades of enemies. They pursued and attacked forward for nearly 20 kilometers before stopping, retreating to their starting position, and continuing to consolidate their defenses and wait for the attack. The next wave of enemy troops is coming.

Unexpectedly, just a few hours later, the Grossdeutschland Division had just fought with the new enemy for less than half an hour, and it was already in a situation where it was necessary to bet on a "crucial battle" to determine life and death.

As for completely defeating the enemy in person, causing heavy damage to them or even annihilating them.

Not only Manteuffel, but no one in the entire Grossdeutschland Division dared to think that it was just that no one could realize this. They realized that the Grossdeutschland Division, which was originally eager to win, in just half an hour, He was beaten into this "road of survival" appearance.

The armored units attached to the Grossdeutschland Division had no way to support the defense of the position. The Soviet tank group that rushed towards them like wild beasts seemed to be about to ride on their faces and they had to fight.

To support defensive battles now is tantamount to risking death by exposing weaknesses to the enemy.

If you want to support the defensive battle, you must first defeat the powerful enemy in front of you. This is no choice.

"Is this a bunch of resurrected garbage? The No. 4 in the front, the Tiger in the middle, and wait, there's also the old Panther I? Where did the Germans collect so many rare rags and put them together? Their waste recycling Factory?”

Iushkin, holding an independent wide-angle periscope in his hand, marveled at the "hodgepodge of garbage" of the Germans. It was really rare to put together so many rare and broken vehicles to form an integrated armored force, at least that's what Iushkin thought. .

Malashenko, who was not surprised at all by this, knew very well that the Germans' rear military industry was now in a state of disrepair.

The US imperialists and their leader's bombers aimed at the industrial area and bombed them indiscriminately all day long, and were also forced by the brutal Eastern Front armored confrontation to create various steel monsters that were constantly escalating. If the Germans' military industry can still maintain production capacity like this, it will be damned. A hodgepodge armored force with various tanks patched together is the normal situation.

What's more, the Second Great German Division was just a hastily formed new unit.

Just look at the name on the top of your head. If you really take it seriously, just ignore it.

From the beginning to the end, Malashenko did not think that the second generation of the Great German Division would be more difficult to deal with than the first generation. After all, the longer the war drags on, the stronger the Germans will become, whether it is the overall equipment situation or the quality of the soldiers.

Of course, this also means that this already unsuspicious armor-on-armor encounter will be easier to deal with than expected.

Driving an IS7 Hammer IV?


Sorry, although this is a battlefield, Comrade Lao Ma really can't hold it back.

Mr. Degun, I am a major general of the Soviet tank force, a two-time winner of the Hero of the Soviet Union, and a well-known tank hero in my motherland. I, Malashenko, have received strict training. No matter how funny it is, I will not laugh unless I can't help it.

"Attention, all crews, target the Germans at the front first. They can't penetrate our armor. Don't let them rush towards us. Get ready to shoot from the combat position! Load armor-piercing shells!"

When the main armor is immune to the opponent's attacks, of course it is more advantageous to keep a distance from the opponent and use heavy firepower to bully others, just like the situation Malashenko is facing now.

The German tanks did start to stop and fire at a longer distance. This was the advantage of the Germans who were accustomed to high-precision, high-magnification fishing-rod main guns. The Soviet tanks actually withstood the enemy's armor-piercing projectiles and rushed into the normal combat range that they were sure of before starting to stop and take fighting positions and open fire.

Anyway, the German's broken cannon only made a sound when it was fired. It was just a casual matter to carry two rounds. It didn't matter if it was carried forward for a certain distance.

On the contrary, when the Soviet tank group opened fire, the German armored soldiers on the opposite side were like passers-by standing on the beach looking at the sea. They were slapped hard by the huge waves and felt immediately miserable. got up.

Boom boom boom——


Violent tank explosions occurred one after another, and the 122 mm full-caliber armor-piercing projectile with an unreasonable amount of charge in the projectile warhead had devastating effects, especially against the small and crowded No. 4 at the front. As far as cars are concerned, they are absolutely guaranteed to be worn if hit, and will explode if hit. It is difficult to turn a zombie car into a zombie car without even leaving a complete corpse.

Armor fragments, vehicle body parts, lifted road wheels, and the turret that shot straight into the sky like a rocket were blown everywhere. The dozens of No. 4 vehicles that rushed to the front as the vanguard were brutally torn apart by five horses as soon as the first wave hit them.

The test firing was ineffective, and the shells could only make a sound when fired. The Russian guy on the opposite side did not step on the accelerator like a fool and attack with his face. Instead, he chose to stop in a disgusting position to keep his distance, and started opening cans on the spot. game.

The German armored forces were forced to a dead end and had no choice. Instead of continuing to fight each other to death, they might as well do something meaningful and risk their lives. This battle that must be won has no retreat and no longer exists. As soon as he retreated, the result was that he continued to press the accelerator and charge as Malashenko expected.

"Very good. If you want to die in a hurry, I will make it happen. Remember not to be a dog to Fasis in your next life."

"Every vehicle crew of the security company stopped and aimed at the German cans and hit me!"

"Iushkin! Aim at the German cars you can see rushing ahead and send them to the sky! Fire at will!"

Not only Malashenko's command vehicle No. 177, but all the IS6 heavy tanks of the entire guard company that were closely united around the division commander stopped. One by one, they all began to turn their turrets to join in this can-opening competition. A feast of killing.

The 130 mm full-caliber armor-piercing projectile loaded into the chamber in advance is ready to go. Iushkin, who has been waiting for this moment for a long time, is already itching. He is the first German soldier to be lucky enough to die under the muzzle of the 130 mm cannon. The car crew is about to be born.

“Accept the warm greetings of communism, fascist bastard!”

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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