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Although it was too damn hard to bear, Artyom, who was born as a shipbuilder, did rely on the training of his job to build a super strong physique before he responded to the call and joined the army to protect his family and country.

This is the biggest asset and reason why Artyom can become an elite loader, especially among the Red Army tank soldiers who are rampant with all kinds of terrifying large-caliber tanks.

Artyom, who gritted his teeth with all his strength to fight for this breath, finally held his breath and put the thick and huge propellant barrel on the slide rail by himself, and got it ready.

"Putter! Quick!"

The other loader who first put the projectile into the loading position of the slide rail was not idle. Taking advantage of the gap between Artyom's arms and the launching cartridge and following closely behind to load, he quickly turned around and loaded it. He placed the ejector rod within easy reach and placed it in his hand.

Before Artyom could even finish calling for the ramrod, he had already given the other end of the ramrod to his partner.

"Get ready, go!"



There were bursts of metallic noises coming from the friction between the slide rail and the breech block. The propellant barrel and the projectiles were finally manually pushed into the chamber again. After consuming a longer reloading time than the previous seven firings, it was finally completed. .


"Good armor-piercing bullet! Loading completed!"

Artyom pulled the breech bolt, closed the lever, and shouted. After doing all this, Artyom had another assistant loader, and of course he knew what would happen next.


Covering the left and right sides of the tank cap with both hands, he quickly stepped aside and raised his feet to dodge. The roaring roar of the main gun's firing echoed in his ears again, along with the formation that spewed out shell casings as the breech block retreated. A burst of scorching smoke.

The S70 130mm main gun, which is directly transplanted from the naval gun with slight modifications, does not have such a high-end thing as a barrel smoker. This is destined to mean that this vehicle-mounted naval gun with a large chamber volume will inevitably spray a large amount of fire smoke into the vehicle every time it is fired.

If this is placed in a large enough space, or simply in a semi-open naval gun turret, there will of course be no problem.

But the problem is that the current carrier carrying this gun is not a warship but a tank with a small and enclosed space.

In combat mode, the IS7, with all hatches closed, can only exchange air with the outside world through several small ventilation fans located at different positions in the car body and turret.

Although Shashmulin had already realized that this powerful main gun must be a big smoker when it was originally designed, so he specially added an IS7 ventilation fan and used a stronger drive motor. The operating power is improved, making it more efficient in ventilation work.

But there is one thing to say, this is still just a drop in the bucket compared to the "breech exhaust" that flows crazily into the car at an explosive rate of fire.

"Cough cough cough cough, it's too choking! No, I have to think of a way, if this continues, a whole car of people will faint, cough cough"

Unknowingly, Iushkin, who was already in tears, was waving his hands and complaining loudly. Malashenko, who was also suffering from red eyes, saw that he had no other choice but to He quickly raised his hand and gave an order to Artem standing on the other side.

"Quick, open the top cover! Push the top cover away! Quick! Cough cough cough."

It was not a close-quarters battle, and there were no German infantry approaching. There was really no need to worry about the grenade being thrown into the car along the opened top cover. Malashenko was forced to do this. There is nothing wrong with the last resort.

"I know, let's open it now! Ahem"


Along with the sound of the turret roof being opened outwards, the air quality in the car instantly felt like it was clearing after the rain. It felt much better. The whole person had a feeling of "finally coming back to life". Ushkin inevitably complained.

"There's something wrong with this cannon. The smoke is too big. It's almost life-threatening! I almost choked to death just now, cough."

Iushkin originally thought that Malashenko would agree with his idea, but what was waiting for him from the commander was an unthinking rebuttal on the spot.

"Thank you for saying it! In less than a minute, the first ammunition rack was all used up, a total of seven guns! Do you know the concept of seven guns in one minute? This is a 130 naval gun, not a small water pipe! Use your brain to think about it Do you understand why it is so powerful?”


Iushkin, who just subconsciously said it casually, did realize that he went too far with his nonsense. If you really want to say who takes the blame, then he must definitely take the blame.

In other words, everyone in the car has the right to complain, except himself. It can fire two men as strong as cattle without touching the ground at a fighting rate, and the smoke that cannot be discharged back into the car will be damned if it is not big, but if you are a bit worried, you will know what this problem is. Who is to blame.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense! Keep loading, it's still armor-piercing bullets! Aim at the next target, quick!"

Taking advantage of the ventilation to take a breath, Malashenko quickly led all his crew members back to combat status.

Only when Malashenko's head moved back to the commander's periscope again, and his eyes widened to look at the outside world, did Malashenko realize that after a brief moment of losing sight, the battlefield situation had changed again. The change.

The German heavy tanks that were originally in the rear position were now roaring around the wreckage, or directly running over the parts of the smaller comrade-in-arms tanks.

Not only did these remaining German heavy tanks refuse to surrender, they dared to continue charging to the death!

Okay, if you are looking for death, then don’t blame others! I'll fucking make it happen for you bitches!

The determined Malashenko stared at the target within sight, picked up the radio transmitter at hand and pressed the button. The order he had been holding in his heart for a long time blurted out loudly.

"Change to high-explosive bombs! Aim at the Germans' heavy-duty garbage and focus your fire on me! Blast these fascist bastards back into their mothers' wombs!"

The 122mm heirloom main gun used by IS6 cannot defeat the King Tiger's frontal armor at normal ranges. Even to penetrate the gun mantlet, it can only be achieved by getting close enough to be considered a face-to-face distance and by adjusting the front angle. This is a truth proven by many previous actual combat experiences and rear target shooting tests.

The new discarding sabot armor-piercing projectiles for the 122mm gun are still being developed and improved. The batch that Kotin provided to Malashenko was the only remaining stock of the earlier test projectiles, and they will be useless after they are used up. The ridiculously poor accuracy, which is comparable to that in the era of queuing to shoot, also destined this product to have many problems. In theory, it is a seriously unqualified test bomb and will not be mass-produced.

The new improvement plan is still being demonstrated and improved. Even if the test goes well, it will still take a certain amount of time before mass production. Therefore, the current leader division happens to be in such an embarrassing period that "the only test shells have been consumed, and new batches of shells with better effects have to wait", and there are currently no armor-piercing shells available.

Under such premise, using conventional full-caliber armor-piercing bullets to hit the King Tiger at this distance can only scratch the surface. There is no actual effect except for a sound and scratches on the paint.

Since it is the Germans who charge now, I have the advantage of standing still. I am weak and I am strong.

Then why are you still standing there? Replace with high-explosive bombs!

It’s not like the Tiger King has been killed by 122mm grenades before, and more than once.

If you can do it once, you can do it a second time! Malashenko is now determined to send the "tiger killers" away with grenades of sufficient caliber.

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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