Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2000 Reloading

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Relying on the rough and thick armor, he thought he could be fearless. Even when faced with a cluster of Soviet heavy tanks that had an absolute advantage in numbers, in Malashenko's view, these German heavy tanks were basically just looking for death. He is still moving forward, most likely because he really has no idea what kind of blow he is about to face.

"Load the high-explosive bombs and reload! Quick!"

Not only did he issue an order to replace the IS6 heavy tank group under his command with high-explosive bombs, even if it was his own IS7 prototype carrying a 130 mm large tube, Malashenko still asked for high-explosive bombs to be mounted instead. Continue to load armor-piercing bullets, which surprised Iushkin on the side.

"High-explosive bombs? Why high-explosive bombs? Can't we penetrate their armor?"

The new 130mm main gun gave Iushkin a strong sense of confidence, as if under the terrifying power of this majestic main gun, the armor of any German tank was like paper and could be broken with just one poke.

It was obvious that Comrade Lao Ma did not agree with Iushkin's view, and decided to teach Iushkin a lesson casually.

"That's a King Tiger, not a Black Panther! When an armor-piercing bullet hits it, it's just a small crater a little bigger than a 122-gun armor-piercing bullet. If you don't believe in evil, after this battle is over, you can find the remains of a German King Tiger and try it yourself. I How about giving you two cannonballs?"


Iushkin did not go to Leningrad to pick up the car in person and did not know some detailed and specific test conditions, but Malashenko obviously knew these conditions.

During the factory testing process, the team led by Shashmulin conducted detailed and complete test firing and target shooting tests on the IS7's new main gun, which was transplanted from the Red Navy's 130mm naval gun. One of the shooting targets was from the battlefield. The tiger king was captured after being dragged back.

Although the armor-piercing depth of the 130mm main gun is indeed very powerful, it has basically reached the ceiling of the penetration depth of full-caliber armor-piercing projectiles fired by the tank's main gun. Even if there are stronger main guns capable of firing full-caliber armor-piercing projectiles in the future, the penetration depth will not be much higher than that of the IS7 gun.

But one fact that needs to be understood is that based on the current technical level, the actual upper limit of the penetration depth of full-caliber armor-piercing projectiles is actually quite low. The level that the IS7 main gun can achieve is very close to the limit.

It is precisely because the upper limit of penetration depth of full-caliber armor-piercing projectiles is very low, so Malashenko, who traveled from the future, also understands a very important reality more clearly.

If we talk about the tank's main gun alone, it is tantamount to trying to use a full-caliber armor-piercing projectile to break open the armor on the front of the King Tiger's body at a horizontal angle of incidence.

Although this does not mean that a full-caliber armor-piercing projectile will not be able to penetrate the front of the King Tiger's hull, it must at least be a cruiser-level main gun. At least a destroyer-class main gun cannot penetrate a full-caliber armor-piercing projectile. .

Is the IS7’s gun bad?

Of course it's good, but the penetration power is limited by the full-caliber armor-piercing bullet type whose upper limit is too low.

If you replace IS7 with last-caliber armor-piercing discarding sabots, Malashenko can guarantee that, let alone the front of the King Tiger's hull, you will just pull the Yankee's T95 Big Bastard over, and the battleship's main armor will have a physical thickness of 305 mm. With advanced frontal defense, the IS7 can still give you a hard attack on the front, penetrate it with one shot, and penetrate it from the beginning to the engine.

But at the moment, there are no sub-caliber armor-piercing bullets available. If full-caliber armor-piercing bullets are used, it must accurately hit the front of the moving King Tiger's turret in a mid-range firefight, rather than hitting the front of the vehicle, which is indeed quite difficult.

To be on the safe side, Malashenko decided to use high-explosive bombs to try the effect.

After all, Shashmulin's test report clearly mentioned that "130 mm grenades have a good impact on the frontal armor of the Tiger II heavy tank." This is just a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Practical test.

What's more, the first ammunition rack has been exhausted, and it is very difficult to manually load each shell and must be used with caution. Instead of taking the chance of hitting the front of the turret with an armor-piercing projectile that he knew could not penetrate the bow, Malashenko preferred to use grenades to send the Germans into the sky.

After all, the Tiger King can be blasted by 122 grenade, there is no reason to say that the more powerful 130 grenade cannot be blasted. This makes no sense at all.

The tense and cramped battle will not leave Iushkin much time to think about his reaction. Since Comrade Commander has given the order, he should just follow it.

As for why and those trivial matters, it’s not too late to think about it after the battle is over.

Iushkin has always been so "act first and think twice" and trust Malashenko unconditionally, and of course it is the same this time.

Although the ammunition type has been changed, the 130mm full-caliber high-explosive grenade is still very difficult to load.

As for how difficult it is to load, you can get an idea just by looking at the "ferocious" expression on Artyom's face as he holds the propellant cartridge in his arms and tries to feed it to the slide rail at the rear of the breech block. He wants to complete it completely. The entire loading process will obviously take some time.

Although the rate of fire of Comrade Division Commander's vehicle has dropped sharply, much higher than the extremely fierce burst of 7 rounds per minute just now, the IS6 heavy tanks surrounding Comrade Division Commander's command vehicle still have a rate of fire that has not slowed down. .

Only a few shots had been fired in the constant-speed shooting, and the loading intensity of this warm-up match was far from exhausting the loaders of the leader division who were as strong as cattle.

After all, they are provided with first-class and good food on weekdays. If the meat tube is enough, there is basically no saying that it is "not enough to eat". The elite loaders of the Leader Division under the special treatment are indeed better than the ordinary brother guards. The operators are stronger and more capable of the extremely physical work of loading the 122 main gun sub-loading ammunition.

So it stands to reason that after the comrade division commander issued the order to change the ammunition type, the group of German Tigers on the opposite side who knew nothing about it quickly received the first wave of confused faces.

"Good high-explosive bombs!"



Boom boom boom——

When a large group of IS6 heavy tanks fire one after another or almost at the same time, you can't hear the specific sound of each gun. The only thing you can feel is the continuous thunder-like sound of falling from the sky.

Amidst the bursts of shocking explosions, the faces of the 122 grenade riders were completely smeared. The first echelon Tiger Kings, who were still charging forward with full throttle, were soon collectively blown away and their faces were stunned. , seven meat and eight vegetables.

Being hit in the front by a 122 grenade is not as simple as an armor-piercing bullet hitting without penetrating and letting the sound go.

The huge explosion sounded like the whole world was turned upside down in an instant. People's consciousness was either blackened on the spot, or their souls flew out of the sky as if they had become immortals. In short, they didn't know anything anymore and were immediately disconnected.

When the surviving German armored soldiers who had been blown up so much that they felt like their brains were shaken, slowly regained their consciousness and consciousness in their cars where they didn't know whether they could continue fighting.

The battlefield situation outside the car was obviously very different from a few seconds ago.

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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