Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1996 7.5 seconds

[Recite the URL silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

The German armored soldiers on the opposite side had no idea what kind of terrifying super steel behemoth was hidden among the perverted enemies they were facing.

In the eyes of the German armored soldiers on the opposite side, the IS6, a fast-running super iron turtle, is already a headache. With its super firepower, medium-tank-level mobility, and an unbreakable thick armor, just imagine. What kind of heavy tank can be stronger than this thing?

Maybe this thing really exists, but at least it is unimaginable among the German armored forces, and this is indeed the case in implementation.

So when Iushkin pulled the trigger of the main gun, and the astonishing 130mm cannon with its long and large caliber sprayed out scorching flames, the Panther A on the opposite side, which was about to be sent to the west, responded to this He knew absolutely nothing about it, so naturally there was no need to talk about evasive maneuvers or avoiding artillery lines.



The full-caliber armor-piercing projectile hit the armor plate on the front of the vehicle firmly, instantly emitting hot and dazzling sparks. The harsh and violent sound of metal friction echoed in the surrounding air like fingernails scratching across a blackboard.

The full-caliber hooded armor-piercing projectile with a caliber up to 130 mm was like a red-hot razor piercing a cream cake. It easily broke through the Panther A without any suspense. Even the 122-gun can easily take down the first bullet. Put on the armor, then continue forward and pour into it.

The 130mm ultra-large-caliber armor-piercing projectile, whether in terms of muzzle velocity, armor-piercing depth, or warhead charge, all stably outperforms the 122 gun or even far exceeds it.

It is difficult to survive under the muzzle of the 122 gun. It is not difficult to predict what will happen if a 130mm armor-piercing bullet hits the bullseye and hits a strong Panther A.

The explosion of fire that shot straight into the sky instantly blew away the turret and rose into the air. The flames burst out like a crater eruption and shot straight into the sky.

The powerful warhead charge exploded and exploded the ammunition rack and fuel tank in an instant, and the power of the three chain explosions within the same second was truly astonishing.

The final result was that not only the head of the unlucky Black Panther A was blown off, but even the body and chassis with a big hole in the front armor were blown to pieces, turning it into a blazing fire leak. Smoke coffin.

Armor fragments and parts that had been shattered by the powerful explosion were scattered all over the ground and could be seen everywhere. The turret, which had been blackened by smoke, also fell upside down on the ground with its mouth wide open. As for the five German armored soldiers in the car, no one knows what form and where they are at this moment. After all, this is the true meaning of "complete obliteration, leaving no trace of struggle."

"Done! Those 30 cannon shots were not in vain. The ballistic performance of this thing is better than the D30T. It's easier to hit the German's broken car than to open a can! Haha!"

Iushkin’s one-week new vehicle training was indeed not in vain. A total of 30 rounds of the 130mm IS7 exclusive artillery shells, which were already small in number, were used in the training.

If Malashenko hadn't stopped him, just stop there. If the fight continues, the only batch of special artillery shells brought with the vehicle will probably not be enough. By then, you will have no place to replenish them. On the training ground Iushkin, who was hit on the head, might have consumed more.

However, there is one thing to say, the main gun training of this new car is indeed not in vain.

The final result of 30 rounds of artillery shells was that Iushkin, who was already experienced and could be called the "first gunner of the leadership division" by Lavrinenko, had completely mastered the S70 IS7 prototype. 54 times the performance of the 130mm main gun.

It was the first time I drove this thing on the battlefield and the first time I encountered the enemy, I was able to hit the first target and hit the bullseye. Iushkin, who was smiling clearly, was quite satisfied with the result. He was on the other side next to the breech. Malashenko, who was sitting side by side with Iushkin, also had an imperceptible curve at the corner of his mouth.

"Very good, keep loading! Armor-piercing bullets, quick!"

Loading IS7 shells is a relatively troublesome process. Although the process is troublesome, it does not mean that the speed is slow, but the process is indeed not as simple as manual loading and delivery.

"Load the warhead, quickly!"

Artyom, who was standing behind Iushkin, loudly reminded the new loader to work quickly, and the strong man with thick arms and legs standing directly opposite Artyom was unequivocal.

The hand wheel of the ammunition belt that had been held tightly in his hand and was on standby was turned very fast. With the help of electric power, the nearest 130 mm full-caliber armor-piercing projectile was quickly sent up with a "ding" sound. Rails, ready.

Sooner or later, at the same time that the projectile fell and was sent to the loading slide at the rear of the breech block, Artyom, who was also holding the ammunition belt handwheel waiting for loading, began to rotate rapidly at the same time.

The propellant cartridges located on the lower ammunition transport belt were sent to the designated position as quickly as possible, with the 130mm full-caliber armor-piercing projectiles already in place on their heads, ready, just waiting for the final loading process.

The loading machine slide rail, which has completed the mission of feeding ammunition, immediately rises after the huge and heavy propellant cartridge is sent to the breech block to be loaded. Physical contact of the slide rails requires no human hands.

Taking advantage of the gap when the slide rail was raised, he bent down and picked up the T-shaped push rod that was stuck at his feet, and held it tightly in his hand.

Artyom, who had practiced reloading hundreds of times using model ammunition during the week-long training, had already memorized all the movement standards. His familiar and precise and fast reloading movements were the best proof.

"Prepare, send!"

Holding the left and right sides of the T-shaped push rod with one hand respectively, they exerted force at the same time and pushed forward fiercely with a loud slogan.



The propellant barrel was loaded with heavy 130mm full-caliber armor-piercing projectiles and was instantly sent into the gun bore amidst the abnormal sound of metal friction.

He held the breech block closing lever with one hand and jerked it upwards. There was a dull sound of the breech block closing, followed by Artyom's loud voice.

"Loading completed!"

7 and a half seconds, only 7 and a half seconds!

This speed is half a second faster than the best time in training! Well done!

While Artyom and the new loader were working together to load, Malashenko, who had been sitting in his commander's seat, was also not idle.

He was not cheering for the two loaders, but he was staring at the precision mechanical watch on his wrist that he had earlier removed from the corpse of a certain German general, wanting to see the first shot with the assistance of the semi-automatic loader. How long does it take to reload in combat?

And when the final results were officially released, it was obvious that the reloading time of 7 and a half seconds was indeed better than what Comrade Ma had expected in advance.

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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