Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1998 Keep loading!

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The Germans will not surrender, or as long as the soul of the Grossdeutschland Division is still there, and Lieutenant General Manteuffel is really the real soul of the Grossdeutschland Division as stated in the intelligence, then Malashenko can Convinced.

This son of a bitch will never give up so easily before he spends his last bargaining chip and chooses to admit defeat in this armored battle that can determine life and death.

Yes, Malashenko is also aware of this.

Once the Germans lose this armored confrontation, all that will be left for the Grossdeutschland II is complete destruction.

Although this destruction is only a matter of time in Malashenko's view, whether the German armored forces are slaughtered to death or killed until the entire army is annihilated, this will have no bearing on the final outcome of the entire battle. Influence.

A man with two legs cannot outrun a tank with two tracks, even if the German armored forces fight to the end to buy time for their own large forces to escape. Malashenko can still kill all the German armored forces, then combine two heavy-duty combined brigades to catch up, and chase down all the remaining Germans who dare to resist until there are no more Germans left, and the fields are littered with corpses, or Until surrender.

So no matter how you choose, the final result will be the same for the Germans. This armored confrontation was a one-sided massacre with no chance of a comeback. The outcome was determined from the very beginning of the battle.

But Malashenko also knows that it is not that simple to get people on the verge of death to voluntarily give up their desire to survive, especially for the Grossdeutschland Division, a special unit whose name means far more than the meaning of the battlefield. Annihilation is not just as simple as losing a division of troops.

This is equivalent to the fact that the morale of the Wehrmacht, which was finally put together with glue, will be shattered mercilessly once again, and the perpetrator is still the same "Stalin" and the "steel butcher" as last time. He said that this is the destruction of the morale of the Wehrmacht. No sexual blow is too much.

"They can't afford to lose, especially here. The Germans will do whatever it takes to survive, Iushkin, and you know what to do."

Having been with Malashenko for so long, especially under the premise that Malashenko consciously trained him to the command level, Iushkin's vision of the overall situation and strategic issues has improved greatly compared to before. It is actually not difficult to understand what Malashenko just said.

"Oh, of course I understand. If you want to die, let them fulfill their wish! Now send them on their way."



"Armor-piercing bullets are good!"

The sound of the cartridge being inserted into the chamber along with the projectile echoed in my ears, and the dull metallic sound of the breech closing instantly came to my mind along with Artyom's loud shouting.

"Death, Fascist's dog!"


Every time the 130mm-caliber Red Navy naval gun roars and fires ashore, it makes a loud noise like a thunderstorm falling from the sky.

The muzzle velocity of up to 930 meters per second is directly catching up with the Chang 88 that the Germans are proud of. The medicine chamber volume is huge and far exceeds that of the 122 heirloom. Not only does it bring this terrible muzzle velocity, but it also gives this 130 giant gun Destructive armor-piercing kinetic energy.

No German medium tank can withstand such devastating armor-piercing power.

Iushkin's superb and outstanding gunnery skills, coupled with the newly upgraded gunner's comprehensive fire control system and the excellent ballistic performance of the 130 naval gun, the final result is that every time the main gun roars, there will inevitably be a A German medium tank was blown to pieces and spiraled into the sky.

This extremely cruel steel strangulation battle is still going on. Iushkin's perverted artillery skills of being able to fire immediately as soon as the shells are loaded, of course, kill the Germans with wreckage all over the ground, one car after another. Che Shengtian passed away. But this also meant that the two loaders standing on the left and right sides of the turret basket had no chance to breathe and could not stop for a moment.



The gun breech jerked backwards at the moment of firing, and the sound of mixed metal collisions as a huge scorching shell was spit out echoed in the ears. This also meant that the two loaders, who had just finished loading the shell and fired it, had to continue working and load again.

But just when Artyom was exhausted and sweating profusely during the rapid burst of reloading, he was completely focused on reloading and could not care about anything else. He turned around again, ready to hold the handwheel of the ammunition belt and pull it from his own body. On this side of the first-level upper ammunition rack, when another armor-piercing projectile was rolled down for loading, an unexpected situation that had not been noticed before came into view.

"It's broken! The first ammunition rack is empty, and all 7 rounds of reserve ammunition are used up!"

Iushkin just wanted to kill for fun. As soon as he finished loading, he opened fire one after another. In exactly one minute, he had taken away seven German tanks.

But a very real and objective problem is that the first ready-to-fire ammunition rack at the rear of the IS7 turret, or the total of 7 rounds of ammunition preloaded in the semi-automatic loader, simply cannot support his squandering and rapid exhaustion.

Hearing what Artyom subconsciously shouted, Iushkin, who was also dumbfounded, suddenly turned back with a stunned expression. All he saw was the empty semi-automatic loader.

"Manual loading, don't worry about it! Load it as fast as you can! Load armor-piercing bullets! Keep going, hurry!"

Among the four people in the turret, it can be said that only Malashenko, who has been counting the number of shots fired, is not surprised by this.

He knows the performance of the IS7 very well and is even more familiar with it than Shashmulin. Of course, Malashenko knows the price of the IS7's extremely fierce burst of firepower output. The subsequent loading work is really the most important thing that kills people. .

"Help me, you carry the projectile up! I'll get the propellant, hurry!"

Artyom, who had quick eyes and quick hands and acted first, was the first to bend down and hugged the 130mm armor-piercing projectile specially placed on the side of the turret basket at his feet for the convenience of loading. He used both hands to hug it with all his strength. In arms.

While using both arms to lift the super heavy object, it also reminded the other new loader to quickly take the thing away. The propellant barrel that is thicker and heavier than the warhead is bound to be It's even more difficult to deal with, so we must hurry up.

"Sokka! Uh-huh, this thing, this Sokka, is too heavy, Britt!"

Already sweating profusely after reloading seven consecutive bursts of speed, Artyom in this state was asked to hug the 130mm cartridge that was thicker than a young woman's thigh.

It’s not an impossible task, but it’s really damn hard!

It was actually holding the young woman's thigh in his arms, ah, bah, it was Artyom who was holding the launcher cartridge, grinning and cursing. The manual reloading after the explosive rate of fire was undoubtedly more difficult than expected.

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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