Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1997 My dear Comrade Iushkin

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The formation of the Germans queuing up to die was quite dense. It was so dense that Iushkin hardly needed to adjust the shooting range from left to right or turn the turret vigorously. He only needed to hold the PS game console handle in his hand, ah no, it was. The gunner's fire control handle can be easily aimed by tilting the gunner's fire control handle slightly to the right.

At least in terms of operational precision, this new type of fire control handle is really better than the original steering gear and height control handwheel. It saves time and effort and is extremely convenient. Iushkin swore that he almost loved this design. Translated in native Chinese, what Iushkin wanted to say the most was probably "I thank him for his eight generations of ancestors"!

Don't get me wrong, this is not a curse, I just want to express how excited I am, nothing more.

When Artyom shouted "Loading completed", Iushkin, who was holding the latest gunner's fire control system, had already completed aiming. Simply put, when the breech closed, it was the time for the German to return to the west.

"It's you, try this! Fashis!"


At least subconsciously, Iushkin did look down on the German No. 4. The big brother felt that using a 130mm large tube to fight this thing was indeed a waste of firepower, and it was very serious.

Since the comrade commander said that he could fire at will and completely delegated the right to choose the target to himself, then according to the comrade commander's words, he would choose the Fasis car that he liked and beat him hard.

But this time, the target that Iushkin targeted was even more advanced than the last Panther A whose head was blown off. It was a Panther II that was one of the few in the entire German armored group.

In fact, among the group of German medium-sized tanks rushing at the front, probably only the best vehicles like Panther 2 could catch Iushkin's eyes. He felt that the 130mm full-caliber armor-piercing bullet hit it. Able to recover capital and make steady profits without losing money.

As for whether this shot could penetrate, to be honest, Iushkin was so excited that he really didn't think about it.

However, whether it is considered or not, the inevitable result is inevitable and will not be affected by human subjective willpower.

The huge 130 mm full-caliber projectile has substantially surpassed the quality of the 122 Heirloom main gun. The improvement in armor-piercing power is one of the concrete manifestations.

It’s true that the 122 gun can’t hit the front of your Panther II’s hull, but that doesn’t mean that the 130 gun can’t attack it either.

The armor configuration is exactly the same as that of the previous generation Panther 1. The only difference is the physical thickness of the Panther 2. In the end, it is inevitable that the Panther 2 will follow in the footsteps of its predecessor, just like the unlucky German armored vehicle just now. The cannon was sent to the sky, destroying not even a scrap.

The turret, armor fragments, vehicle equipment parts, the wreckage of the road wheel that was broken into two pieces, almost everything that could be blown away by the explosion had flown away from the tank and fell to the side of the twisted and deformed wreckage at various distances. .

Even the entire breech block connected to the gun barrel was violently exploded and flew out of the turret. Like a telegraph pole, it was pushed diagonally into the soil by the huge impact force, and was buried three-thirds of the time, leaving it hanging. The dark gun barrel with half of the severely deformed breech block was still stuck on the ground.

"Oh, this is so damn good! No fascist can withstand the power of the Red Navy's guns, no!"

Iushkin's old habit has returned. As soon as the battle begins, he will talk nonsense. When he is too happy to control himself, he will express what he is thinking and say whatever he wants without reservation.

Malashenko has long been used to Iushkin like this.

In fact, it doesn't matter, as long as the battle can be fought successfully.

Whether you like to talk nonsense or not is your business. You can do whatever you want without affecting the fight. As long as it helps you maintain a fighting state, you can continue talking.

Although not as strong as what Iushkin expressed, in his commander's periscope, he also witnessed the Black Panther's second turret and hull, the whole Malashen being blown into twisted twists and steel fragments. Ke, I still felt a considerable degree of shock, but I just didn't express it.

"Seven hundred meters, this distance must be at least seven hundred meters! Seven hundred meters can stably penetrate the two Black Panthers! Damn, this thing is so damn powerful! I still underestimated the power of this guy before. After all, it is a destroyer Ship gun."

Not only was Malashenko's command vehicle firing fiercely at the German gunmen, but the surrounding IS6s accompanying Malashenko's vehicle and parked farther ahead were also firing at full strength. , used the maximum burst rate of fire, and fired wildly at the approaching German armored group while standing still.

The huge roar of the 122 gun swept through the entire battlefield sky like thunder and storm. The more unique and powerful sound of the 130mm main gun of Malashenko's command vehicle was just a hidden and overshadowed one. It’s just that it’s hard to detect the singularity.

No one on the German crew realized that among the IS6s crawling on the ground opposite, there was actually a single, more terrifying steel monster hidden inside.

Destroyed German tanks exploded one after another, and burning corpses and wreckage were scattered everywhere without the slightest pattern.

In order to break through this assault distance, which must be crossed, otherwise it will only scratch the enemy's skin. The brave and tenacious German armored soldiers paid an unimaginable heavy price.

Most of the Panzer IV tanks at the front were wiped out after just two salvos of fire from the Soviet heavy tank group, leaving only more than twenty hot and smoking steel crematoriums, proving that these German armored soldiers He was once brave enough to die.

The Black Panther troops that followed closely behind them, almost walking side by side, were not much better. Although their number was smaller than that of No. 4 and their position was relatively far back, they seemed to be safer.

But the final result, because of its tall appearance and iconic features that were obviously different from the No. 4, was recognized at a glance by the experienced tank soldiers of the Leader Division with extremely high battlefield recognition ability. Because of its higher comprehensive combat power, As a high-value target worthy of priority treatment, it received "key attention" with a salary of no less than No. 4.

After another round of fire, the German armored group was charging forward despite huge battle damage, but now it was more like a candle in the wind, about to be extinguished.

Among the burning wreckage on the ground and the continuous explosion of tanks, only the German heavy tanks that were forced to hang behind the medium tank troops to support the formation due to their slow speed were left, and the last remaining less than ten Panzer IV and The Black Panther keeps going.

"Is it time for them to surrender?"

I don’t know how, after the third round was ejected from the chamber and blew up another Panther II at a closer distance, while the fourth armor-piercing round was still being loaded, Iushkin paused to talk nonsense. Suddenly, he said this out of nowhere and asked Malashenko.

It was somewhat different from the possible answer that Iushkin expected. Malashenko, who knew better what this armored battle meant, just responded with a sentence that sounded like he had said it and not said it. But slowly and carefully, there is a simple answer with profound meaning.

"Why don't you use the 130mm main gun in your hand to ask the Germans for the answer? They will understand, my dear Comrade Iushkin."

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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